State Sponsorship News

Enrolled Nurse - State Sponsorship for Australian permanent residency and Skills assessment news


Enrolled Nurse and GSM visa applications

Enrolled Nurse has been on skilled occupation for long time. However, ANMAC had not started any skill assessment until recently. Since 1st of July 2013, ANMAC started processing Skill Assessments for Enrolled Nurses. From that time forward, the major pathway of points based General Skilled Migration to permanent residency and provisional residency has been opened for Enrolled Nurses.   Enrolled Nurses also continue to have the options of Employer Sponsored Migration including ENS or RSMS.

State Nomination is available

If you are registered as an Enrolled Nurse either in Australia or New Zealand, there is an option for General Skilled Migration – subclass 190 or 489. Currently three State Governments are sponsoring Enrolled Nurse.

  • ACT – Only 190 is available
  • NT – both 190 and 489 are available
  • SA – both 190 and 489 are available

South Australia

According to Immigration SA, current availability for the occupation of Enrolled Nurse is “medium” whereas, Registered Nurse remains as “High Availability”.  If South Australia continues to receive high numbers of GSM applications for Enrolled Nurses, then the occupations status my shift to ‘low’ availability, then ‘special conditions’ and finally may be removed from the list.  From the 1 July 2014, a new occupational ceiling will be released by DIBP, and then Immigration SA may reset the availability to ‘High”.

Each year Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) sets “occupational ceiling”, which means once one occupation reached to that number, no more invitation will be approved. Current occupational ceiling for Enrolled Nurses and Registered Nurses are 1,260 and 11,940 respectively.

SA Criteria for SA Nomination

You are required to have followings:

  • Aged under 50 and
  • Registered with AHPRA and
  • have a positive skill assessment from ANMAC and
  • IELTS 7.0 in each band or OET B in each components
  • At least one year experience after Qualification – this must be experience as an Enrolled Nurse. Experience as a carer is not counted. If the applicant only has one year experience, at least 50% of the experience should have been obtained from SA or the applicant has met the minimum work experience requirement and is currently working in a skilled occupation in South Australia (and has been employed in that position in South Australia for a minimum of three months)

SA Special Exemptions

If you have studied at least 46 weeks and completed a qualification in South Australia, even if you don’t meet all of the criteria, you may be still eligible for SA Nomination if

  • Work experience exemption

o   If you achieved an IELTS score of 7.0 in each band or 7.5 overall and continue to reside in South Australia – work experience is exempted

o   Currently working in a skilled occupation (minimum 30 hours per week) in South Australia. The skilled occupation must be ANZSCO level 1 to 4 and listed on the State Nominated Occupation List (SNOL) or the Immigration SA current Offlist.

  •      English Exemption

o   If you are already registered and working in South Australia as an Enrolled Nurse, you may be still eligible for State Nomination with IELTS 6.0 if you meet all other criteria

ANMAC – Skill Assessment

ANMAC is the skill assessment authority for Nurses. They are currently assessing skills for Enrolled Nurses who are registered either in Australia or New Zealand. If you are an Enrolled Nurse registered elsewhere and would like to get a positive skill assessment for Migration Purpose, please contact AHPRA to get registration in Australia first.

Current Skill Assessment processing time for Enrolled Nurses is at least 16 weeks.  Since September 2013, ANMAC also decided to return all application which is incomplete rather than process and let candidates know what documents are required further. Therefore, if you do not wish to waste time, it would be wise to be extra careful when you are preparing skill assessment documents.

More Nursing Positions

IHW spokesperson, Dr Adrian Webster said the report, Nursing and midwifery workforce 2012, showed there were about 334,000 nurses and midwives registered in Australia in 2012, or 6.8 per cent more than the 313,000 registered in 2008. Dr Webster said of those employed in nursing and midwifery, more than 238,000 were registered nurses (including midwives) and about 52,000 were enrolled nurses. (

Warning -This information is accurate on the 07 DEC 2013.  

DIBP and the ASC can change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging a skills assessment or visa application. 

Do You Need Help in Relation to a Skills Assessment as a Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting with skills assessment to enable applications for skillselect subclass 189, 190 and 489 visas and Employer Nomination Scheme applications.

We can help you with a skills assessment as an Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse.

For further information regarding skills assessments or your Australian visa options you contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091.

Or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


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Changes to SA sponsorship list - Chemical Engineer, ICT Business Analyst and Software Engineer not available!

The following occupations have been shifted to ‘currently not available’ on the SA State Nominated Occupation List (SNOL). 

- Chemical Engineer,

- ICT Business Analyst

- Software Engineer

This will effect those who were planning to apply for sa state sponsored subclass 190 or 489 visas for the above occupations.

