State Sponsorship News

New South Wales announces selection-based nomination for its 190 state sponsorship programme

New South Wales announces selection-based nomination for its 190 state sponsorship programme

The New South Wales (NSW) Trade and Investment Department will be implementing an invitation-only selection for its Skilled Nominated 190 state sponsorship programme starting February 2015. Here are the key points:

Candidates will be selected based on:

  • highest points claimed in Expression of Interest (EOI) submitted to the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP); followed by
  • level of English competency (based on acceptable English exams); followed by
  • skilled employment
    If all criteria are equal, candidates will be selected based on date of submission of EOI
  • Candidates must indicate interest for NSW state sponsorship in their EOI application
  • Upon receiving an invitation from NSW candidates must submit an online application within 14 days
  • Once state sponsorship is approved after 12 weeks, candidates lodge their visa application with DIBP as per current procedures

The NSW Trade and Investment Department will decide how many candidates to invite at an ongoing basis. The Occupation List for NSW will be published in February 2015. There are no other changes announced for the Skilled Regional (Provisional) and Business Skills visas nomination criteria at the moment.

Comments by Chris Johnston – Principal Lawyer and Registered Migration Agent at Work Visa Lawyers

It is advisable to lodge your EOI soonest as there may be many candidates tied with the same criteria being considered for the NSW state sponsorship, especially in the 65 to 70 points group.

This new process will probably be an improvement of the previous system. The previous system was very frustrating and wastes a huge amount of time. The NSW application would open for only a few hours before being filled. The time pressure and large number of applicants would overwhelm the system, adding more confusion.

While the new process would be smoother, the underlying problem will remain. NSW only has a small number of state nomination positions for the entire programme year (4,000 places for 2014-15). NSW is the most populous state in Australia with a population of over 7,439,000 people so demand will be greater than supply. I would estimate that over 15000 or more candidates will be competing for the positions. It will still be very difficult to get NSW nomination for many.

As such visa applicants are urged to consider all other alternatives available for them to proceed with a visa application. You can read about possible alternatives here. The state of South Australia has unique and interesting options for state sponsorship as well that are worth considering.


NSW Trade and Investment website

This information is accurate on the 3 February 2015. State sponsorship requirements and DIBP visa application criteria can change and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application.

Do You Need Help?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting applicants with visa applications for Skilled Migration including Independent and State Sponsored visas, state sponsorship applications as well as employer-sponsored visas.

If you require further information regarding a review or your appeal options you can contact us through:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Immigration SA announces State Sponsorship Application Fees

Immigration SA announces State Sponsorship Application Fees


New Fees Applicable for Immigration SA State Sponsorship Applications

Immigration SA has announced that there will be fees chargeable for SA state sponsorship applications starting possibly as soon as 16 March 2015. Below is the email notification sent by Immigration SA:

As you know, migrants play an integral part in growing South Australia’s economy, by boosting productivity and strengthening our skills base.

To help ensure continued improvement in the assessment of applications, Immigration SA will introduce application fees later this year for both skilled and business State nomination applications.  We believe the introduction of fees will reduce the number of non-genuine applications, including duplications which slow processing times.

Immigration SA encourages prospective migrants to submit applications before application fees are introduced. Fees will come into effect after 15 March 2015. The actual implementation date will be confirmed as soon as possible.

The proposed fee structure is as follows:


Application Type


Skilled migrants

State nominated skilled – 190 permanent


State nominated skilled – 489 regional provisional


Business migrants

Business 188 provisional


Business permanent 888/892/893


Business 132 permanent


Business retiree 405


SA Employers

Employer Nominated – RCB advice by State Government agency


The fees listed are GST exclusive, whether GST applies will be confirmed before fee introduction.

The introduction of fees will enable Immigration SA to continue to provide services for applicants who are looking to settle in South Australia.

No fee will be charged for local South Australian employer sponsored applications.

Immigration SA looks forward to working with you in 2015 to help contribute to South Australia’s social and economic growth.

Immigration SA team


Comments by Chris Johnston – Principal Lawyer at Work Visa Lawyers:

It seems to be a regrettable trend that DIBP and State agencies are raising their fees.

In the short term, one response to the Immigration SA fees could be to try to lodge an application before the fees come into play, after the 15 March 2015.


Immigration SA Newsletter

This information is accurate on the 22 January 2015.  DIBP and Immigration SA will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application.

Do You Need Help?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting applicants with visa applications and state sponsorship applications such as skilled visa and business visa nominations.

If you require further information regarding your current visa options you can contact us through:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Change on South Australian State Nominated Occupation Lists ‘Corporate Services Manager’ has been updated to medium availability

Change on South Australian State Nominated Occupation Lists ‘Corporate Services Manager’ has been updated to medium availability


Change on South Australian State Nominated Occupation Lists

The Status of the occupation ‘Corporate Services Manager’ has been updated to medium availability.

So if you want to do a state nominated 190 or 489 application for Corporate Services Manager, you should get in quick while it is still on the list.


Immigration SA:

This information is accurate on the 13 December 2014.  Immigration SA and DIBP will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 

Do You Need Help?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting applicants with the Expression of Interest, State Sponsorship and Visa application process for state sponsored subclasses 190 and 489.  We can also assist with the Independent 189.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa options you can contact us through:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

or  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Have you missed State sponsorship for a 190 in NSW or Victoria? Here are 10 options to consider!

Have you missed State sponsorship for a 190 in NSW or Victoria? Here are 10 options to consider!


Have you missed State sponsorship for a 190 in NSW or Victoria? Here are 10 options to consider!



