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Global Talent Visa Australia - What You Need To Know About GTV Australia in 2022

Global Talent Visa Australia - What You Need To Know About GTV Australia in 2022

Since its introduction, the Global Talent Visa proved to be one of the most popular visas for highly skilled individuals wanting to come to Australia.  When it was first introduced, the Australian Government allocated 5,000 places for the program, for this financial year (2021-2022), there are now 15,000 places under this program and will be reducing to approx 8,500 in 2022-23 program year. 

Information page for Global Talent Visa >

It even became more popular when Australia imposed the border and travel restrictions because the Global Talent visa holders were not subject to the inbound travel restrictions because it is a permanent resident visa.

Because of its popularity, the Expression of Interest (EOI) process to get an invitation to apply for the Global Talent Visa is very competitive (read full blog about the current application numbers here) and the processing time could be longer than expected. The current processing time for Global Talent Visa post EOI lodgment could be 6-12 months depending on how exceptionally talented the applicants are.

However, the Department of Home Affairs in its September 2021 ​​Skilled visa newsletters ​​noted that they received many EOIs that are not within the scope of the program.  The number of EOIs received would necessarily increase the Department’s workload and therefore delay the processing.

Considering the competitiveness of the global talent visa program, what do you need to do to make your EOI stand out and/or to increase your chances of getting an invitation?

In General, visa applicants are required to meet the following 4 core requirements to be able to apply for a Global Talent visa: Target sectors, Salary above the income threshold, internationally recognized for outstanding achievement and qualified Australian nominator

If you are still unsure about your eligibility, please take our free GTV assessment here!

Take Free GTV Assessment

Global Talent Visa Program Eligibility

Firstly, make sure that you meet the eligibility criteria for the Global Talent Visa Australia. We discussed the criteria in a previous blog which can be found here.

You also need to be working in one of the target sectors, namely:

  • Resources
  • Agri-food & AgTech
  • Energy
  • Health Industries
  • Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space
  • Circular Economy
  • DigiTech
  • Infrastructure and Tourism
  • Financial Services and FinTech

If you are highly skilled but do not quite fit the criteria for this visa, you might want to explore other Australian skilled visa programs or Australian employer sponsorship programs.

You may not be aware that, in each sector, the Global Talent Visa Australia looks at specific exceptional talented applicants to send the invitations.

Are you eligible for the Global Talent Visa Australia? (with examples)

Overall, even within the sectors, it seems that the Department is more focused on those bringing skills and experience in technical innovation.

For example, someone in Digitech with experience in the specializations of cloud computing and cyber security would meet the sector requirements.

For a negative example, traditional financial planners and investment advisors might not be eligible for the program despite having a high salary.

Then again, those involved in financial services implementing automation and digital may be eligible.

This is due to not being in one of the target sectors.


To know more about which roles and sub-sectors the Global Talent Visa Program focus on, please read this blog here.

Moreover, this writing will demonstrate all the tips to let your EOI stand out of the crowd based on the main criteria of the program.

Role of the Global Talent Officers - Fast track your application

The Australian Government established the Global Talent Taskforce in September 2020 to “attract high-value businesses and exceptionally talented individuals with ideas and energy to Australia.”

The Task Force has officers in charge of different regions around the world.

Some of the EOI candidates are referred to the Global Talent program by the officers.

If you had been referred to the program and your EOI is supported by the Global Talent officer for priority processing, your EOI may be processed quicker.

The Global Talent Taskforce regularly holds information sessions, events or webinars, you may want to check out one in your area to learn more about the program and to get in contact with your region’s Global Talent Taskforce team.

High-income Threshold for Global Talent Visa Australia

Applicants must show that they earn or are likely to earn an income equal to or higher than Australia’s Fair Work High Income Threshold (FWHIT) which for this financial year (2021- 2022) is set at AUD$158,500.

However, due to the competitiveness of this program. Having a high income alone does not necessarily mean that you will get an invitation to apply for a Global Talent Visa. It is not unheard of that EOI candidates earning more than AUD$250,000 not getting an invitation.

