I am an enrolled/registered nurse and I want to work in Australia! What do I need to do for an Australian visa?

I am an enrolled/registered nurse and I want to work in Australia! What do I need to do for an Australian visa?

It is estimated that Australia will face a shortage of nurses in the medium to long term because of the following factors:

  1. Retirement of older nurses
  2. Increased demand for nurses, especially in aged care (Australia has a growing aged population)

In the immediate and short term Australian states and territories have started to look towards overseas nurses to fill in the demand for skilled professional nurses. Just last month Neroli Ellis from the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Federation told ABC Radio Hobart nursing recruitment agencies were increasingly looking overseas for nurses to work in Tasmania. Hospitals are also competing to attract experienced nurses to work in their establishments.

Nursing occupations which are suitable for migration purposes have been listed on the Skilled Occupation List (SOL) and Consolidated Skilled Occupation List (CSOL). They include:

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10310 Hits

New English Tests for Nursing Skills Assessments! – PTE Academic and TOEFL iBT

New English Tests for Nursing Skills Assessments! – PTE Academic and TOEFL iBT


The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) has announced changes to the English language requirements for skills assessments of overseas qualified nurses and midwives.

The following requirements will apply from 1 July 2016:

PTE ACADEMIC Accepted – effective 1 July 2016

Applicants must achieve a minimum overall score of 65 AND a minimum score of 65 in each of the four communicative skills - listening, reading, writing and speaking.

ANMAC only accepts test results from one test sitting OR a maximum of two test sittings, in a six-month period only if the applicant achieves:

a) a minimum overall score of 65 in each sitting, AND

b) no score in any of the four communicative skills is below 58

TOEFL iBT Accepted – effective 1 July 2016

Applicants must achieve a minimum total score of 94 AND the following minimum score in each section of the test:

- 24 listening

- 24 reading

- 27 writing

- 23 speaking

ANMAC only accepts test results from one test sitting, OR a maximum of two test sittings in a six-month period only if the applicant achieves:

a) a minimum total score of 94 in each sitting, AND

b) no score in any of the sections is below:

- 20 listening

- 19 reading

- 24 writing

- 20 speaking

IELTS (Academic module)

Applicants must achieve a minimum overall score of 7 AND a minimum score of 7 in each of the four components - listening, reading, writing and speaking.

ANMAC only accepts test results from one test sitting OR a maximum of two test sittings, in a six-month period only if the applicant achieves:

a) a minimum overall score of 7 in each sitting, AND

b) no score in any component of the test is below 6.5


Applicants must achieve a minimum score of B in each of the four components - listening, reading, writing and speaking.

ANMAC only accepts test results from one test sitting OR a maximum of two test sittings, in a six-month period only if the applicant:

a) is tested in all four components in each sitting, AND

b) no score in any component of the test is below C

Overseas nurses and midwives should note that Modified skills assessments do not require the submission of English language test results. To find out more about the Modified skills assessment and our recommended registration pathway for overseas qualified nurses and midwives, please refer to our earlier blog here.


  1. http://www.anmac.org.au/international-services
  2. http://www.anmac.org.au/sites/default/files/documents/Communique_ELP_requirements_1_July_2016.pdf


Comments by Chris Johnston – Principal Lawyer and Registered Migration Agent at Work Visa Lawyers

ANMAC has now joined a list of skills assessment authorities which are accepting the PTE Academic and TOEFL iBT test results as part of the English requirements for a successful skills assessment outcome. This is a favourable movement for applicants who might have struggled with the format of the IELTS or OET exams.

You are reminded that English is only part of the skills assessment criteria and you need to make sure all criteria are met before you submit your skills assessment. If you are unsure whether you are able to meet the requirements, speak to a Registered Migration Agent to find out more.

This information is accurate on 30 June 2016

Do you need help with an Australian visa application?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting applicants in all matters relating to Australian visa applications. Our areas of expertise include Skilled Migration visas, Business Skills Migration visas, Employer Sponsored Work Visas, Partner and other Family Migration visas as well as the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) Review, Judicial Review and Ministerial Intervention.