This is not an exhaustive list of options, but it may be a helpful starting point to turn your focus the possible options

1. Check the lists of other States and Territories for your occupation to see if you can obtain sponsorship somewhere else in Australia

Here are links to the relevant authorities:

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia



Western Australia

Skilled visas

 Business visas

2. Try to secure a position with an employer to sponsor you for a 457, RSMS or ENS

The acceptable positions for a 457 and ENS are on the CSOL.

The RSMS is available for all skill level 1, 2 and 3 positions.

Here is a link to an explanation of to skills levels:[email protected]/Lookup/1220.0Chapter32013,%20Version%201.2

3. Are you eligible for a Graduate Visa (485) or Skilled—Recognised Graduate visa (subclass 476) for Engineering Graduates?

These are great visas to allow you the time to get a relevant job to boost your chances of applying for a skilled visa.

You can try to get one year of skilled experience towards an occupation on the SOL or CSOL.

You could also try to get a job with an employer, who may be able to sponsor you for a skilled visa.


4. Are you able to apply for a Working Holiday Visa (417) or a Work and Holiday Visa (462)?

These visas are only eligible for a select number of countries.

You will have to apply from outside Australia.


5. Consider further studies – with a view to obtaining a qualification in line with the current SOL and CSOL

Here are links to the SOL and CSOL:

6. If you study a suitable course in a Regional Area full time for two years then you may get up to five points for Regional study towards the subclass 190 or 489.

From the Immigration site:

“Study in regional Australia

You can receive five points if each of the following applied:

- you met the Australian Study requirement

- if you have lived and studied in regional Australia or a low population-growth metropolitan area

none of the study undertaken constituted distance education.


7. If you study in a Regional area then you have a greater chance of securing state sponsorship, because the lists are more generous.

As mentioned above, you can check the lists of the various states and territories.


8. Consider studying a further course in Tasmania that will give you an occupation on the SOL or CSOL

The state or territory lists tend to be more generous in Regional areas.  Tasmania is very proactive in sponsoring its graduates and so offers a great opportunity for those who want to maximise there chance of sponsorship with then finish their studies. 

9.. Do you have a family member in SA who could sponsor you for Chain Migration?

The details for chain migration are provided on the Immigration SA website.

They include that:

          “Chain Migration is a state nomination pathway for applicants who have an immediate family member permanently residing in South Australia.

12.6.1 The family member residing in South Australia must be the applicant’s grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother or sister. Applicants can still apply if it’s a step or adoptive parent / sibling.

12.6.2 The family member must be over 18 years of age.

12.6.3 The family member in South Australia must be either an Australian Permanent Resident or an Australian Citizen.

12.6.4 The family member must be currently residing in South Australia and have resided in South Australia for the last twelve months.”

Further details can be found at:

10. Contact a Registered Migration Agent and Migration Institute of Australia member, for a professional opinion on your visa options

Here is a link the the Migration Institute of Australia, which lists relevant Agents.

I am a qualified Lawyer, Registered Migration Agent and a Member of the MIA and can provide you with professional advice on your options.

Here are my contact details:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



DIBP website and State and Territory Websites.


 This information is accurate on the 22 October 2014.  State/Territory Bodies and DIBP will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 

Do You Need Help?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experience in assisting applicants with the Expression of Interest, State Sponsorship and Visa application process for state sponsored subclasses 190 and 489.  We can also assist with the Independent 189.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa options

you can contact us through:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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NSW State Sponsorship for 190 to open on 22 October – with some Accounting and ICT occupations excluded

NSW State Sponsorship for 190 to open on 22 October – with some Accounting and ICT occupations excluded


NSW State Sponsorship for 190 to open on 22 October – with some Accounting and ICT occupations excluded

The second round of applications for NSW State sponsorship for Subclass 190 visas will open on 22 October 2014 at 10 am.  NSW Trade and Investment has temporarily suspended some occupations for this round, in an effort to ensure a more equitable spread of occupations.

The suspended occupations are:

·  221111 Accountant (General)

·  221112 Management Accountant

·  221113 Taxation Accountant

·  261111 ICT Business Analyst

·  261112 Systems Analyst

·  261311 Analyst Programmer

·  261312 Developer Programmer

·  261313 Software Engineer

·  262113 Systems Administrator

·  263111 Computer Network & Systems Engineer

·  263311 Telecommunications Engineer

·  263312 Telecommunications Network Engineer

The NSW Government has also provided some FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions - October 2014 intake

Here are some exerts from the FAQs:

“When will the October 2014 intake open and close?

The October 2014 intake for NSW nomination program for the 190 visa will open on Wednesday 22 October 2014 from 10am, Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC +10).

The intake will close when the number of applications received reaches 1,000.”

Why are Accountancy and ICT occupations excluded from the October intake?

People with Accountancy and ICT occupations took up 75% of the places offered in July 2014. Excluding those occupations for the October intake will allow applications from other occupations needed to support the NSW economy.”

You must meet all requirements and pay the fee:

You will need to meet all the normal requirements for a 190 such as:

- Positive skills assessment in relevant occupation

- IELTS all 6.0 or OET B – or higher requirements for some occupations requiring registration or licensing.

The application fee is:

  • for applicants outside Australia: $300;
  • for applicants in Australia: $330 (GST included)

What happened last NSW round on 14 July 2014?

The last round was only open for approximately 3 hours or less.  There were reports of the system also freezing and having problems during the process.

A very large amount of people who were hoping to lodge a nomination were unable to before the quota of 1000 was reached.


NSW Government:

This information is accurate on the 08 October 2014.  State/Territory Bodies and DIBP will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 

Do You Need Help?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experience in assisting applicants with the Expression of Interest, State Sponsorship and Visa application process for state sponsored subclasses 190 and 489.  We can also assist with the Independent 189.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa options you can contact us through:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

or  %This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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