Here is what the status of ‘Currently not available’ means:

“Currently Not Available for State Nomination

Occupations with this status are not currently available for South Australian state nomination, due to the occupation group being close to reaching the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) national ceiling. DIAC have a limited number of places available for State and Territory nomination for the rest of the 2013/14 program year. Independent General Skilled Migration or other States/Territories may still have places currently available for the occupation group.

In December 2013, DIAC will notify South Australia if there are any additional places available for this occupational group for state nomination and will allocate South Australia with a new quota.

Please monitor this website in December 2013 for any updated information.

Please view the DIAC website for announcements about occupation groups close to reaching the DIAC ceiling and how it affects prospective applicants for State Nominated or Independent General Skilled Migration”

Sources: Immigration SA

Do You Need Help in Relation to Australian Visas?

If you require further information regarding Australian Visa application charges or your Australian visa options you contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

This information is accurate on the 13 September 2013. 

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Immigration SA changes effecting State Nominations for subclass 190 and 489 - New Occupations, Occupations nearing ceilings...

Immigration SA has released the following information:

“New professions added to the State Nominated Occupation List

From 2 September 2013, the following occupations have been added to the State Nominated Occupation List (SNOL):

•    Procurement Manager
•    Registered Nurse (Paediatric)


ICT occupations

From 2 September 2013, the “Special Conditions Apply” status has been removed for all On-list ICT occupations and there will be a limited number of places available for South Australian State Nomination. The IELTS requirement for all ICT occupations is 6.5 in each band score.



Occupations close to reaching DIAC national ceiling

Six occupation groups are close to reaching the Department of Immigration and Citizenship (DIAC) national ceiling and DIAC have allocated a limited number of places for State and Territory nomination for the rest of the 2013/14 program year. Once South Australia has reached the state quota in an occupation group listed below, Immigration SA will be unable to nominate any more applicants (including SA international graduates) for the remainder of the 2013/14 program year.

Please view the DIAC website for announcements about these six occupation groups and how it affects prospective applicants for state nominated or independent General Skilled Migration   


The six occupation groups with a limited number of places available for SA state nomination are:

  • 2331 Chemical and Materials Engineers
  • 2611 ICT Business and Systems Analysts
  • 2334 Electronics Engineers
  • 2633 Telecommunication Engineering Professionals
  • 2339 Other Engineering Professionals
  • 2613 Software and Applications Programmers

Due to the limited number of places, Immigration SA will prioritise applications who meet all Immigration SA eligibility requirements as follows:

1.     Currently employed in a skilled occupation in SA

2.     An international Graduate of SA  

3.     High calibre offshore or onshore applicants (Immigration SA will take into account: DIAC points, qualifications, work experience and English level when assessing an application for these occupation groups).

Please note that for occupations subject to a DIAC occupation ceiling management process, Immigration SA reserves the right to process applicants by merit rather than by date submitted.

Source: Immigration SA

This information isaccurate on the 04 September 2013.  Immigration SA will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 

Need Help?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experience in assisting applicants with the Expression of Interest, State Sponsorship and Visa application process for state sponsored subclasses 190 and 489.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa options you contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

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Welfare Worker occupation status changed on SA State Nomination List (SNOL) – further changes could result in an end to SA state sponsorship for Welfare Workers for visas 190 and 489

Welfare Worker occupation status changed on SA State Nomination List (SNOL) – further changes could result in an end to SA state sponsorship for Welfare Workers for visas 190 and 489

Welfare Worker and SA State Sponsorship

There has recently been a change to the ‘Availability Status’ of the occupation of Welfare Worker for SA state sponsorship.  The occupation availability has changed on the State Nominated Occupation List (SNOL). The status has been changed to ‘Medium Availability’. 

This change may be a concern for those who are looking for SA state sponsorship as a Welfare Worker.  The reason for concern is that it is very early in the program year which started from 1 July 2013 and runs to 30 June 2013.  With the downgrade to medium availability, Welfare Worker may at a later time be moved to ‘Low Availability’ and then to ‘DIAC Occupation ceiling met’.  If the DIAC SNOL status changes to ‘DIAC Occupation ceiling met’, then state sponsorship of the occupation for subclass 190 and 489 will stop.

Here are all the Occupations currently listed for Medium Availability on the SNOL:

272613  Welfare Worker               Medium Availability        IELTS 7.0 in each band plus 2 years work experience in field

139914  Quality Assurance Manager        Medium Availability        IELTS 7.0 in each band

224711  Management Consultant             Medium Availability       

225411  Sales Representative (Industrial Products)           Medium Availability

249311  Teacher of English to Speakers of Other Languages          Medium Availability        IELTS 7.0 in each band

311213  Medical Laboratory Technician   Medium Availability

312512  Mechanical Engineering Technician          Medium Availability

Any of the occupation currently listed as Medium Availability may be at risk of reaching the occupational ceiling and sponsorship being closed, during this program year, which ends on 30 June 2014.