If you require further information regarding your Australia visa options you can contact us through:

(08) 8351 9956 or +61 8 8351 9956

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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19549 Hits

Migration Skills Assessment and Registration for Registered Nurses and Enrolled Nurses

Migration Skills Assessment and Registration for Registered Nurses and Enrolled Nurses

 2018 UPDATE:

How to Increase Your Points for Employer Sponsored (RSMS 187, ENS 186), Independent (189, 489), and State Nomination (190) Skilled Visas

Australian SkillSelect Round Results September/August 2018 - Skilled Independent & Regional Visa Occupation Lists

Skills Assessments & Occupation Lists for Australian TSS 482 And Employer-Sponsored Permanent Resident Visas

Medical and health professionals are always in demand in Australia. To apply for an Australian visa via the General Skilled Migration programme (which includes the Skill – Independent Subclass 189 visa, the Skill – Nominated Subclass 190 visa and the Skill – Regional Sponsored Subclass 489), a positive skills assessment is required. Skills assessments for health professionals can be complicated and confusing as registration with the relevant health authority in Australia is required before a positive skills assessment result can be issued.

We constantly receive repeated queries about the migration skills assessment and registration requirements from overseas nurses and midwives, as well as from international students who are completing nursing studies in Australia. As such we hope to provide more helpful information in relation to the topic at hand.

In this article we will be looking at the registration process for registered nurses, enrolled nurses and midwives, as part of the process of obtaining a positive skills assessment for migration purposes. The questions we will be answering include:

What is the Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC)? How is it different from the Nursing and Midwifery Board of Australia (NMBA)?

ANMAC is responsible for making an assessment on an applicant’s work experience and qualifications to determine the applicant’s suitability for skilled migration. A health professional would obtain the migration skills assessment from ANMAC before lodging a visa application.

NMBA is the registration body in Australia which manages the registration of nurses and midwives in Australia. It is compulsory for nurses and midwives to be registered in Australia. You cannot work in Australia as a nurse or midwife unless you are registered with NMBA. NMBA also sets policies and standards for the nursing and midwifery profession. You can find out more about the NMBA from the Australian Health Practitioner Regulation Agency (AHPRA) website here.

In other words you will need to:

  • apply for the skills assessment with ANMAC to apply for Australian work visas or the General Skilled Migration visas; and
  • apply for registration with NMBA to work as a nurse or midwife in Australia.

So where do I start to have my skills assessed as a nurse or midwife?

Nurses and Midwives flowchart

The migration skills assessment is processed by ANMAC. The key point to note is that ANMAC offers different pathways for the migration skills assessment. The different pathways are:

  • Full skills assessment
  • Modified skills assessment

If you have registration with NMBA you can apply for a modified skills assessment. It is advisable to obtain registration with NMBA first and apply via the ANMAC modified skills assessment because of the following reasons:

  1. You automatically meet the assessment standards for the modified skills assessment if you are registered with NMBA
  2. You do not need to provide English test results if you are already registered with NMBA
  3. ANMAC only accepts IELTS or OET for the full skills assessment whereas NMBA accepts IELTS, OET, PTE Academic and TOEFL iBT for registration
  4. You can combine scores of TWO English exam sittings to meet the English requirements for registration with NMBA (ANMAC only accepts scores in a single sitting)
  5. A modified skills assessment costs A$330 whereas a full skills assessment costs A$900

What are the English requirements for NMBA?

For initial registration with the NMBA you can use different English exams to demonstrate the meeting of English requirements for the registration. The scores required for the different English exams are listed below. You should note that as mentioned above, you can COMBINE scores from two sittings of the same exam, as long as they are within a six-month period.

You can meet the English requirements for registration with NMBA without taking an English exam but you will need to show education in English and work in one of the following recognised countries:

  • Australia
  • Canada
  • New Zealand
  • Republic of Ireland
  • South Africa
  • United Kingdom, or
  • United States of America.

The following is a detailed description of what scores are required for the different English exams accepted by NMBA.

