Seven Australian Visa options for people that are over the age of 45!

Are you over the age of 45 and considering migrating to Australia?


The Australian visa system offers several options specifically tailored for individuals in your age group. In this article, we will explore seven visa pathways that could open doors to work, live, or reunite with loved ones in Australia. From employer-sponsored visas with relaxed age restrictions to family-related pathways and investment opportunities, there are diverse options to suit your circumstances. Join us as we delve into the details of each visa, highlighting key requirements, concessions, and benefits. Please note that while this information provides a helpful overview, it is crucial to consult with an immigration lawyer or registered migration agent to obtain accurate and up-to-date advice based on your specific situation. Let's embark on this exploration of Australian visa options for individuals over the age of 45 and uncover the possibilities that await you.


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Please check now the 7 Visa option below:


  1.  DAMA Visa.

The Designated Area Migration Agreement, or DAMA, is an employer-ponsored visa program that allows businesses in specific regional areas of Australia to sponsor skilled workers. Unlike other visa programs, the DAMA Visa has relaxed age restrictions, making it an attractive option for individuals over 45 but under 55. If you have can secure a relevant employer in designated regional area, this could be a viable pathway for you.

One of the notable concessions of the DAMA Visa is the relaxation of age restrictions. Unlike many other visa programs, the DAMA Visa can have an age concession for some occupations up until the age of 55.

In addition to age concessions, the DAMA Visa also offers salary concessions. The DAMA allows employers in designated areas to pay a salary that is below the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT) which from 1 July 2023 will be $70,000. This means that employers can offer a slightly lower salary to sponsored individuals compared to other visa categories.

Another advantage of the DAMA Visa is the expanded list of skilled occupations available for sponsorship. The DAMA provides access to additional occupations that are not on the standard list of eligible skilled occupations for other visa programs.

These concessions and benefits make the DAMA Visa an attractive option for individuals over 45 who are looking to migrate to Australia and work in specific regional areas. If you have a job offer in a DAMA-designated area and meet the skill requirements, I highly recommend considering the DAMA Visa as a pathway for your migration.

This script provides an overview of the DAMA Visa and its concessions for individuals over 45. It is important to consult with an immigration lawyer or a registered migration agent to obtain accurate and up-to-date information based on your specific situation.


  1. Global Talent Visa.

The Global Talent Visa is designed for individuals who possess exceptional talent or have outstanding achievements in specific target sectors. The target sectors are mostly tech focussed and are listed on screen.

The standard requirements  for the GTV apply up until  the age of 55.

After the age of 55, you must be of exceptional benefit to the Australian community. If you have the skills and experience that Australia needs, the Global Talent Visa might be the right choice for you.


  1. 482 Visa.

The Temporary Skill Shortage Visa, commonly known as the 482 Visa, is an employer-sponsored visa that allows skilled workers to work in Australia for a temporary period. While there is no specific age restriction for this visa, it is important to note that sponsors need to demonstrate that they cannot find a suitable Australian worker for the position. If you have a sponsor and meet the skill requirements, the 482 Visa could be an option for you.

 But the 482 is only a temporary visa.  But in limited circumstances, it can lead to PR for those over 45.


  1. 186 Visa

The Employer Nomination Scheme or 186 visa can lead to PR for people over 45 in a limited number of circumstances.

There is an exemption for those earning a salary over the Fair Work High Income Threshold for three years straight.

There is an exemption for some occupations including Lecturers and scientists working for the government.

There is an exception for medical practitioners working in regional areas for at least two of the last three years.


  1.  Partner Visa.

The Partner Visa category allows individuals who are in a genuine and committed relationship with an Australian citizen or permanent resident to apply for a visa. Unlike other visa options, there is no age limit for the Partner Visa. If you are in a relationship with an Australian partner and can demonstrate the genuineness of your relationship, this pathway could be the right fit for you.


  1.  Parent Visa.

The Parent Visa category is available for individuals who have children who are Australian citizens or permanent residents. While there is no age limit for this visa, it is important to note that there can be significant processing times and financial requirements associated with this pathway. If you have children who are Australian citizens or permanent residents, the Parent Visa might be worth considering.


  1. Significant Investor Visa.


The Significant Investor Visa is a pathway for high-net-worth individuals who are willing to invest a substantial amount in Australia. To be eligible for this visa, you must have at least 5 million Australian dollars to invest in approved investments. Age is not a limiting factor for the Significant Investor Visa, making it an attractive option for individuals over 45 with significant financial resources.


Watch the video now:


Do you need help?

Our team of experienced Immigration Lawyers and Migration Agents look forward to assisting you with your Australian visa or appeal.

Based in Adelaide South Australia, we provide Australian Immigration advice to people and businesses from all over the world.

If you require further information regarding your Australia visa options you can contact us through:

(08) 8351 9956 or +61 8 8351 9956 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Positive updates on Global Talent visa 858 visa and the significant investor visa

In the last year there's been significant negative press and uncertainty about the Global Talent visa and the significant investor visa. The significant investor visa or SIV is a visa that requires a $5 million investment into a complying investment fund.

There was a statement from Minister of Home Affairs Claire O'Neill in 2020 to casting doubt into the future of the investment visa.

The Global Talent isa is a visa stream of the 858, which requires applicants to have expertise in a relevant sector and to have a salary above the Fair Work high income threshold.

There were articles criticizing the integrity of the global talent visa in 2022, so it's a little surprising that there are some positive comments about both in the review.

This is what the review says about the significant investor visa recommendation number eight.

Reconsider the size and role of the Business Innovation and Investment program, noting more positive outcomes from the significant investor visa. Based on this, I would expect a lower overall allocation for the 188. Perhaps even a closing of the 188A or business innovation stream.

But for the significant investor visa to survive and receive allocations.

Recommendation ten.

Consider changes to the existing global talent visa to improve the clarity in the selection criteria and remove the need for a nominator.

Based on this, there may be more specific criteria added to the Global Talent Visa.

The current nomination process is likely to be cut. Changing the nomination process is a good idea. Nomination often proved to be a barrier to applicants that did not personally know an Australian citizen or PR holder. The report makes 31 references to highly skilled migrants. While global talent is not the only way to secure highly skilled migrants. I feel stuck in the global talent visa has risen.

Another way to secure highly skilled migrants is through the points system.

The report looks to refine the points system to better target highly skilled migrants.

So where to from here?

A new migration program year begins very soon. From the 1st of July 2023. There is not enough time to make large legislative and regulatory changes before the 1st of July 2023. What's more likely is that the current visa categories will be managed with different allocation levels.

This will give more time for substantial changes in 2024

So that's the report on the future of the global talent visa and the significant investor visa.


Do you want to know more?



Do you need help?

Our team of experience Immigration Lawyers and Migration Agents look forward to assisting you with your Australian visa or appeal.

Based in Adelaide South Australia, we provide Australian Immigration advice to people and businesses from all over the world.

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GLOBAL TALENT VISA 858 Visa – Opportunities Remains

The Australian Government announced that it will close the Global Talent Visa in late 2024 and replace it with the new National Innovation Visa. Follow this link for more details about the National Innovation Visa.

Global talent Visa 858 Visa op

GLOBAL TALENT VISA – Opportunities remains


All you need to know about Global Talent Visa is on this page: CLICK HERE



Immigration changes

Since the Australian Federal Labor government came into office last May 2022, they have announced a few changes to Australian Immigration law policy including changes to the Global Talent Visa.

In September 2022, the Australian Federal Government announced that the allocation for the Global Talent Visa for the 2022-23 Migration Program will be decreased from 15,000 places to 5,000.  We have previously talked about this in our video which you can watch here.



