Global Talent Visa News

11 Global Talent Visa Invitations and Visa Grants In 6 Weeks


What a great start of the first quarter of 2022!

We have received a total of 11 invitations and visa grants from the Global Talent Visa program in just 6 weeks.

The period is from 18 February until 7 April 2022.

As usual, DigiTech is the most popular sector in the GTI program in 2022 which takes more than half of the invitations.

Following that are Financial Services and FinTech, and Infrastructure and Tourism.

Scroll down to each photo for its details of the 4 core requirements of Global Talent Visa program and how successful applicants achieve that.

Learn more about Global Talent Visa Updates in 2022 here>

Overall, the 4 core requirements of Global Talent Independent program has been met as:

- Target Sector: DigiTech, Infrastructure and Tourism, FinTech

- International Recognized: yes working and leading projects that are world-wide recognized, PhD Publications...

- High income threshold at $156,800 AUD: yes all are over the threshold

- Nominator : High quality nominator who is familiar with applicant's achievement and knowledge.

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Top 5 Australian Permanent Residency Pathways In 2022

Top 5 Australian Permanent Residency Pathways In 2022

Read our latest Australian immigration updates April 2022 here>

Australia has a strong education system and is considered one of the best in the world, which makes it very attractive to students across the world.

Most of the students once they complete their studies want to get settled in Australia because of the livability factor.

They may get a decent lifestyle including physical and mental wellbeing, which makes them want to get settled here.

Obtaining Australian Permanent Residency Visa is getting more and more competent, and the visa system is vast and complex.

Many times, people do get confused about how to get it

Here we are discussing a few common pathways to Australian PR for you

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Global Talent Visa Australia - What You Need To Know About GTV Australia in 2022

Global Talent Visa Australia - What You Need To Know About GTV Australia in 2022

Since its introduction, the Global Talent Visa proved to be one of the most popular visas for highly skilled individuals wanting to come to Australia.  When it was first introduced, the Australian Government allocated 5,000 places for the program, for this financial year (2021-2022), there are now 15,000 places under this program and will be reducing to approx 8,500 in 2022-23 program year. 

Information page for Global Talent Visa >

It even became more popular when Australia imposed the border and travel restrictions because the Global Talent visa holders were not subject to the inbound travel restrictions because it is a permanent resident visa.

Because of its popularity, the Expression of Interest (EOI) process to get an invitation to apply for the Global Talent Visa is very competitive (read full blog about the current application numbers here) and the processing time could be longer than expected. The current processing time for Global Talent Visa post EOI lodgment could be 6-12 months depending on how exceptionally talented the applicants are.

However, the Department of Home Affairs in its September 2021 ​​Skilled visa newsletters ​​noted that they received many EOIs that are not within the scope of the program.  The number of EOIs received would necessarily increase the Department’s workload and therefore delay the processing.

Considering the competitiveness of the global talent visa program, what do you need to do to make your EOI stand out and/or to increase your chances of getting an invitation?

In General, visa applicants are required to meet the following 4 core requirements to be able to apply for a Global Talent visa: Target sectors, Salary above the income threshold, internationally recognized for outstanding achievement and qualified Australian nominator

If you are still unsure about your eligibility, please take our free GTV assessment here!

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Top 5 Most Popular Sectors For The Global Talent Visa Program

Top 5 Most Popular Sectors For The Global Talent Visa Program

Overview of the current Global Talent Visa program

The Global Talent visa is aimed to target high achievers in the following 10 target or priority sectors:

  • Resources
  • Agri-food and AgTech
  • Energy
  • Health Industries
  • Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space
  • Circular Economy
  • DigiTech
  • Infrastructure and Tourism
  • Financial Services and FinTech and
  • Education

However, some sectors are more popular than others.

DigiTech Cybersecurity in Global Talent Visa

According to the figures released by the Department of Home Affairs, around this time last year, there were 920 Expressions of Interest (EOIs) submitted to the Department in February 2021. The sectors with the most number of EOIs submitted are:

  1. Digitech with 275 EOIs;
  2. Health industries with 177;
  3. Energy and Mining Technology with 112;
  4. Financial services and Fintech with 108; and
  5. Agri-Food and Agtech with 65.
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Will Australian Federal Election affect on Global Talent Visa? Yes, if there is a change of Government!

Will Australian Federal Election affect on Global Talent Visa? Yes, if there is a change of Government!

Australian Election nears - How it will affect Global Talent Visa subclass 858?

Australia is approaching a Federal Election and it's possible that Liberal party could lose its hold on power. If the Labours party wins against the liberal. There are bound to be some big changes.

Although Labour is typically seen to be pro-migration and its spoken about increasing the numbers of visas. Traditionally Labour has favoured more family visas.

It is possible that the Global Talent Visa will be scaled back if there is a Labour government.

If you are planning for a Global Talent EOI or nomination, lodging in the first half of 2022 might be the best idea.

This is all speculations, as the election nears, we are sure to hear more from both parties about their future plans.

If you think you might be suitable for the global talent visa, you can do a free assessment on our website.

Before you apply for Global Talent Visa Australia, you may need to know all the criterias and processing time or success rate to decide whether you are eligible for it or not. We have made a lot of articles and blogs on global Talent Visa subclass 858 which may be useful for you.

In General, visa applicants are required to meet the following 4 core requirements to be able to apply for a Global Talent visa: 

  1. Skills in a relevant sector
  2. Internationally recognised for outstanding achievement in your own Target Sector
  3. Salary must be above income threshold provided from Department of Home Affair at $158,600 AUD
  4. An Australian Nominator with PRMONIENCE background or achievements.

Once you can satisfy those core requirement, there are a few more minor factors to determine whether you are going to get invitation or not.

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