IELTS Academic Module

Minimum overall score of 7 and a minimum score of 7 in each of the four components (listening, reading, writing and speaking

If combining scores from two sittings, the following is required:

  • The two exam sittings are within a 6-month period
  • Both exams achieved a minimum overall score of 7
  • There are no components in the two exams with a score lesser than 6.5
  • By using the two exam results you will have a minimum score of 7.0 in all components









Test 1






Combined test scores meet registration standards

Test 2













Test 1






Combined test scores cannot be used

Test 2







Minimum score of B in each of the four components (listening, reading, writing and speaking)

If combining scores from two sittings, the following is required:

  • The two exam sittings are within a 6-month period
  • All four components were tested for the two exams taken
  • There are no components in the two exams with a score lower than C
  • By using the two exam results you will have a minimum score of B in all components








Test 1





Combined test scores meet registration standards

Test 2











Test 1





Combined test scores cannot be used

Test 2





PTE Academic

Minimum overall score of 65 and a minimum score of 65 in each of the four communicative skills (listening, reading, writing and speaking)

If combining scores from two sittings, the following is required:

  • The two exam sittings are within a 6-month period
  • Both exams achieved a minimum overall score of 65
  • There are no components in the two exams with a score lower than 58
  • By using the two exam results you will have a minimum score of 65 in all communicative skills









Test 1






Combined test scores meet registration standards

Test 2













Test 1






Combined test scores cannot be used

Test 2







Minimum total score of 94 and the following minimum score in each section of the test:

  • 24 for listening
  • 24 for reading
  • 27 for writing, and
  • 23 for speaking

If combining scores from two sittings, the following is required:

  • The two exam sittings are within a 6-month period
  • Both exams achieved a minimum overall score of 94
  • Minimum score of 24 for Listening, 24 for Reading, 27 for Writing, 23 for Speaking across the two sittings
  • For the two sittings all sections are at the minimum score or above:
    • 20 for Listening
    • 19 for Reading
    • 24 for Writing
    • 20 for Speaking









Test 1






Combined test scores meet registration standards

Test 2













Test 1






Combined test scores cannot be used

Test 2






The additional choices for English exams and the ability to combine test scores from two different sittings are huge advantages for registering with NMBA when compared with the criteria for a standard migration skills assessment with ANMAC.

Therefore as a nurse or midwife, the first step you should take is to find out the registration process with NMBA. You can find out more here. Alternatively, contact Work Visa Lawyers to make an appointment and have your visa options assessed.

I have the required English exam results. What else is required for the NMBA registration?

Other than meeting the English requirements, applicants will also need to show the following:

  • Your qualification makes you eligible to apply for registration to practise as a registered nurse in the country where you completed the program of study
  • The education institute and study programme needs to externally accredited during the period of studies (If you are unable to meet this requirement, you may be referred to an NMBA-approved bridging program to facilitate the meeting of this requirement)
  • Your nursing qualification is deemed to be equivalent to an Australian nursing bachelor’s degree
  • Your overseas study programme included a minimum of 800 hours of supervised workplace experience in an actual practice setting
  • Confirmation from your education institute that you have, as part of your study programme, completed an assessment in medication management for the following:
    • Administration of medication
    • Pharmacokinetics
    • Pharmacodynamics

It is possible for Work Visa Lawyers to conduct a preliminary assessment as to whether you will be able to meet the requirements for registration with NMBA, before you begin the registration process. If you are keen to find out more about your options, please contact us to arrange an appointment.

Comments by Chris Johnston – Principal Lawyer and Registered Migration Agent at Work Visa Lawyers

Health professionals are always asked to obtain registration in Australia first before they can receive a suitable skills assessment for their Australian skilled visa application. While the assessment and registration process can be confusing with two different agencies managing the profession, this article is produced with the aim of simplifying and explaining the necessary steps.

The English requirements of registration with NMBA is more advantageous for potential migrants with more English exams being accepted as well as the option to combine scores from 2 separate sittings. Nurses and midwives are strongly encouraged to register with NMBA first before submitting a migration skills assessment with ANMAC.

Do note that a positive skills assessment is only part of the Australia visa application requirements. Applicants will need to meet other criteria such as age, qualifications, English, work experience, health and character. Depending on the points total and occupation a state nomination may be required as well.

As such always check and verify that you meet all requirements before submitting a visa application. Be in touch with Work Visa Lawyers if you require such professional services.