Government Updates

Then in October 2022, the government released Ministerial Direction No. 100 which changes the processing priorities and provided for the prioritisation of healthcare and teaching occupations as well as offshore permanent and provisional applications.  Ministerial Direction 100 also removed the priority given to the Global Talent and Business Innovation and Investment Programs.

Later in the year, the Department of Home Affairs closed the mailboxes for the Global Talent regions and announced that “In line with Australian Government priorities, the Global Talent Officer (GTO) concierge service and Global Talent Expression of Interest (EOI) prioritisation function is no longer available. Departmental Officials (Global Talent Officers) will no longer consider and endorse requests for priority processing of an EOI from individuals or agents on behalf of individuals for the Global Talent (subclass 858) visa.”

This means that the EOI candidates are no longer able to request for the support of the GTO to have their EOIs prioritised. Before this change, with the support of a GTO we were able to get successful EOI results for our high calibre clients in as little as 2 business days.  EOIs that were prioritized were decided in 1-3 months’ time. Now EOIs are assessed in order of receipt, however, Hong Kong nationals and residents and candidates of extremely high calibre may still receive priority assessment.

Last February 2023, the Department of Home Affairs provided information to the migration profession in relation to the change in the role of the Departmental officers or representatives. The Global Talent Officers’ role had been changed and they are now referred to as Global Skills Attraction Officers to reflect the new focus, service and functions.

Generally, Global Skills Attraction Officers are tasked to “attract overseas skilled migrants through the permanent Migration Program to help fill critical skill shortages in Australia.” And their role is “largely promotional”.  This

The Global Talent Taskforce website had also been changed and it is now Global Australia and, while still aiming to attract the best and brightest talents, is now more about attracting investments to Australia. The information about the Global Talent Program has been largely removed from the website.


This shows the Australian government’s shift in priorities or focus, that is, that they prefer to attract overseas skilled migrants through the General Skilled Migration which includes subclasses 189, 190 and the employer sponsored visas. In line with this, the government had increased the allocations across these skilled visas. And in December 2022 extended 35,000 sc-189 invitations.

Opportunities Skills remains for the Global Talent Visa

The Global Talent Visa though would still be a good visa option for high performing individuals especially for those over 45 years old. It would also be attractive for those whose professions are not listed in the skilled occupations list, for those who do not want to or cannot get a skills assessment for their occupation and for those who do not have at least “competent English skill” required for most skilled visa as the Global Talent Visa only requires functional English.

If you are interested or if you want to check if you meet the criteria for the Global Talent Visa, you can take our free GTV assessment here


How can Work Visa Lawyers help?

Work Visa Lawyers is highly experienced in all parts of the Global Talent visa application process. We are able to assist with all aspects of the application, and can also provide advice in relation to:

  • your eligibility for a Global Talent Visa
  • documents to demonstrate your skills and ability to attract salary

Work Visa Lawyers will provide an eligibility assessment before advising you to proceed with a visa application.

Our team of experienced Immigration Lawyers and Migration Agents look forward to assisting you with your Australian visa or appeal.

Based in Adelaide South Australia, we provide Australian Immigration advice to people and businesses from all over the world.


Department of Home Affairs, Migration Program planning levels,

Department of Home Affairs, Skilled visa processing priorities,

Department of Home Affairs website, SkillSelect, Invitation rounds

Global Australia website -

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1988 Hits

Important information for 188A Business Innovation visa holders intending to change business plans

Today’s ever changing economic climate can result in necessary changes to business plans.

What happens if you were approved for state nomination based on a particular business plan, and then this plan changes after your 188A visa is granted?

Overview of 188a Business Innovation Visa Australia

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2082 Hits

Australian PR Pathway for Onshore PhD Graduates - Global Talent Visa or Skilled Visa 190/491

Australian PR Pathway for Onshore PhD Graduates - Global Talent Visa or Skilled Visa 190/491

The Australian Government announced that it will close the Global Talent Visa in late 2024 and replace it with the new National Innovation Visa. Follow this link for more details about the National Innovation Visa.

All that you need to know about Global Talent Visa is on this page: CLICK HERE

Getting a PhD degree from an Australian university is not easy. It takes a lot of hard work, sacrifice and expense to successfully complete a PhD degree. So, congratulations to all PhD graduates.

However, PhD graduates still have big decisions to make after finishing their degree.

While some PhD graduates decide to go back to their home countries or move to other countries, some choose to stay in Australia for the various opportunities on offer.

This includes job opportunities and perhaps because of the options for permanent residency in Australia.

Many PhD graduates found it complicated to secure an Australian Permanent Residency until the born of Global Talent Visa program.

However, with the current news and budget allocations this financial year, focus has been distributed to other skilled visa 491/190 streams.

States and territories have announced new state nomination criteria to attract those research students and planning to migrate in Australia.

In this article, we will discuss 2 options for permanent residency for PhD graduates – the Global Talent Visa and the state-nominated visas 491 or 190

Global Talent Visa Australia

One good option for PhD graduates is the Global Talent Visa.

Since opening, Global talent visa is designed for PhD students not just in Australia but around the world to get Australian PR.

Many PhD graduates have been nominated for Global Talent visa 858.

Global Talent Visa program Australia high income high skilled talented worker

It became increasingly popular in Australia during covid-19 being the only stream for highly skilled talented people to get into Australia while travel restriction is still around.

During that time, applicants could get Global Talent Visa within months and moved to Australia with the whole family.

Recent PhD graduates who can attract or is earning a very high salary will be considered favourably for this visa.

High salary means that you are currently earning or has the ability to earn a salary equivalent to or higher than Australia’s Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT) which is currently set at AUD$162,000/per annum.

More information about the Global Talent Visa requirements here >>

Applicants relying on their PhD degree need to show that they have internationally recognised achievements, are prominent in their field and must have their PhD degree conferred in the last 3 years.

Applicants with a PhD still must show that they meet the other criteria for the grant of the Global Talent Visa.  More information about this visa and the eligibility requirements can be found on our website.

These are the 4 core requirements for Global Talent Visa Australia:

  1. Skills in the 10 targeted sectors
  2. Internationally recognized for outstanding achievement in your field -career history, publications, journals, awards throughout your career
  3. High salary income threshold at 162,000 AUD per annum
  4. Nomination from Australian organizations or Australian Permanent residents who must be prominent in the same field as you.

Please check out our Global Talent visa recent news here >>

State nominated visa 491/190

If you are a PhD graduate but will not be able to meet the criteria for the Global Talent Visa, like for example you do not meet the high-income threshold, there are still other options for you such as the state nominated visas.

South Australia state nomination for PhD students

One state nominated visa option for international graduates is South Australia’s nomination under its Highly Skilled and Talented stream.

This is a new stream recently announced by South Australia.

The stream is slightly similar to Global Talent Visa but much easier with lower income requirement.

Most PhD graduates have been struggling with income threshold requirements for Global Talent Visa.

This is the chance for you because this SA Nomination Stream is open for interstate applicants.

The requirements say you must::

  1. Under 45 years of age
  2. Positive Skill Assessment
  3. at least Proficient English (IELTS 7.0 or equivalent)
  4. EOI 65 points including State nomination points
  5. Be earning a high base salary threshold commensurate with the expectations of the Highly Skilled and Talented stream (at least $80,000 per annum) and working full time (at least 30 hours per week or 60 hours per fortnight)
  6. Onshore applicants are also required to show that they:
    1. Have extensive experience, working in highly skilled jobs, in senior or executive level roles; and
    2. already commenced employment in South Australia


have an employment contract for a position you plan to relocate to in South Australia. If you are currently working for a company in another state, and intend to relocate to the South Australian office of your current company,


Have demonstrated specialised experience or niche skills that are highly desired in one of South Australia’s critical priority sectors.

If you meet the above requirements, South Australia may potentially nominate you for the sc-491 or sc-190 visa.

