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Global Talent Visa Updates In September 2022

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This is for someone who does not know about the Global talent visa in Australia.

Basically, this is the fast-tracked permanent residency pathway for highly skilled and talented people in the world with significant achievement in Australia’s target sectors.

There are about 10 target sectors listed for the GTI program Australia.

There is no specific occupation required for being eligible for the Global Talent Visa program.

Within the scope of this writing, we only mention the latest update that we have received on the media or during our visa application process.

Updates on Offshore applicants as the highest priority for Global Talent Visa Program

Global talent visa offshore updates

In a bid to “fix” the immigration system and address the skill shortage, the Australian government announced that it will be making some changes in the processing the Global Talent Visa.

One change that was flagged by the Home Affairs Minister, Ms. Clare O’Neil in an interview with the Australian Financial Review is the Global Talent Visa program.

Minister O’Neil said that the only candidates that would be considered are those located offshore.

With the explanation that onshore applicants may be able to find other pathways for Australian PR.

The government would like to focus more on recruiting talent worldwide.

Last program year has seen a more than 70% of GTI visas were granted to ONSHORE applicants.

However, to date, there are still no legislative, regulatory, or policy changes nor new Ministerial Directions to this effect.

We have been advised that the Global Talent Visa EOIs continue to be processed in submission order.

According to the Global Talent Visa program officers: Government is currently revising Ministerial directions to give priority to applicants for a permanent visa where the applicant is offshore, including within the Global Talent program. This will enable more workers to enter Australia more quickly, contribute to the labor market and ease labor shortages.”

This is appropriate because most Global talent visa applicants in Australia have secured their own stable jobs.

Granting those onshore workers will not help deal with the labor shortages the country is facing.

So, for now at least, pending any policy changes, EOIs from onshore applicants are still being accepted and processed.


Global Talent Visa priority assessment order

EOIs for the Global Talent visas are usually assessed in order of receipt but some EOIs receive priority assessment. these are:

  1. Those that have the confirmed support of a Global Talent Officer
  2. The EOIs from Hong Kong nationals and residents
  3. Candidates of extremely high calibre including those who meet the high-income threshold.

Those EOIs that clearly do not meet the criteria for the Global Talent Visa may receive an early unsuccessful notification.


Global Talent Visa Current processing time

It is advised by the department that they are currently processing EOIs submitted in April 2021. 

With the current skills summit, the government has announced the budget to deal with the backlog.

In fact, our clients have received good turnaround time recently.

We expect that in the near future, the Global Talent Visa processing time will be decreased further.

Removal of EOI invitation expiry

One recent significant change in the Global Talent Visa program is the removal of the EOI invitation expiry.

Prior to this, EOI invitations are only valid for 12 months.

That means those who got the invitation to apply for the Global Talent Visa have 12 months to apply for the visa.

If you want to check your eligibility for the Global talent program, you can use our free Global Talent Assessment Tool


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Wednesday, 14 August 2024

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