This information is accurate on 6 January 2016


  1. http://www.ahpra.gov.au/Registration/Registration-Standards/English-language-skills.aspx
  2. http://www.anmac.org.au/nurse-or-midwife-registered-australia-or-new-zealand
  3. http://www.anmac.org.au/faqs
  4. https://www.ahpra.gov.au/


Do you need help with an Australian visa application?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting applicants in all matters relating to Australian visa applications. Our areas of expertise include Skilled Migration visas, Business Skills Migration visas, Employer Sponsored Work Visas, Partner and other Family Migration visas as well as Migration Review Tribunal, Judicial Review and Ministerial Intervention.

If you require further information regarding your Australia visa options you can contact us through:

(08) 8351 9956 or +61 8 8351 9956

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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20427 Hits

Immigration SA announces changes to provide visa options for Vocational, Educational and Training graduates – good news for Enrolled Nurses, Cooks and more

Immigration SA announces changes to provide visa options for Vocational, Educational and Training graduates – good news for Enrolled Nurses, Cooks and more

South Australian International Vocational, Education and Training (VET) Graduates now considered for State Nominations


Effective from 23 December 2014, Immigration SA is including VET graduates as part of the state sponsorship programme for skilled migration visas subclass 190 and 489.  To be eligible VET graduates of South Australia will need to be:

  • Currently working for 12 months or more in their nominated or closely related occupation in South Australia (minimum 20 hours per week); OR
  • Currently working for 6 months or more in their nominated or closely related occupation in a country region of South Australia (minimum 20 hours per week). The country region must be outside of Greater Adelaide.

The country region of South Australia is defined by postcode and you can explore the country regions on the Immigration SA website here.

What does this mean for you?

The expansion of the graduate list means that there are more opportunities for non-bachelor degree graduates to apply for permanent residence in South Australia.  To find out if the new changes are an opportunity for you, visit the Immigration SA website or contact us via the details below.



Immigration SA website


This information is accurate on the 2 January 2015.  DIBP and Immigration SA will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application.

Do You Need Help?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting applicants with the Skilled Migration visa applications which include State Sponsored visas subclass 190 and 489.  We can also assist with the Skilled-Independent stream for eligible applicants.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa options you can contact us through:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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5272 Hits

ANMAC announces new Resources available to assist with the skills assessment process for enrolled nurses that preparing to apply for Australian PR


New Resources are available on the ANMAC website to assist applicants and Registered Migration Agents to prepare skills assessments for Enrolled Nurses.

This is in response to the large number of applications and resulting delays in processing times of skills assessments, which can be in excess of 16 weeks or more.

ANMAC has release the following statement:

“New resources to assist with the submission of supporting documents for migration skills assessments


The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) assesses the skills of nurses and midwives who want to migrate to Australia under the General Skilled Migration Program. We are the independent assessing authority authorised by law to conduct these assessments by the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP).

Situation analysis

ANMAC continues to review the migration skills assessment process and implement Quality Improvement strategies. An unprecedented increase in application numbers during the past 12 months has created an additional administrative burden on ANMAC assessors especially where the submission includes incorrect supporting documents and incomplete applications.

A project was undertaken to review of documents submitted for migration skills assessments.

The review revealed common errors among applicants and/or agents with the supporting documentation submitted for an assessment.

Common errors include:

·         Incorrect registration certificates (from Australia, New Zealand and elsewhere in the


·         Misunderstanding the declaration and photograph requirements on the cover letter.

·         Not submitting graduation certificates.

·         Submission of professional references that do not meet ANMAC requirements.

·         Enquiries relating to the process for requesting a certificate of registration status (CoRS) from the Australian Health Practitioner regulation Agency (AHPRA).

New resources available

To continue to process applications in a timely manner, ANMAC has included information and examples for providing the correct supporting documents on the International Services resources page of the website. Applicants and agents are encouraged to use these support tools when gathering supporting documents for migration skills assessments. This will allow the applicant and/or their nominated agent to review the requirements for each document before resubmitting the application.

ANMAC provides specific advice to assist agents and their clients in gathering only the required documents for the skills assessment process. Upon completion of the online application an email is sent to the applicant/agent that has a link to the ANMAC supporting documents information. The new resources will complement the checklists emailed to applicants and/or agents at the completion of the online application.