For some South Australia PhD graduates, you will be encouraged to apply for state nominated visa in Australia.

You can go for SA Graduate stream with high-performing graduate pathway.

If you have positive skill assessment of your nominated occupation, you might be eligible for a visa 491 or 190.


 Another state which has a great visa option or pathway for high-performing PhD graduates is Queensland.

Migration Queensland allows PhD graduates of the state to seek 491 visa or 190 visa nominations.

To be eligible you must:

  1. Be living in Queensland
  2. have a points test result, including the state nomination points, of at least 80 points (for the sc-190 visa) or 65 points (for the sc-491 visa). However, having higher points is always better
  3. at least proficient English
  4. have completed all of your PhD or Doctorate at a Queensland based institution
  5. have had a decision of their thesis and graduated in the last 2 years
  6. have an occupation listed on LIN 19/051 or the Specification of Occupations and Assessing Authorities Instrument 2019. LIN 19/051 is the Legislative instrument that lists the occupations in the Medium and Long‑term Strategic Skills List (or the MLTSSL.)

One advantage of this pathway is that if you are a PhD graduate you do not have to provide evidence of employment unlike for Master’s Degree or Bachelor Degree graduates who need to show that they have a job offer or employment in their nominated or closely nominated occupation.


Tasmania is also another state that is currently providing a good pathway for its PhD graduates.

Tasmania has introduced a colour-coded system to rank the applicants’ Registration of Interest (ROI).  These are the Gold, Green and Orange pass or attributes.

Those who have the Gold attribute are likely to be invited immediately to apply for the Tasmanian state nomination. These are the candidates who have their skills assessment and related employment for at least the past 3 months in Tasmania’s critical roles list. This list can be found on the Migration Tasmanian website.

Candidates who can claim one or more Green attributes are likely to be invited within 2 weeks of their ROI submission.

And those who have Orange attributes may still be invited depending on the ROIs received by the state and number of priority attributes recorded. This means that those who can only claim Orange attributes have less chances of getting invited. However the more Orange attribute you can claim, the better your chances are of getting invited to apply for the Tasmanian state nomination.

PhD graduates or candidates who cannot claim to have the Gold Attribute still has a good chance of getting invited to apply for the Tasmanian state nomination and claim a Green attribute if they have completed at least 2 years of their PhD in Tasmania.

They also have to meet the following minimum requirements:

  1. have completed a course of study and obtained a letter of completion from a tertiary institution in Tasmania registered on the Commonwealth Register of Institutions and Courses for Overseas Students (CRICOS)
  2. have lived in Tasmania for at least two calendar years from the commencement of their course and for the duration of their studies
  3. their course must have been completed full-time and on-site in Tasmania and
  4. currently be living in Tasmania and intend to continue living in Tasmania.

If you are an onshore PhD graduate or candidate and wants to know more about your Australian visa options or who wants to know how we can assist you with your permanent visa options please contact us on (+61) 08 8351 9956 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Our team of experienced Immigration Lawyers and Migration Agents look forward to assisting you with your Australian visa or appeal.

You can also book an appointment online.

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Latest Australian Immigration Updates December 2022 - Direction 100 Skilled Visa Processing, State Nomination updates, Global Talent and Business Visa updates

Latest Australian Immigration Updates December 2022 - Direction 100 Skilled Visa Processing, State Nomination updates, Global Talent and Business Visa updates

Australia's 2022-23 Migration Program will be vastly different to the 2021-22 program, not just in size but also in composition.

This program has a significantly greater skill visa stream at 142,500 places.

This is the biggest in Australian migration history.

The top news in December is the effects of the new Ministerial Direction 100: Skilled Visa Processing priority

It indicates the order of processing priorities for General skilled migration and the Business Innovation & Investment Program (BIIP).

Generally speaking, it appears priority is being given to trades and Technical skills to assist with the shortages.

The visa backlog has now dropped to 755,000 from almost 1 million thanks to an additional 300 staff.

It is expected to be at a manageable level before Christmas, said by Minister Andrew Giles.

More news will also be discussed in this article.

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6823 Hits

Global Talent Visa Australia - Is Australia Competing In The Talent Pool?

Two years of international border closures that locked out migrants and led to labour and skills shortages across the economy makes it difficult to fathom Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil’s decision to cull 27 jobs from the list of occupations eligible to receive a priority skilled visa to work in Australia.

Amid the hacking of Optus, Australia is now shaking up to find highly skilled people in Cyber security and IT field and sending them to the back of the queue.

As clearly seen, during covid-19, where every single work had been shifted to online platforms and the wave of migrants and international students running out of the country, the needs of highly skilled and talented people have been raised significantly.

That opened up a new popular Global Talent Visa program, a fast tracked permanent residency of Australia pathway for skilled migrants who are recognized internationally with projects and researches.

Up until today, there have been many ups and downs regarding the popularity of the Global Talent Visa program.

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Latest Australian Immigration Updates November 2022 - Migration Allocations, 189 Visa, Business Visa and Global Talent Visa news

Latest Australian Immigration Updates November 2022 - Migration Allocations, 189 Visa, Business Visa and Global Talent Visa news

Watch out latest Australian Immigration Updates video in DECEMBER 2022 here >>

October and November has received a lot of good news and negative news from Skilled Migration Program and Business Innovation and Investment Program (BIIP) in Australia.

Apart from the outcomes of the Skills Summit in September which have been announced recently, there is more news from the skill select results and state nomination updates especially in NSW.

The biggest update could be the publishment of the Migration Allocation Budget where we saw a cut in Global Talent Visa, but a significant increase in Business and Investment Visa 188 or in Employer sponsorship and Parent Visa.

Skills Select results - Visa 189 and 491 Invitation round October 2022

The 6 October had seen another massive round.  There were 11,714 visa 189 invitations which is the highest number even for the last 2 years in such a round.

There were invitations for onshore applicants in this round, but still a higher level for OFFSHORE INVITATIONS overall. 

We can see that the government is now focusing on offshore migrants to help address the skills shortages.

There are 818 Family Sponsored 491 visa invitations, which is nearly double up from 466.

I would expect the occupations to broaden in each round. As we can see clearly, medical and health related occupations are still covering most invitations of the 189 visa. Other occupations have been invited are engineer professionals (Civil engineer, chemical engineer, electrical engineer...), trade occupations and Early Childhoood / Secondary Teacher.

It is very difficult and time consuming to get the relevant registrations and skills assessments for medical occupations.  So the number of EOI in the systems for those occupations are likely to have largely cleaned out.

The positive thing is that, the minimum point for most occupations (around 80-90%) are 65.

The focus on offshore is raising many concerns for overseas passport holders in Australia.

Should they go offshore to increase their chances of securing an invitation? 

My answer is NO.

The offshore focus, if it continues, could endanger the international education industry in Australia.  A strong factor in choosing to study in Australia is having a path to migrate. 

So the Australian Government should think carefully about the value of international students to Australia, including their contribution to filling job vacancies. There needs to be balance and including inviting more onshore applicants.

One more concern is about the visa 189 Australia does not have restriction on where visa holders have to live and work. This could bring skilled migrants to come to metro areas such as Melbourne, Sydney and Brisbane and the skills shortages in regional areas will be more severe.

After all, this is really a good news for skilled migrants onshore and offshore.

They now have more options to choose from and to plan ahead for Australian PR.

Especially for those who are still looking for options, we highly recommend watching video below for How To Get PR in Australia and the best 8 Courses to study for PR in Australia.

Subscribe to our YouTube channel for the latest updates on Australian Immigration.

Migration Allocations Up for Skilled Visa 189/491/190

In the last announcement on Federal Government budget for the Migration Australia, Prime Minister Anthony Albanese has poured a significant funds into the program.

