State Sponsorship News

Changes to sponsorship list for ACT announced 1 October 2014 – more occupations closed

Changes to sponsorship list for ACT announced 1 October 2014 – more occupations closed


Changes to sponsorship list for ACT announced 1 October 2014 – more occupations closed

The ACT Government has release the following information about changes to their sponsorship list.


All occupations which were previously ‘limited’ are now closed.  

Please read the nomination guidelines carefully as there are significant changes, including:

  •         Verification: you are no longer required to verify closed occupations.
  •         Closed Occupations:

o   Canberra residents and Canberra graduates are not required to be working in the nominated occupation as long as they areworking in a skilled occupation (with ANZSCO skill level 1 to 4). However, interstate graduates must still meet the six (6) months employment in the nominated occupation criteria.

o   Overseas residents require close ties before applying for a closed occupation. The definition of ‘close family has been tightened to only include parents, brother, sister, grandparents, step parents, step siblings of the main applicant or spouse / partner.  

  •         Assessment: The assessment of the application for ACT nomination will be based solely on the supporting documents provided at the time of application. Additional documents will not be accepted after submission The case officers will not be requesting further information. If the application is incomplete, or it does not meet the nomination criteria, the application will be refused.

Applications submitted and lodged prior to 1 October 2014  will be assessed against the August 2014 criteria.  Limited occupations previously verified will also be honoured as long as the applications are lodged within 14 days of verification.

The updated ACT nomination criteria and occupation list are available at

You may still be able to apply for closed occupations if you meet the criteria below:

Here is the criteria for closed occupations:

If your occupation is listed as closed on the current ACT Occupation List, you may still be able to apply for ACT nomination if you meet certain criteria.

Canberra residents:

·         You have lived in Canberra for the last three (3) months, and:

o    You are working for an ACT employer in a skilled occupation. A skilled occupation is an occupation that has been defined by ANZSCO as having a skill level 1 to 4. See  

§  You do not have to be working in your nominated occupation.

§  The employment does not have to be full time.

o   (If you do not have work rights) you have a job offer with an ACT employer in a skilled occupation. The job offer does not have to be in the nominated occupation.

·         You are a graduate from an interstate institution, and:

o   You have worked in Canberra for the last six (6) months before applying:

§  You must be working in your nominated occupation.

§  You must be working full time. Student visa holders working 20 hours per week are deemed to meet the full time criterion.

o   You have a genuine commitment to living in Canberra for at least 2 years from visa grant.

Overseas residents

If you are living overseas, you can apply for nomination of a closed occupation if you have:

·         A genuine offer of employment from an ACT employer; or

·         A close family member (includes parents, brother, sister, grandparents, step parents, step siblings) of the main applicant or spouse / partner who is:

o    Currently residing in Canberra and has resided in Canberra for the last twelve months.

o    Either an Australian Permanent Resident or an Australian Citizen.

o    Over 18 years of age.”

Comment by Chris Johnston Migration Lawyer and Registered Migration Agent:

For the ACT there are currently 69 occupations that or open on the ACT list and 582 that are closed.

The changes announce by the ACT favour ACT international graduates and those already living and working in the ACT.

This is part of an overall trend for States and Territories to favour their own graduates.


Immigration SA:

 This information is accurate on the 01 October 2014.  State/Territory Bodies and DIBP will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 

Do You Need Help?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experience in assisting applicants with the Expression of Interest, State Sponsorship and Visa application process for state sponsored subclasses 190 and 489.  We can also assist with the Independent 189.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa optionsyou can contact us through:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

or  This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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South Australian State nomination made easier for UK Canada NZ US and Rep of Ireland -General Skilled Migration 190 / 489

South Australian State nomination made easier for UK Canada NZ US and Rep of Ireland -General Skilled Migration 190 / 489


General Skilled Migration 190/489 - South Australian State nomination made easier for UK Canada NZ US and Rep of Ireland


Immigration SA has made it easier for citizens and current passport holders of exempt countries to apply for South Australian state nomination.

Exempt Countries include:

United Kingdom
New Zealand
United States of America
Republic of Ireland

If you are a citizen or passport holder of one of the listed exempt countries, you no longer need to provide an English test result (IELTS or OET) to Immigration SA regardless of Immigration SA’s English requirement for your occupation.

If you are an International Graduate of South Australia and a citizen or passport holder of one of the listed exempt countries, you can also access the Immigration SA work experience waiver for ‘available’ occupations. See point eight under eligibility requirements for information on how to qualify for a work experience waiver.