This project is the latest in a number of developments already undertaken by ANMAC to improve assessment times, including:

·         New website that incorporates a more user friendly interface and articulates

assessment information succinctly.

·         New database to improve information storing and reporting.

·         Increasing number of assessors and support staff.

·         Increasing attendance at Migration Institute of Australia continuing professional development sessions and other stakeholder events to inform agents of ways to minimise barriers to their clients’ assessment process.

·         Checklist for required documents to ensure only those required documents are provided.

·         New policy for returning applications with excessive documentation.

The new resources will reduce the unnecessary administrative burden on the ANMAC

assessors allowing for faster assessment times while ensuring that responsibility for the

submission of correct documents appropriately resides with the applicant and/or their

nominated agent. We appreciate your support and assistance with these new resources. “


The Resources are available through this link:


Warning -This information is accurate on the 09 April 2014.  

DIBP and the State/Territory authorities can change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging a skills assessment or visa application. 



Do You Need Help in Relation to a Skills Assessment or visa application as a Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse?


At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting with skills assessment to enable applications for skillselect subclass 189, 190 and 489 visas and Employer Nomination Scheme applications.

We can help you with state sponsorship and visa application as an Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse.

For further information regarding skills assessments or your Australian visa options you contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091.

Or email:  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


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6703 Hits

Enrolled Nurse shifted to ‘Special Conditions Apply’ for SA State Sponsorship for Australian Visas

Enrolled Nurse occupation status has changed on SA State Nomination List (SNOL) – the status is now ‘Special Conditions Apply’

Enrolled Nurse and SA State SponsorshipAvailability Downgraded to ‘Special Conditions Apply’ – effectively restricting sponsorship to SA Graduates


There has recently been a change to the ‘Availability Status’ of the occupation of Enrolled Nurse for SA state sponsorship.  The occupation availability has changed on the State Nominated Occupation List (SNOL). The status has been changed from ‘Low Availability’ to low availability.  

This change may be a concern for those who are looking for SA state sponsorship as a Enrolled Nurse.  The reason for concern is that it is only mid-way into the program year which started from 1 July 2013 and runs to 30 June 2014.  With the downgrade to ‘low availability’, Enrolled Nurse may at a later time be moved to the SA ‘Off-List’. The SA ‘Off-List’ is only available to SA graduates.

The special conditions apply criteria on the 26 January 2014 were as follows:

“South Australian international graduates currently residing in South Australia, interstate or offshore

South Australian international graduates must meet all state nomination requirements, as well as requirements 6.1 and either 6.2 or 6.3 depending on the qualification completed.

Occupations listed as “Special Conditions Apply” are available to:

6.1South Australian (SA) international graduates who studied at a South Australian institution.Applicants must have completed a CRICOS registered qualification in South Australia with a minimum duration of one academic year (CRICOS registered for a minimum of 46 weeks)

6.1.1Applicants currently residing in South Australia must have completed a Higher Education or Vocational Education and Training (VET) qualification in South Australia.


6.1.2Applicants currently residing offshore or interstate must have completed a Higher Education qualification (Bachelor Degree or higher) in South Australia.

Documents required: a copy of the academic transcript and a letter of completion from the institution.

6.2Graduates with a Higher Education Advanced Diploma, Bachelor Degree or higher, must meet one of the following:

6.2.1Currently working in a skilled occupation (minimum 30 hours per week) in South Australia. The skilled occupation must be ANZSCO level 1 to 4 and listed on the State Nominated Occupation List (SNOL) or Immigration SA’s current Offlist.


6.2.2Have met the general work experience requirement as per nomination criteria 7. If an applicant is claiming Australian work experience, 50% of this must be South Australian work experience.

Documents required for work experience: A letter from the employer confirming commencement date, job title, duties and tasks, salary and number of hours worked per week.

Consideration will be given to applicants (currently residing in South Australia) who are a PhD or Masters by Research SA graduates who don’t meet work experience requirement 6.2.1 or 6.2.2. To be considered, applicants must have an IELTS of 7.0 in each band score or 7.5 overall.