An additional $576 million for over 4 years to the Department of Home Affairs for activities including visa processing, offshore processing costs and supporting refugees.

The allocations for skilled visas 189/491/190 have been changed from the 26 October 2022.

The skilled independent visa 189 allocations have been upped again. Last year they were 6,500, now they are 32,000.

Plus other state nominated visas are also up. Remarkable growth for regional visas which are now up to 34,000 places and State Nominated Visa 190 (PR) is risen to 31,000 allocations.

The total number of skilled visas available as part of the program increase significantly from 79,600 to 142,400 in this financial year 2023.

So this means those wanting to migrate, it is time to get your nominated occupation skills assessment and English result. 

Employer sponsored permanent visas are up from 22,000 to 35,000. Which also sounds great !

For all the allocation news, see our Breaking News video below


Business visa News

The interim allocation in August for the Business and Innovation and Investor visa 188 was just over eight hundred (800).

Now two months later, state and territories are closing their programs, having exhausted their state quotas for this specific stream.

Recently the new allocation levels of 5000 business visas to 30 June 2023 has been announced. However, with the current crisis in the business and investment visa program, this number can be filled quickly.

The future of business visas and particulary the Significant Investor Visa is still in doubt with the rumours aroud the minister's talk in September.

Business Investor Visa 188 Business Owner can now apply for 188 Visa

NSW skilled occupation list

The publication of the NSW skilled occupation list has provided some insight for applicants. 

For the 190 visa NSW, some occupations have low point scores, such as 65 for Registered Nurses and trades such as Roof Tilers.  

But other occupations are impossibly high and send the clear message, look for greener pastures.

For the 190 Visa in NSW for Accountants are 110 points, ICT Business and Sytems analyst  are 100 points

Having these scores published is helpful for those wanting to apply.


Parent Visas

Welcome news with the publication of updated allocation numbers from 26 October. 

The number of parent visas has gone from 4500 to 8500.  This will lead to a lowering of processing times for the parent visas. 

For example, the estimates for the Contributory Parent Visa 143 had gone out to over ten years, with a backlog of over 50,000. 

So this will be lower with more visa grants per year.

Parent visa 143

Student visa holders

Unrestricted work rights for international students who hold student visa subclass 500 will end on 30 June 2023. The restriction of 40 hours a fortnight will then apply.

This may be challenging for some international students to adjust to.  But overall, the pressure to work full time can also be detrimental to the ability to study.

This is a right decision for International students since their tuition fee is comparatively higher than the money they are able to earn. 

That will also affect their future and their capability to fill in high skills shortgages.

Working Holidary Visa

There has been a 30% incresase in the cap for working holiday visas. This will be welcoming for all those planning a backpacking and working holdiday in Australia.

With the high interest from young people around the world, this will still be filled quickly as soon as it opens for some Asian countries.

Please check carefully with our specialists to know more about the program opening round to be able to secure a working holiday visa.

Sensible reforms - Health examination waived for onshore applicants

A relaxation on the need for medicals has been announced for temporary visa applicants already in Australia. This will help reduce waiting times for medicals and save money for applicants and the government. But there are some categories, such as those working in medical settings, that will still need medicals.

More sensible reforms along these lines are welcome.

Global Talent Visa Australia Updates

The negative news is still going for Global Talent Visa.

The allocations had been cut from 8448 down to 5000 for the year ending 30 June 2022.

See our separate video to be posted soon, to consider the implications and future for the GTV. 

Migration Institute Australia National Conference

I have recently returned from the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA) National Conference, which was held in Hobart, Tasmania.
Opened by the Hon Andrew Giles, Minister for Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs.

Minister Giles set the tone for a renewed immigration program focussed on nation building and multiculturalism.

Paul Denman, Senior Director for the Immigration Program spoke about the practical considerations of clearing the visa backlog.

Brendan Coates presented the Grattan Institutes perspective on the best way to measure migrations perspective being through the income generated by migrants. 

Under such a model high paid migrants are to be favoured over filling skills shortages and business visas such the SIV visa.

Enda Stankard and Andrew Martin from MA Financial Group outlined the contributions made to Australia by the Significant Investor Visa (SIV).
At the Gala Dinner and Awards night the MIA celebtrated 35 Year leading the Australian migration industry.

Craig Foster gave an inspiring speech about his in successfully advocating Australian refugee Hakeem to be released from a Thai jail and to avoid extradition to Bahrain. His continuing to work includes #RacismNotWelcome and #PayUpFIFA

Congratulations to all the Award winners including Craig Foster for his Distinguished Service to Immigration in Australia. John Hourigan was awarded Life Membership in recognition of his many years of contributing to the MIA,.  

Thanks to the voluntary efforts of the Leadership of National president Julie Williams and Vice President Constantine Paxinos, to all MIA Board members and CEO Peter Vymys and all committed staff at the national office.

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Global Talent Visa Updates In September 2022

Want to know what the skills summit outcomes affect the future of Australian Migration settings - read this>>

This is for someone who does not know about the Global talent visa in Australia.

Basically, this is the fast-tracked permanent residency pathway for highly skilled and talented people in the world with significant achievement in Australia’s target sectors.

There are about 10 target sectors listed for the GTI program Australia.

There is no specific occupation required for being eligible for the Global Talent Visa program.

Within the scope of this writing, we only mention the latest update that we have received on the media or during our visa application process.

Updates on Offshore applicants as the highest priority for Global Talent Visa Program

Global talent visa offshore updates

In a bid to “fix” the immigration system and address the skill shortage, the Australian government announced that it will be making some changes in the processing the Global Talent Visa.

One change that was flagged by the Home Affairs Minister, Ms. Clare O’Neil in an interview with the Australian Financial Review is the Global Talent Visa program.

Minister O’Neil said that the only candidates that would be considered are those located offshore.

With the explanation that onshore applicants may be able to find other pathways for Australian PR.

The government would like to focus more on recruiting talent worldwide.

Last program year has seen a more than 70% of GTI visas were granted to ONSHORE applicants.

However, to date, there are still no legislative, regulatory, or policy changes nor new Ministerial Directions to this effect.

We have been advised that the Global Talent Visa EOIs continue to be processed in submission order.

According to the Global Talent Visa program officers: Government is currently revising Ministerial directions to give priority to applicants for a permanent visa where the applicant is offshore, including within the Global Talent program. This will enable more workers to enter Australia more quickly, contribute to the labor market and ease labor shortages.”

This is appropriate because most Global talent visa applicants in Australia have secured their own stable jobs.

Granting those onshore workers will not help deal with the labor shortages the country is facing.

So, for now at least, pending any policy changes, EOIs from onshore applicants are still being accepted and processed.


Global Talent Visa priority assessment order

EOIs for the Global Talent visas are usually assessed in order of receipt but some EOIs receive priority assessment. these are:

  1. Those that have the confirmed support of a Global Talent Officer
  2. The EOIs from Hong Kong nationals and residents
  3. Candidates of extremely high calibre including those who meet the high-income threshold.

Those EOIs that clearly do not meet the criteria for the Global Talent Visa may receive an early unsuccessful notification.


Global Talent Visa Current processing time

It is advised by the department that they are currently processing EOIs submitted in April 2021. 

With the current skills summit, the government has announced the budget to deal with the backlog.

In fact, our clients have received good turnaround time recently.

We expect that in the near future, the Global Talent Visa processing time will be decreased further.

Removal of EOI invitation expiry

One recent significant change in the Global Talent Visa program is the removal of the EOI invitation expiry.

Prior to this, EOI invitations are only valid for 12 months.

That means those who got the invitation to apply for the Global Talent Visa have 12 months to apply for the visa.