Your income here must only be contributed by your base salary. BONUSES OR EQUITIES VALUE ARE NOT ACCEPTED.

Back to the example of stockbrokers, their income would mostly be from bonuses and commissions, which is not eligible for Global Talent Visa Australia. Moreover, Stockbrokers are not hard to find, which is counted as not global talent.

You would need to show that you are a “global talent” and have the exceptional skills and internationally recognized achievements and accomplishments required.

Australian Nominator in Global Talent Visa program

Find the most suitable nominator for Global Talent Visa Australia

Having a good nominator is also a must. The nominator can either be an Australian organization, Australian citizen, or permanent resident. They should also demonstrate a national reputation or be a prominent expert in the same sector as the EOI Candidate.

Further, if the nominator does not know the EOI Candidate personally, this will usually attract more scrutiny.

Can a friend of a family member be my nominator for GTI program?

Similarly, suppose your nominator is a friend or a family member primarily if the nominator and the EOI Candidate have not worked with each other professionally. In that case, the objectivity of the nominator might also be looked at. 

If the nominator is unfamiliar with the EOI Candidate’s achievements and skills, their statement may not be given much weight by the case officer.

Global Talent Australia Nominator

We have noticed that recently more and more nominators are being contacted by the Department of Home Affairs, usually during the visa application stage. This is for the Department to verify the identity of the nominator, check if the nominator knows the applicant, and confirm that the nominator indeed signed the Form 1000.

Some key points worth mentioning here, the conversation will be about how the nominator sees the candidate about critical issues written in form 1000 as in an international recognition of achievement, how they are an asset to Australia, or the ability to self-establish in the nominated area of expertise.

We suggest having a Global Talent Visa nominator who can subjectively and professionally attest to your achievements and prominence.

There are Australian organizations or peak industry organizations who nominate EOI candidates and charge an administration fee; however the Department must be satisfied that the organization had made thorough checks as to their nominee’s exceptional and internationally recognized achievements.

The most popular nominators like ACS or Engineers Australia could be the best option if you do not find a suitable nominator for yourself, especially for applicants working in DigiTech or as highly skilled engineering professionals.

Want to apply for ACS Nomination for Global Talent Visa or Engineers Australia GTV nomination , please click on the button below to talk with our team:

Book an Appointment

Highlighting your skillset for Global Talent Visa

In completing the EOI form and in making your submissions, it is not enough that you re-state what is already written in your CV or resume.

It is recommended that in drafting your EOI that you highlight your exceptional skillset and discuss what makes you a “global talent.” Your skillset should be in line with what is required by Global Talent Program.

The most important point that the Department of Home Affairs is looking at is how you are going to bring your skillset to Australia which means the ability to commercialize or to bring exceptional benefits to Australia.

 Global Talent Australia

Feel more confident for Global Talent Visa Australia now, take our free GTV assessment!

Take Free GTV Assessment

Global Talent Visa Processing times for EOI and Visa Application

We at Work Visa Lawyers get a lot of inquiries, from clients and non-clients, about the EOI processing time.

Because of its popularity, the Expression of Interest process for the Global Talent Visa is very competitive

Unfortunately, the processing time is now longer than expected.

There are 2 stages for the process:

1.     EOI

2.     Visa application

Both stages have a longer processing time.

Some strong EOIs are invited within 2-10 weeks.

Many other EOIs take approximately 6-12 months.

However, they have received many EOIs that are not within the scope of the program.

This is said to be one of the reasons for a higher delay in processing time

Visa applications can take between 1 month to 5 months.


The Global Talent Visa because of its popularity has become even more competitive in 2022.

You need to make sure that you showcase your talent and achievements and matching it with the requirements of the program to increase your chances of getting an invitation.

Preparing your EOI submission together involves a lot of work not just in relation to the practical side of things but also in relation to the legal requirements. Work Visa Lawyers has the experience in assessing your eligibility for the program and in preparing and putting forward comprehensive submissions.

To check if you are eligible for the program you can use our free assessment tool, which can be found here. Or you can call us at  +61 8 8351 9956  or  Email us at This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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