6.3Graduates with a VET Diploma or Certificate must be currently working in a skilled occupation (minimum 30 hours per week) in South Australia. The skilled occupation must be ANZSCO level 1 to 4 and listed on the State Nominated Occupation List (SNOL) or Immigration SA’s current Offlist. Priority will be given to applicants based on length of employment in South Australia.”

If you meet the SA State Sponsorship criteria, you should consider apply for State Sponsorship as soon as possible, while the occupation is still available on the list.


Enrolled Nurse still open in Qld and NT

However, NT is still sponsoring EN for both 489 and 190. QLD is sponsoring EN for 489.

With other states closing or placing restrictions on the Enrolled Nurse sponsorship, this will lead to higher numbers of applications for Qld and NT. 

SA is still sponsoring however, the ‘special conditions apply’ status restricts access to SA graduates.

Warning -This information is accurate on the 26 January 2014.  

DIBP and the State/Territory authorities can change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging a skills assessment or visa application. 


The Immigration SA website:

The State Nomination Occupation List (SNOL): https://www.migration.sa.gov.au/SNOL_data

The eligibility requirement for SA state sponsorship: https://www.migration.sa.gov.au/node/104

Do You Need Help in Relation to a Skills Assessment or visa application as a Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting with skills assessment to enable applications for skillselect subclass 189, 190 and 489 visas and Employer Nomination Scheme applications.

We can help you with state sponsorship and visa application as an Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse.

For further information regarding skills assessments or your Australian visa options you contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091.

Or email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


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7171 Hits

Enrolled Nurse closed for ACT sponsorship for Australian Visas for this program year

Enrolled Nurse closed for ACT sponsorship for Australian Visas for this program year

ACT Government recently released an update on their website regarding Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Occupation List 2013-14.


People who want to apply for subclass 190 or 489 visas need State Nomination from one or more State Governments.

Currently ACT is only nominating applicants for subclass 190 Only. In order to receive their Nomination, your occupation must be on their list and status should be still “open”.

The occupation of Enrolled Nurse was originally listed on their list however, due to high volume of application, this occupation is closed and no longer available until 30 June 2013.

However, this would highly likely be re-open for the ACT from 1st July 2014.


Enrolled Nurse still open in SA, Qld and NT

However, NT is still sponsoring EN for both 489 and 190. QLD is sponsoring EN for 489.

SA is still sponsoring however, the availability is currently very low. Therefore if anyone would like to lodge their State Nomination to SA should be hurry.

Warning -This information is accurate on the 16 January 2014.  

DIBP and the State/Territory authorities can change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging a skills assessment or visa application. 

Do You Need Help in Relation to a Skills Assessment or visa application as a Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting with skills assessment to enable applications for skillselect subclass 189, 190 and 489 visas and Employer Nomination Scheme applications.

We can help you with state sponsorship and visa application as an Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse.

For further information regarding skills assessments or your Australian visa options you contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091.

Or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


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4005 Hits

Enrolled Nurse - State Sponsorship for Australian permanent residency and Skills assessment news


Enrolled Nurse and GSM visa applications

Enrolled Nurse has been on skilled occupation for long time. However, ANMAC had not started any skill assessment until recently. Since 1st of July 2013, ANMAC started processing Skill Assessments for Enrolled Nurses. From that time forward, the major pathway of points based General Skilled Migration to permanent residency and provisional residency has been opened for Enrolled Nurses.   Enrolled Nurses also continue to have the options of Employer Sponsored Migration including ENS or RSMS.

State Nomination is available

If you are registered as an Enrolled Nurse either in Australia or New Zealand, there is an option for General Skilled Migration – subclass 190 or 489. Currently three State Governments are sponsoring Enrolled Nurse.

  • ACT – Only 190 is available
  • NT – both 190 and 489 are available
  • SA – both 190 and 489 are available

South Australia

According to Immigration SA, current availability for the occupation of Enrolled Nurse is “medium” whereas, Registered Nurse remains as “High Availability”.  If South Australia continues to receive high numbers of GSM applications for Enrolled Nurses, then the occupations status my shift to ‘low’ availability, then ‘special conditions’ and finally may be removed from the list.  From the 1 July 2014, a new occupational ceiling will be released by DIBP, and then Immigration SA may reset the availability to ‘High”.