If you want to check your eligibility for the Global talent program, you can use our free Global Talent Assessment Tool

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All Latest Australian Immigration Updates September 2022 - Global Talent Visa, Skilled 491/190 Visa, Skills Summit, Visa 189, 485 Visa Extension

All Latest Australian Immigration Updates September 2022 - Global Talent Visa, Skilled 491/190 Visa, Skills Summit, Visa 189, 485 Visa Extension

This article is updated regularly. Last updated: September 08, 2022

Overview Australia Immigration News September 2022

August and September 2022 saw big updates in the Skilled migration program in Australia.

Interim State Allocation has been announced with a significant increase in the number of permanent places.

South Australia was the last state to announce its skilled migration program be open.

With the higher number of allocations at around 50,000 total places, all states have announced a more positive skilled visa 491 and 190.

This brings big hope to many skilled migrants who are seeking Australian PR.

Following that, the jobs and skills summit held in Canberra on the 1,2 September 2022 has announced a lot of current Australian immigration initiatives.

There are some key points to be mentioned later in this blog regarding the summit outcomes.

There is still much more news to come in the future.

We believe this year’s migration program is very promising.

This article will discuss all the latest Australian Immigration updates in September and August 2022:

  • State Allocation Confirmation from Australian Government for Program year 2022-2023
  • State Nomination visa 491 and visa 190 Update
  • Visa 189 Skilled independent invitation round
  • Skills Summit Outcomes
  • Agriculture Industry challenges
  • Post Study work visa 485 Extension for Select degree (minimum 4 years duration)
  • SA Skilled Migration Program update
  • Business Visa Australia update on allocations and requirements

State Allocation 2022-2023 - Big Increase for Skilled Migration Program

The interim allocations for all states and territories have been released.

The total allocations have been up to about 50,000 this financial year.

There are massive allocations increases in permanent visa 190 with nearly doubling the places.

That shows a move to encourage permanent migration under the new labour government.

In more detail, NSW, Victoria, and WA see significant growth in both visa streams.

Other states have received more quotas than last year.

It is going to be a great year for skilled migrants who seek permanent residency in Australia

Skilled Migration Program Update - visa 190/491 updates in 2022

On the 25 of August, South Australia is the last state to announce the opening of their skilled visa 190/491 program.

There are many positive changes in all state nomination programs including:

  • Much simpler nomination criteria in all states
  • Fully opening for offshore application

In the scope of this video, we cannot demonstrate the criteria of each state.

However, you can always get access to it by the link above.

What you should do now?

Upon the opening of state nomination, all skilled workers should start to seek a suitable nomination.

First and foremost, please check your best occupation on each state’s skilled list.

Next, you should ensure that you have a valid SKILL ASSESSMENT and eligible English test result.

Calculating your EOI points and considering age points are also necessary.

So far there has been all positive news for international students and skilled migrants.

Hopefully, there will be more PR options in other streams like employer-sponsored.

Please subscribe to our channel for the latest updates.

SA Skilled Migration Program - SA visa 491 and 190 2022-23 program year     

At its last announcement, SA has opened its skilled visa 491 and 190 to over 500 occupations

In that, 97 new occupations have been added to SA’s high-priority visa list including some popular ones like:

  • Finance manager/broker
  • Accountant
  • ICT occupations like Software engineer
  • Hairdressers
  • Community service workers
  • Project administrator

SA is now rolling out a “magnet state” campaign that attracts young people in Australia to come.

South Australia new state of mind

Premier Peter Malinauskas says:” you can have a global career in South Australia, living, studying, and working alongside the world’s current and emerging leaders, coming together to achieve great things.”

Tasmania State Nomination - Tasmania Skilled Visa 491 and 190

The Tasmanian Skilled Migration State Nomination Program is expected to open to gold and green pass candidates by Monday 12 September 2022.

Please ensure that you meet the minimum requirements and have at least one gold or green priority attribute.

After that, you may be able to register your interest in the nomination.

NSW state nomination update - Skilled Occupation Lists - Visa 491 and 190 NSW 

NSW has published its skilled occupation list for visa 190 and visa 491.

There is new minimum point scores and years of work experience requirements for this program year for NSW visa 491 and NSW Visa 190.

Each unit group will have different minimum points and year of work experience required.

For example: Accountant needs 110 points and 3 years of work experience for 190 visa

Chefs will be required to meet 90 EOI points and at least 3 years work experience for 190 nomination. 

95 points are required for Chefs to get Visa 491 nomination in NSW

Great news for trades occupations, Teachers, and Social professionals like Social Work or community work.

NSW only requires those unit groups 65 or 70 points and no work experience for 190 or 491 nomination.

To check if you are eligible for NSW state nomination, book an appointment with us.

Book an Appointment

Visa 189 Skilled independent invitations

There are thousands of invitations that have been sent out to long-standing EOIs.

Up until this week, the EOI points requirement has been high.

The minimum points for 189 in the last 2 years are around 90-95.

But now it has dropped.

We have seen a chef with only 65 points getting the invitation.

Many occupations have received invitations of 189 visa including:

- Nursing or medical and health occupations

- Engineer professionals (civil Engineer, Mechanical Engineer, Structual Engineer, Electrical Engineer...)

- Chef

Many invitees have been caught out with expired English tests and skills assessments and are unable to take up the invitations.

Please ensure to check your document and take appropriate action to renew it.

If you hold a positive skill assessment in medium- and long-term skilled occupation and have good EOI points, you should give it a go

Or if you do not know where to start, book an appointment to talk to our Immigration Lawyer or Migration agents.

Book an Appointment

Jobs and Skills Summit outcomes

The skills summit has been wrapped up.

Overall, the jobs and skills summit focus on dealing with current labour shortages and economy issues. A bigger, better trained and more productive workforce are the goal to acquire. The aim is to deliver high paid jobs, boost incomes and living standards and create more opportunities for Australians.

However, within the scope of this writing, only migration aspect will be outlined.

There are many migrations focused on 4 immediate initiatives and longer-term focuses:

1)      Lifting migration cap with more focus on PERMANENT migrants

2)      Increasing the speed of visa processing

3)      Enabling graduates of Australian universities to work in Australia for longer 

4)      Extending the lifting of restrictions that allow temporary visa holders to work more hours

Lifting permanent migration number to nearly 200,000 for 2022-23 fiscal year and processing more visa backlogs

Australia is facing a severe skills shortage and a huge visa backlog.

The government believe by clearing the backlog and increasing permanent migration would heal the pain of skilled labor shortages

Immigration Minister Andrew Giles has recruited more than 500 new staff to clear the visa backlog sitting at around 900,000.

The government will spend $36.1 million to clear the backlog

Home Affairs Minister Clare O’Neil announced the skilled migration cap in 2022-23 would be lifted to 195,000 – up from 160,000

+ Including 9,000 places for regional Australia to 34,000

+ additional 4,700 for healthcare

+ additional 6,100 for infrastructure

+ additional 6,800 for technology workers.

+ additional 5,000 for business sponsorships.

For a longer term, a permanent migration is set to be executed.

What does it mean?

It means thousands more nurses and thousands more engineers settling in the country this year. Those medium and long term skilled occupation will receive a lot of benefits from the government.

Moreover, the new Labor Government will start to re-assess the occupation list.

Increase the duration of 485 visa for international graduates in Australia

Foreign students’ graduate visa 485 extension and relaxing work restrictions will be available to strengthen the workforce pipeline.

The Australian Government will increase the duration of post-study work visa 485 for international students

Visa 485 Extension to minimum 4 years

This will help strengthen the pipeline of skilled labor.

The extension only applies to select degrees in areas of verified skill shortages.

Eligible graduates will have their visa 485 increased from:

  • Two years to four years for select Bachelor’s degrees
  • Three years to five years for select master’s degrees
  • Four years to six years for select PhDs.

A working group will be established to advise on the development of this and other relevant issues.