What happens when Occupation Ceiling is met?

This is the information that Immigration SA provides on the SNOL classification DIAC occupation ceiling met:

“DIAC National Occupation Ceilings

For the 2013-14 program year DIAC set ceilings for occupational groupings. If a ceiling is met no further invitations can be issued by DIAC for this occupation group until 1 July 2014. For clients with an Expression Of Interest in this occupation group, your Expression Of Interest will remain valid for two years from the date you submitted your Expression Of Interest.


Immigration SA will not be accepting applications for occupations that are listed as "DIAC occupation ceiling met."

Source: Immigration SA

This information isaccurate on the 24 August 2013.  Immigration SA will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 

Need Help?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experience in assisting applicants with the Expression of Interest, State Sponsorship and Visa application process for state sponsored subclasses 190 and 489.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa options you contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

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Welfare Workers, Cooks, Bakers and more! SA international grads with full skills assessments sponsored through off-list – Are you on the list?

Immigration SA has widened the state sponsorship criteria for off-list nominations.

SA State sponsorship is no longer restricted to students who graduated within the last six months. All international graduates of South Australia will be considered, regardless of how long ago they graduated.

The off-list currently has 242 occupations available for state sponsorship.   

The off-list offers the opportunity for SA graduates to be sponsored for the 242 occupations.

The SA graduates must have a full skills assessment for one of the 242 occupations.

The  changes to the criteria for off-list will only apply until 30 June 2013 at the latest. 

There are a limited number of off-list places available per financial year and this number is reached, then Immigration SA will most likely close off-list sponsorship.  This could happen before the 30 June 2013.

One of the occupations currently on the off-list where graduates often have a full skills assessment is Welfare Worker. 

If you require further information regarding the SA State Sponsorship criteria or would like to book a consultation with Christopher Johnston, please do not hesitate to contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091.

The full list  of SA sponsored occupations is available at:

Here are some of the off-list occupations that are being sponsored:

141311  Hotel or Motel Manager                               IELTS 7.0 in each band

221214  Internal Auditor                                IELTS 7.0 in each band plus 3 yrs work experience in field

224112  Mathematician                 IELTS 6.5 in each band

225111  Advertising Specialist                     IELTS 6.5 in each band

225112  Market Research Analyst                             IELTS 6.5 in each band

225113  Marketing Specialist                       IELTS 6.5 in each band

225213  ICT Sales Representative                              IELTS 6.5 in each band

225311  Public Relations Professional                      IELTS 6.5 in each band

232312  Industrial Designer          IELTS 6.5 in each band

232313  Jewellery Designer                          IELTS 6.5 in each band

232411  Graphic Designer                             IELTS 6.5 in each band

232412  Illustrator                            IELTS 6.5 in each band

232414  Web Designer                   IELTS 6.5 in each band

233512  Mechanical Engineer                      IELTS 6.5 in each band

272613  Welfare Worker

351111  Baker                    IELTS 6.0 in each band plus 3 yrs work experience in field

351112  Pastry Cook                        IELTS 6.0 in each band plus 3 yrs work experience in field

351211  Butcher or Smallgoods Maker                    See IELTS explanation listed in Point 9 here

351311  Chef                      IELTS 6.0 in each band plus 3 yrs work experience in field

351411  Cook                      IELTS 6.0 in each band plus 3 yrs work experience in field

362211  Gardener (General)                        See IELTS explanation listed in Point 9 here

362212  Arborist                                See IELTS explanation listed in Point 9 here

362213  Landscape Gardener                      See IELTS explanation listed in Point 9 here

362311  Greenkeeper                    See IELTS explanation listed in Point 9 here

362411  Nurseryperson                 See IELTS explanation listed in Point 9 here

391111  Hairdresser

392211  Graphic Pre-press Trades Worker                            

392311  Printing Machinist

394111  Cabinetmaker

411511  Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Health Worker                         IELTS 6.5 in each band

411711  Community Worker                        IELTS 6.5 in each band

411712  Disabilities Services Officer                          IELTS 6.5 in each band

411713  Family Support Worker                 IELTS 6.5 in each band

411714  Parole or Probation Officer          IELTS 6.5 in each band

411715  Residential Care Officer                                IELTS 6.5 in each band

411716  Youth Worker                    IELTS 6.5 in each band

511112  Program or Project Administrator           IELTS 6.5 in each band


We are able provide you with assistance in relation to SA State Sponsored visas.  You can contact Chris Johnston at Work Visa Lawyers.

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


This New posting is accurate on 8 June 2013.

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