Each year Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) sets “occupational ceiling”, which means once one occupation reached to that number, no more invitation will be approved. Current occupational ceiling for Enrolled Nurses and Registered Nurses are 1,260 and 11,940 respectively.

SA Criteria for SA Nomination

You are required to have followings:

  • Aged under 50 and
  • Registered with AHPRA and
  • have a positive skill assessment from ANMAC and
  • IELTS 7.0 in each band or OET B in each components
  • At least one year experience after Qualification – this must be experience as an Enrolled Nurse. Experience as a carer is not counted. If the applicant only has one year experience, at least 50% of the experience should have been obtained from SA or the applicant has met the minimum work experience requirement and is currently working in a skilled occupation in South Australia (and has been employed in that position in South Australia for a minimum of three months)

SA Special Exemptions

If you have studied at least 46 weeks and completed a qualification in South Australia, even if you don’t meet all of the criteria, you may be still eligible for SA Nomination if

  • Work experience exemption

o   If you achieved an IELTS score of 7.0 in each band or 7.5 overall and continue to reside in South Australia – work experience is exempted

o   Currently working in a skilled occupation (minimum 30 hours per week) in South Australia. The skilled occupation must be ANZSCO level 1 to 4 and listed on the State Nominated Occupation List (SNOL) or the Immigration SA current Offlist.

  •      English Exemption

o   If you are already registered and working in South Australia as an Enrolled Nurse, you may be still eligible for State Nomination with IELTS 6.0 if you meet all other criteria

ANMAC – Skill Assessment

ANMAC is the skill assessment authority for Nurses. They are currently assessing skills for Enrolled Nurses who are registered either in Australia or New Zealand. If you are an Enrolled Nurse registered elsewhere and would like to get a positive skill assessment for Migration Purpose, please contact AHPRA to get registration in Australia first.

Current Skill Assessment processing time for Enrolled Nurses is at least 16 weeks.  Since September 2013, ANMAC also decided to return all application which is incomplete rather than process and let candidates know what documents are required further. Therefore, if you do not wish to waste time, it would be wise to be extra careful when you are preparing skill assessment documents.

More Nursing Positions

IHW spokesperson, Dr Adrian Webster said the report, Nursing and midwifery workforce 2012, showed there were about 334,000 nurses and midwives registered in Australia in 2012, or 6.8 per cent more than the 313,000 registered in 2008. Dr Webster said of those employed in nursing and midwifery, more than 238,000 were registered nurses (including midwives) and about 52,000 were enrolled nurses. (http://www.ncah.com.au/news-events/more-nurses-and-midwives-working/1967/)

Warning -This information is accurate on the 07 DEC 2013.  

DIBP and the ASC can change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging a skills assessment or visa application. 

Do You Need Help in Relation to a Skills Assessment as a Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting with skills assessment to enable applications for skillselect subclass 189, 190 and 489 visas and Employer Nomination Scheme applications.

We can help you with a skills assessment as an Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse.

For further information regarding skills assessments or your Australian visa options you contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091.

Or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


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51199 Hits

Skills assessments for Enrolled Nurses and Registered Nurses - ANMAC announces process changes!

 The Australian Nursing and Midwifery Accreditation Council (ANMAC) is the body authorised to do skills assessments for Australian migration purposes.

On 17 September 2013 ANMAC has sent the following information regarding the skills assessment process:

“New process of returning applications for migration skills assessments when incorrect documents are submitted”

“New protocol to be implemented

To continue to process applications in a timely manner, ANMAC is introducing a new protocol to manage incomplete and incorrect applications. Applications that are received incomplete or without correct supporting documentation will be returned. This will allow the applicant and their nominated agent to review the requirements for each document before resubmitting the application.

This new process will reduce the unnecessary administrative burden on the ANMAC assessors allowing for faster assessment times while ensuring that responsibility for the submission of correct documents appropriately resides with the applicant and their nominated agent.

We appreciate your support and assistance with the new assessment strategy.”

The release by ANMAC provides the following description in the rise in the number of applications for assessment and the documents that are usually required. “

Situation analysis

As you would be aware from the information provided on our website, the ANMAC assessment process can take more than 14 weeks during busy periods. ANMAC has been experiencing unprecedented numbers of skills assessment applications since the introduction of SkillSelect by DIAC in January 2013.