The group will report to Ministers by 28 October 2022.

At the moment, only 16 percent of international students stay on after their studies end. 

This will mean they can stay on longer and use their skills to contribute to the productivity of our economy.

The outcomes from the skills summit are geared towards supporting international education.

International education is an important Australian industry that has been heavily impacted by the pandemic.

Continued temporary relaxation of working hours for internation students holding 500 visa 

Regarding relaxing work restrictions, international students will still be able to work more than 40 hours per week until June 2023.

Moreover, international students will be able to work before the course commencement.

Until June 2023, no restrictions will be applied to international students about their working right.

Increase the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (TSMIT)

It is recommended by the parties to raise the TSMIT. This is one of the main factor for TSS 482 Visa program.

The minimum wage payable to temporary skilled workers currently at 53,900 will be lifted to 60,000 as wanted by business groups.

Unions want it to be 90,000 to avoid exploitation in low-paid jobs.

The aim of the change is to increase the living standard of those temporary visa holders whilst in Australia.

Agriculture Visa and Challenges in Agriculture sector in the near future

A new group of farmers, unions, and the Federal Government has been formed to tackle chronic workforce shortages in the agricultural sector.

Agriculture Minister Murray Watt announced the group on the sidelines of the summit

Senator Watt said the working group would meet monthly over the next year to discuss the sector's challenges

It has been estimated at 170,000 worker shortfalls.

This will make sure that farmers can get the workers that they need and to make sure that agriculture workers are protected and respected in their work.

agriculture visa and PALM

In a new release from Department of Home Affairs, they confirmed that the PALM scheme will remain a key program for meeting agricultural workforce shortages. They are planning to boost permanent migration through new Pacific Engagement Visa to be introduced in July 2023

3000 Visas would be allocated annually, Applicants need to be aged between 18 and 45 years, having a job offer in Australia, and some English proficiency.

More information will be published later.

If you are working in Agriculture, consider another options if not eligible for PALM scheme. For more options, check this link

Business Visa Australia Allocation and Its Future

Business Visa Australia - Allocation Announcement and its future

This year has seen very low allocations for business innovation and investment visa in all states.

NSW has published its business visa requirements with slightly higher criteria.

Instead of 65 points for 188a and 188b visa, the requirement has now been raised to 85 in NSW.

Not just NSW, other states have announced their business visa program with very low places.

Consequently, States will become more difficult in picking up suitable applications.

Compare Australian Business Visas

Global talent visa updates 2022 - EOI and Priority Processing Criteria

EOI Expiration

In recent notice from the Department of Home Affairs, they have announced there will no expiration date for the Global Talent Visa program Expression of Interest.

The current duration cap is 12 month.

The GTI officers are currently processing EOIs submitted in April 2021. However, for some cases, you might receive early invitation.

Work Visa Lawyers clients got their invitation in just 2 days with support of Global Talent officer.

In which order are EOIs considered?

Expressions of Interest are usually assessed in order of receipt, however the following may receive priority assessment:

  • Confirmed support from a Global Talent Officer
  • Hong Kong nationals and residents
  • Candidates of extremely high calibre
  • EOIs from candidates clearly outside program parameters may receive early notification.
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6517 Hits

All Latest Australian Immigration Updates August 2022 - Global Talent Visa, 491/190 Visa, Agriculture Visa and Ukrainians Visa Options

All Latest Australian Immigration Updates August 2022 - Global Talent Visa, 491/190 Visa, Agriculture Visa and Ukrainians Visa Options

Today’s article will talk about the latest Australian immigration updates in August 2022.

One of the most significant Immigration news is that everyone is looking forward to the allocation confirmation from the government.

Because that is when states and territories can open their skilled migration program. No one really knows when state sponsorship visa 491 or 190 is officially open? or Why was state nomination still not open officially?

JUST IN: 10/8/2022, ACT is the fist state to open their skilled migration program with its interim allocation. It is followed by Tasmania and Victoria to open their state nomination on 11/8/2022.

Read more here >>>

This video will not only talk about state nomination updates but also other important immigration news.

It is recommended to watch the video carefully or read our blog provided in the description.

Our Latest Australian Immigration Udates August 2022 will cover:

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Global Talent Visa Australia - Changes in High Income Threshold

Global Talent Visa Applicants affected by the Fair Work High Income Threshold Change Starting 1 July 2023

Candidates for the Global Talent Visa should be able to demonstrate that they are currently earning an income equivalent to or higher than Australia’s Fair Work High Income Threshold or that they have received a job offer that will be paying an income equivalent to or higher than the High Income Threshold or that they have the ability to attract a salary at or above the Fair Work high income threshold.

The Fair Work High Income Threshold for the 2021-2022 financial year was AUD $158,500 per annum. This is indexed annually. 

What it is that, in Australia, this is “high income threshold” the amount or threshold which limits an employee’s access to the unfair dismissal jurisdiction. Meaning if the employee earns this amount or higher, they cannot file an unfair dismissal claim against their employer unless they are covered by an award or enterprise agreement.

However, this amount is also used as a helpful and convenient guide or tool to assess an applicant for the Global Talent Visa’s caliber in their sector.

For this financial year, Australia’s Fair Work Commission raised the High Income Threshold to AUD$162,000 per annum starting 1 July 2022.  This information can be found in the Fair Work Commission’s website -

What does this mean for those who already submitted their Global Talent Visa EOIs?

If you did not meet the high-income threshold requirement when you submitted your EOI, that is, you were not earning an amount equivalent to or higher than $158,500 per annum, this might mean that it will be harder for you to get an invitation.

We suspect that this is also the case for those who just reached the 2021-2022 high income threshold and who no longer meets the new amount.

What can you do?

If you have had an increase in your salary since submitting your EOI, we suggest that you update Global Talent of this if you haven’t already. You can do this by sending them an email to their general email address.

If you are one those who did not meet or were earning slightly above $158,500 but less than $162,000, then you might want to talk to your employer and request for a raise in your annual salary.

If you want more information about the Global Talent Visa, you can go to our website -

You can also use our free Global Talent Assessment Tool -


How can Work Visa Lawyers help?

Work Visa Lawyers can help you with all steps in the Global Talent visa application process, including with applications for nomination from the ACS.

Our team of experienced Immigration Lawyers and Migration Agents look forward to assisting you with your Australian visa or appeal.

Contact us on (+61) 08 8351 9956 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

Book an appointment with one of our experienced Immigration Lawyers and Registered Migration Agents here.

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Australian Immigration Updates From 1st July 2022 - 482 Short Term to PR, 462 Visa, 491/190 Visa in WA, Global Talent Visa

Australian Immigration Updates From 1st July 2022 - 482 Short Term to PR, 462 Visa, 491/190 Visa in WA, Global Talent Visa

Today’s blog will talk about the latest news about Australian immigration updates on the 1st of July.

New Financial year 2022-2023 has started with many positive changes. Some Visa streams and concessions will be available for applicants to apply after 1st of July 2022.

This includes some key changes for certain visa subclasses in response to the covid-19.

Changes have been made is to address the skills shortage in some fields and supporting the economic recovery post pandemic.

Those changes we will cover in this Australian Immigration news are:

- TSS 482 Visa Short Term to PR 186 Visa

-  Predictions on Employer Sponsored Visa Programs in new Financial year 2022-23

- Temporary Graduate Visa 485 Changes with Concession in Skill Assessment and New 485 Visa Replacement Stream 

- Visa 462 with additional countries and a 30% increase in cap for some countries

- Visa Application Charge to be increased 3% 

- Global Talent Visa High Income threshold changes 

State Nomination Visa 491, Visa 190 Updates

These are changes made available after 1st July 2022 and any news in Australian immigration in the last 2 weeks before the financial year 22-23 starts.