Please note you may still require an IELTS or OET to gain additional points on the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) points test. Additionally Skills Assessing Authorities and Registration / Licensing bodies in South Australia have their own English / work experience requirements so people from exempt countries need to ensure they can meet those requirements prior to applying for state nomination.


Source and date of accuracy:

Immigration SA:

 This information is accurate on the 16 September  2014.  Immigration SA and DIBP will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 

Do You Need Help?


At Work Visa Lawyers we are experience in assisting applicants with the Expression of Interest, State Sponsorship and Visa application process for state sponsored subclasses 190 and 489.  We can also assist with the Independent 189.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa optionsyou can contact us through:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Changes to WA State Nomination in relation to English, Work Experience and Job Offers

 The Government of Western Australia have recently released new criteria for WA state sponsorship for subclass 190 and 489 visas.

The following are significant changes to the criteria:

- English Requirements:

Managers and Professionals (Group 1 and 2 in ANZSCO)  who are on the WA State Migration Plan must obtain at least 7,7,7,7 in the IELTS or a minimum of all Bs on the OET test. Other groups of occupations still require just 6,6,6,6.

There are still English requirement exemptions those holding a UK, USA, Canada, Ireland or NZ passport.

- Work Experience Requirements:

 All applicants must meet the minimum work experience requirement of:

        ◦ at least one year of Australian work experience in the nominated (or closely related) occupation over the last ten years; or

        ◦ at least three years of overseas work experience in the nominated (or closely related) occupation over the last ten years; and

- Job Offered Required even for Offshore applicants:

If your occupation is on Schedule 2 of the WASMOL you must have a job offer for both a 489 and a 190 application, even if you are applying from overseas.

Source and Accuracy


This information is accurate on the 02 February 2014.  States and Territories will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 

Need Help?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experience in assisting applicants with the Expression of Interest, State Sponsorship and Visa application process for state sponsored subclasses 190 and 489.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa options you contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  


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Enrolled Nurse closed for ACT sponsorship for Australian Visas for this program year

Enrolled Nurse closed for ACT sponsorship for Australian Visas for this program year

ACT Government recently released an update on their website regarding Australian Capital Territory (ACT) Occupation List 2013-14.

People who want to apply for subclass 190 or 489 visas need State Nomination from one or more State Governments.

Currently ACT is only nominating applicants for subclass 190 Only. In order to receive their Nomination, your occupation must be on their list and status should be still “open”.

The occupation of Enrolled Nurse was originally listed on their list however, due to high volume of application, this occupation is closed and no longer available until 30 June 2013.

However, this would highly likely be re-open for the ACT from 1st July 2014.


Enrolled Nurse still open in SA, Qld and NT

However, NT is still sponsoring EN for both 489 and 190. QLD is sponsoring EN for 489.

SA is still sponsoring however, the availability is currently very low. Therefore if anyone would like to lodge their State Nomination to SA should be hurry.

Warning -This information is accurate on the 16 January 2014.  

DIBP and the State/Territory authorities can change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging a skills assessment or visa application. 

Do You Need Help in Relation to a Skills Assessment or visa application as a Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting with skills assessment to enable applications for skillselect subclass 189, 190 and 489 visas and Employer Nomination Scheme applications.

We can help you with state sponsorship and visa application as an Enrolled Nurse or Registered Nurse.

For further information regarding skills assessments or your Australian visa options you contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091.

Or email This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


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Australia’s most populated state NSW has closed nominations for subclass 190 visas


For this program year NSW is no longer an option for a subclass 190 Visa:

The NSW State Government has closed nomination for subclass 190 visas, providing the following information on their website:

“Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) – NSW nominations closed for 2013/14

NSW is pleased to announce that program targets for the Skilled Nominated visa (subclass 190) have been met for the 2013/14 financial year.  

Effective 24 December 2013, applications for NSW nomination for the subclass 190 visa will close. Applications received after this date will not be processed or returned. NSW will reopen for the subclass 190 visa nomination in July 2014. Information regarding 2014/15 applications will be posted on this website in July 2014.  

Thank you for your interest in migrating to NSW.  “

Try another Option:

If you are looking to migration to Australia, there is no need to despair, all other States and Territories are still sponsoring for Subclass 190 visas.

Source and Accuracy


This information isaccurate on the 06 January 2014.  States and Territories will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 


Need Help?


At Work Visa Lawyers we are experience in assisting applicants with the Expression of Interest, State Sponsorship and Visa application process for state sponsored subclasses 190 and 489.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa options you contact our offices on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  


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