Traditionally ANMAC has assessed approximately 2000 applications per year. Since 1 January 2013 this has increased significantly to an average of over 100 applications per week, putting us on course to assess over 5000 applications this calendar year. The increase in application numbers has created extended assessment times for skills assessments although we are working to mitigate this.

The following steps have already been taken by ANMAC to improve assessment times:

New database to improve information storing and reporting

  • Increasing number of assessors and support staff
  • Increasing attendance at Migration Institute of Australia continuing professional development sessions to inform agents of ways to minimise barriers to their clients’ assessment process
  • Checklist for required documents to ensure only those required documents are provided

The increase in applications has created an additional administrative burden on ANMAC especially where the submission includes incorrect documents and incomplete applications.

Common errors include:

  • Incorrect certification of documents including cover sheet and photograph
  • Incorrect AHPRA registration certificates
  • Missing education details (eg graduation certificates) for bridging/adaptation programs
  • Submission of professional references that do not meet ANMAC requirements, despite a template being available on our website
  • Submission of unsolicited documents such as pay slips, utility bills, drivers licence, police criminal history checks (not required)
  • Submission of continuing professional development documents such as OH&S, mandatory training updates and other short course certificates
  • Curriculum Vitae or resume (not required) “

Source: Information released by ANMAC on 17 September 2013

Do You Need Help in Relation to a Skills Assessment as a Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting with skills assessment to enable applications for skillselect subclass 189, 190 and 489 visas and Employer Nomination Scheme applications.

We can help you with a skills assessment as an Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse.

For further information regarding skills assessments or your Australian visa options you contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091.

Or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  

This information is accurate on the 20 September 2013. 

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Enrolled Nurses new skills assessment has been released by ANMAC! This opens pathways for Enrolled Nurses to apply for Australian visas!

Enrolled Nurses already registered in Australia can apply for a Migration Skills Assessment from ANMAC from 1 July 2013.

Key points are:

  • English - The applicant must achieve a score of 7 in all bands of the IELTS academic IELTS or achieves a B pass in all bands of the OET for nurses.
  • Education - If the applicant holds current registration as an Enrolled Nurse in Australia or New Zealand and provided appropriate documentary evidence of this they with will be deemed to have met the educational standard requirements.
  • - Experience and Exemption- The experience requirement will require that the applicant must has practised as a nurse or midwife in the 5 years preceding their application date. There is an exemption to this experience criteria if the applicant is a newly registered Australian nursing and midwifery graduates that AHPRA registration.


From the many enquiries I have received about skills assessments for Enrolled Nurses, I know that there will be a large number of applications for registration lodged. 

Large volumes of applications can lead to long processing times and there may be an advantage to lodging your skills assessment as soon as possible.

For the assessment criteria:


Work Visa Lawyers:

  • We can assist you to apply for a skills assessment.
  • We can assess your eligibility to apply for Australian Permanent Residence based on your nursing qualifications.   
  • If we determine that you are eligible, we can apply for  Australian Permanent Residence on your behalf.

If you require further information regarding Enrolled Nursing skills assessment by ANMAC or would like to book a consultation with Christopher Johnston, please do not hesitate to contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091.

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‘Enrolled Nurse’ Added to SA sponsorship list for SkillSelect subclass 190 and 489 visas

Immigration SA has recently updated its State Nominated Occupation List (SNOL) 2012-13 - On-list Occupations to include Enrolled Nurse ANZSCO Code 411411.

Additional Requirements for state sponsorship will include IELTS 7.0 in each band.

Applicants for SA state sponsorship will have to meet the State Sponsorship requirements as they apply to their situation.

This is a link to Immigration SA:


While this is exciting news for Enrolled Nurses, at the time of writing this post, 23 January 2013, it is not possible to get the skills assessment done by the relevant skills assessing authority ANMAC.

Skills Assessments from mid-2013 (or later) by ANMAC

The ANMAC website says that they are currently working on the skills assessment criteria for enrolled nurses and that they will start assessments around mid-2013. This is the link for the Skills Assessing body:


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