We will be making more updates blogs and Australian Immigration news videos once new policy announces.

Let’s get into the changes made in July 2022.

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All Latest Australian Immigration Updates June 2022

All Latest Australian Immigration Updates June 2022

Latest Australian Immigration Updates after 1st July 2022 with 482 Visa, 485 Visa concession, Global Talent Visa, Working Holiday 462 Visa and 491 Visa>>

Work Visa Lawyers is proud to be a multi-lingual company with Lawyers and Agents who can speak Mandarin, Vietnamese, Punjabi, Portuguese, and Tagalog.

Overview of Australian Immigration in 2022 - Post-Pandemic Covid-19

2021 has been a tough year with many ups and downs due to the impact of Covid-19.

2022 begins with many new positive policies that welcome international students and skilled migrants.

Recently, the most significant event is the election result held on 21 May 2022. This article will share the latest updates on Australian Immigration during May and June 2022. Moreover, we will demonstrate what we see in the new labour government to the Migration Policy of Australia in the next few years.

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10096 Hits

Global Talent Visa Nominator - Getting a Nomination from ACS 2022

Global Talent Visa Nominator - Getting a Nomination from ACS 2022


The one stumbling block for a lot of potential Global Talent Visa applicants is getting a nominator. While they may have internationally recognised achievements and are prominent in their fields, they cannot find anybody who can or will nominate them.

The nominator for a Global Talent Visa must be an Australian citizen or permanent resident or an Australian organization and MUST have a ‘national reputation’ in the same sector as the applicant.

One of the organizations that have been recognized by the Department of Home Affairs to have a national reputation and that can provide nominations to eligible applicants for the Global Talent Visa is the Australian Computer Society (ACS).

ACS is the skill assessing authority for most IT skilled workers who want to get skill assessments for the Skilled Migration Program (Visa 491, 190 and 189) or Employer-Sponsored Program (TSS 482 Visa, Visa 186…)

ACS is listed in the top 10 nominators of 2021 for Global Talent Visa program since this is one of the first choices for technological talents to sign up for their nominator.

We have previously discussed the process of applying for an ACS nomination back in June 2020. However, the ACS nomination process had changed since then.

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6872 Hits

4 Things To Be Done Before Lodging Global Talent Visa EOI

4 Things To Be Done Before Lodging Global Talent Visa EOI

Global Talent Visa program in Australia can be a whole different process comparing to other programs like Skilled Migration Visa 491/190 or Employer Sponsored Program Visa 482 or visa 494.

For other programs, you only need to meet the criteria of each streams you are aiming toward and apply for the visa. As long as you provide all supporting documents required by the Department of Home Affairs, you will just need to wait for the result.

It is not like that in Global Talent Visa Australia.

Through the process of expressing your interest in the Global Talent Independent program, you have to make sure the documents show your best aspect of your expertise in the Targeted Sectors.

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2097 Hits

Global Talent Visa vs General Skilled Migration program - Australia Permanent Residency

Global Talent Visa vs General Skilled Migration program - Australia Permanent Residency

Read our latest Australian Immigration updates here >

During Australia’s border closure and travel restrictions in 2020 to late 2021,

visas such as the Skilled Independent (subclass 189) visa, Skilled Nominated (subclass 190), and the Skilled Work Regional (Provisional) (subclass 491) were not processed as quickly as the GTV and fewer invitations were extended.

The Global Talent Visa (GTV) on the other hand has gained popularity as it was an attractive option for several skilled and talented individuals because it was designed to be a streamlined pathway to permanent residency for those who are considered as high-calibre, outstanding global talents.

So how would you know whether the Global Talent Visa or another skilled visa is suitable for you?  Below are some of the considerations

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3196 Hits

11 Global Talent Visa Invitations and Visa Grants In 6 Weeks


What a great start of the first quarter of 2022!

We have received a total of 11 invitations and visa grants from the Global Talent Visa program in just 6 weeks.

The period is from 18 February until 7 April 2022.

As usual, DigiTech is the most popular sector in the GTI program in 2022 which takes more than half of the invitations.

Following that are Financial Services and FinTech, and Infrastructure and Tourism.

Scroll down to each photo for its details of the 4 core requirements of Global Talent Visa program and how successful applicants achieve that.

Learn more about Global Talent Visa Updates in 2022 here>

Overall, the 4 core requirements of Global Talent Independent program has been met as:

- Target Sector: DigiTech, Infrastructure and Tourism, FinTech

- International Recognized: yes working and leading projects that are world-wide recognized, PhD Publications...

- High income threshold at $156,800 AUD: yes all are over the threshold

- Nominator : High quality nominator who is familiar with applicant's achievement and knowledge.

Take Free GTV Assessment Call Now

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2506 Hits

Top 5 Australian Permanent Residency Pathways In 2022

Top 5 Australian Permanent Residency Pathways In 2022

Read our latest Australian immigration updates April 2022 here>

Australia has a strong education system and is considered one of the best in the world, which makes it very attractive to students across the world.

Most of the students once they complete their studies want to get settled in Australia because of the livability factor.

They may get a decent lifestyle including physical and mental wellbeing, which makes them want to get settled here.

Obtaining Australian Permanent Residency Visa is getting more and more competent, and the visa system is vast and complex.

Many times, people do get confused about how to get it

Here we are discussing a few common pathways to Australian PR for you

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21638 Hits

All Latest Australian Immigration Updates April 2022

All Latest Australian Immigration Updates April 2022

Latest Australian Immigration Updates after 1st July 2022 with 482 Visa, 485 Visa concession, Global Talent Visa, Working Holiday 462 Visa and 491 Visa>>

Read our latest Australian Immigration updates June 2022 here >>>

Australian Immigration Monthly News April 2022 Overview

Two big events have influenced the news this month.
The Australian federal budget was handed down on Tuesday, 29 March

This is provided a lot of details about what to expect in the migration program year.
The second big event is that on 10 April Prime Minister Scott Morrison called the day for the federal election.

The federal election will be held on 21 May 2022.

Just prior to the election being called there is often a frenzy of activity and announcements.

This is because once the election is cold then the government often goes into what’s called caretaker mode.  Parliament no longer sits and there is no further opportunity to pass new legislation.

Another factor relevant to this month’s news is that Australia has very low unemployment rate at 4%.
However, there are severe skills shortages in many industries.

There are a lot of essential updates during March and April 2022.

Changes have been made to bring benefits to skilled workers in Australia.

However, there is still a focus on other streams like Business and Investment Visa or Global Talent Visa.

Today’s video will cover:

PR for short term TSS visa 482/457

After 30 June 2022, the new changes of 482 visas short term to PR will be applied to specified persons.

Eligible applicants will apply for permanent residency under the temporary residence transition stream of subclass 186.

The following requirement must be met:

  • You were in Australia for 12 months cumulative from 1st February 2020 until 14 December 2021
  • You must hold a 482 visa at the time of application - After 1st of July 2022
  • You must have been working for the same employer for 3 years prior to lodgment.

This new law recognizes those who supported the Australian economy during the pandemic.

This is a massive benefit to all applicants in Australia during the specified period and thinking of changing to a 482 visa.

There are more concessions for this new change.

We have covered these with some FAQs in the video below for your information.

New age exemption for Legacy 457 workers

457 visa holders will also receive the same benefit in this new PR pathway.

Under the current instrument, there is no age limit for those that fall within the definition of legacy 457

Eligible applicants are someone who:

  • Held a 457 on or after 18 April 2017
  • Was in Australia for at least 12 months between 1st February 2020 and 14 December 2021

This change only happens after the 1st of July 2022.

There is also new programs to allow third onshore 482 visa.

Australia Federal budget 2022-23

There is big news after the release of the Australian Federal Budget for the next financial year.

The migration planning levels will remain at 160,000.

But the distribution has changed significantly.

Skilled visa streams will account for two-thirds of the program.

It will increase to 109,900 in the following program year.

This rise in allocations will distribute to Employer-sponsored visas and skilled visas 189,190 and 491.

Business and Investment visas experience a modest drop to 9,500 from 13,500.

This may not affect much on the stream because it may not reach the allocations.

Global Talent Visa also sees a reduction in places.

However, in 2021, while there was an allocation of 15,000, just over 9000 was granted.

The government will also invest more to continue the global business, and talent taskforce.

This will further attract talented individuals and international investment to Australia.

Take Free GTV Assessment

Working holidaymakers places will increase by 11,000 in 2022-23.

Other streams like family and partner visas will witness a significant drop with the focus on skilled streams.

But these streams were nearly doubled during the covid pandemic.

More details are covered in this video here.

State Nomination - Skilled Regional Visa 491 and Skilled Nominated Visa 190 updates

South Australia Skilled Visa 491 and 190

Following Tasmania, WA, and NT, South Australia has announced its Visa 491 quotas are almost empty.

However, this is a perfect time for someone who is seeking Visa 190 nominations which are direct PR in South Australia.

SA Skilled & Business migration are prioritizing:

  • Subclass 190 applications - Applicants who are eligible for South Australia state nomination will have higher chance to be invited.
  • Candidates with their 485 visa expiring within this program year 2021-2022
  • Highly skilled workers with full-time employment for a South Australian employer

We have more than 10 years of experience in South Australia Skilled Visa 491/190. Please book an appointment for the best advice

Book an Appointment

Tasmania Skilled Visa 491 and 190

Tasmania has announced having a limited allocations remaining.They have requested more investigation for other places.

However, there has been no positive news until now.

More than 1,480 applications are yet to be decided.

Only 1300 places remaining, Migration Tasmania will prioritize applicants who are employed directly related to their skills assessment.

Some applications may be held over to the new program year.

But you will be considered based on the arrangements at the lodgment time.

Tasmanian Skilled Migration has published a consultation paper that invites public comment.

It is reviewing the migration requirements and setting for the next program year.

Overall, there are more positive pathways :

  • Long term residence pathways for 491 and 190 skilled visa nominations.
  • Graduate pathways updates of the requirement for Tasmania Graduate

Non-student visa holders who complete courses on the priority list can be considered Tas graduates.

Applicants must have 3 months of work experience in the nominated occupation post-graduation.

  • Business owner requirement has changed to 12 months of operation.
  • Tasmania will remove its skilled occupation list for overseas applicants.

Offshore applicants can now receive invitations after lodgment of EOI.

This new proposal is for review now.

Public comments are welcome to enhance Tasmania’s migration settings.

Western Australia Skilled Visa 491 and 190 Updates

WA has announced additional nomination allocations for its state nomination program.

New applications are now being accepted.

All on-hand applications will be proceeded with and be contacted as required.

The following invitation round will be held in the first week of May and June.

Other states such as NSW Skilled Visa 491 or Victoria State nomination has not yet been changed recently. However, it seems to be very competitive in these states with a large number of applications on hand.

Clients can consider moving regional to seek 491 or 190 nominations earlier.

DAMA opens more in QLD, WA, and NSW

There is a DAMA Revolution going on for Regional Australia.

This gives skilled workers more pathways to permanent residency in Australia.

There are new DAMAs for the following Regions:

  • Far North Queensland
  • Orana, NSW
  • East Kimberly and Pilbara, WA

Some changes have been adjusted for NT DAMA.

Northern Territory DAMA 

NT DAMA has made some changes to support the Territory businesses with workforce shortages.

Key changes include:

  • More streamlined framework for employers to access workers over 5 year period
  • More flexible permanent resident pathway
  • 24 new occupations including lower-skilled occupations in agriculture
  • Higher age limit
  • Lower English requirement for tradies

Far North Queensland

The Australian government ensures that Far North QLD remains fit for the evolution of the regional labor market

Queensland is always famous for its tourist destinations.

These new changes in DAMA can support the economic impact on the tourism and hospitality sectors.

A range of occupations will become available for businesses to source workers.


DAMA of Pilbara will commence on 9 May 2022.

This will allow 66 occupations in Engineering, trades, Childcare, aged care, and health services to get access.

Employment opportunities are abundant on offer there in Pilbara.

East Kimberly DAMA

Businesses in East Kimberly can now access workers of more than 100 occupations.

The mining industry has covered a large economic output in East Kimberly.

However, the health care and social assistance industry is driving to be the largest employment sector.

Significant investment has taken part in the expansion of this area.

That will support growth in both the agricultural and tourism sectors

Orana, NSW

65 occupations have been open in the Orana region for businesses to source workers

This provides access to critical workers for jobs unable to be filled locally.

A skilled migrant workforce plays an important role in helping Orana fill the vacancies.

Skill level 4,5 occupations like aged care workers, security officers, or waiters are critical to the region.

DAMA and its streamlined migration pathway can attract skilled workers to fill the labor shortages.

Complete detail about DAMA in Australia will be published soon on our website.

Working holiday makers

Australia will open its doors to more working holiday makers.

New measures have been introduced to support current Australia’s tourism and trade sector.

There are now 47 countries globally with access to Australia’s work and holiday program.

A 30% cap increase to the working holiday programs.

Commencing on July 2022:

  • Australia will open to 500 young people from Brazil
  • Another 100 places for Mongolia
  • Cap increase up to 1000 places for the Slovak Republic
  • Hungary and Austria will also have a cap increased to 500 places
  • Italian and Danish who are aged 35 and under can now get access to the program.

Australia and India’s trade Agreement

Good news for Indians who are interested in working in Australia

In the new Economic Cooperation and Trade Agreement, 1000 work and holiday places for Indians have been allocated.

Those Indian students awarded first-class honors will have additional 2 or 3 years’ stay.

They must complete a STEM or ICT bachelor’s degree.

Agriculture Visa

Vietnam and Australia have signed the bilateral agreement for the Agriculture Visa program.

This will allow workers from Vietnam to work on Australian farms.

This agreement helps address the shortage in the agriculture industry for the medium and long term.

However, the application process has not yet published in detail.

Please stay tuned and subscribe to our channel for more updates.

Some changes in Pandemic Event Covid-19 Visa 408

Applicants must hold a valid visa with work rights 90 days or less from ceasing to apply for pandemic event Visa 408

Such a visa that was more than 28 days from the application will not be accepted.

You must be in Australia to apply for a 408 visa.

Evidence of employment or an offer of work should be attached to the application.

Visa for Ukrainians

We have received our fist visa grant for Ukrainians

I expect more measures from the Australian government in the future


Work Visa Lawyers – Temporary Activity Visa 408 - Australian Government endorsed events 

The subclass 408 COVID-19 Pandemic event visa is a visa of last resort. Now it is available to anyone who is currently working in Australia in ANY SECTOR.

Work Visa Lawyers will assess whether your occupation and your current profile fits into this covid visa 408. We will then draft and collate all the necessary paperwork, submit it, and follow up on your behalf.

We are one of the best Immigration Agents and Lawyers in Australia. we are based in South Australia, and you are always welcome to book an appointment with us via phone call, Zoom/Skype or Face to face consultation.


Book an appointment with one of our experienced Immigration Lawyers and Registered Migration Agents here.

Contact us on (08) 8351 9956 or +61 8 8351 9956 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

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Work Visa Lawyers works on Kaurna Land
We acknowledge and pay respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and
Elders of this land and this nation, and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational
practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

This site's contents are for general information purposes only
We recommend you seek advice from a Registered Migration Agent and Lawyer
(such as Work Visa Lawyers) in relation to your factual situation and relevant migration laws

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