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BREAKING: Department of Home Affairs INCREASES Pass Marks for General Skilled Migration Visas!

BREAKING: Department of Home Affairs INCREASES Pass Marks for General Skilled Migration Visas!

Key terms: Subclass 189 Skilled Independent visa – Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa – Subclass 489 Skilled Regional Sponsored visa – SkillSelect – Expression of Interest (EOI) – Invitation to Apply


Earlier today the Minister for Home Affairs and Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Peter Dutton introduced a new legislative instrument which will increase the minimum points required for skilled visa applications.

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Immigration SA to close online state nomination application system on 25 June!

Immigration SA to close online state nomination application system on 25 June!

Key terms: Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa – Subclass 489 Skilled Regional Sponsored visa – Immigration SA – State Nomination – End of Financial Year 2018

Immigration SA (South Australia) has announced that the online application system for the subclass 190 State Nominated Visa and subclass 489 Skilled Regional Sponsored Visa (State) nominations for South Australia will close at 9 a.m. Monday, 25 June 2018 (South Australian time).

If you do not submit and pay for the SA State Nomination application before the system closure, the incomplete application will be deleted.

You are advised to submit your SA state nomination application before the system closure, so that you are protected from any possible new changes on 1 July 2018.

However do note that you should only submit complete and well supported applications, to allow smooth processing of your application and a positive outcome.

If you need an assessment of your SA State nomination application, please contact Work Visa Lawyers as soon as possible to have an assessment.


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Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) to make ENS 186, RSMS 187 and TSS 482 visas more expensive! Lodge now to avoid additional costs!

Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) to make ENS 186, RSMS 187 and TSS 482 visas more expensive! Lodge now to avoid additional costs!

In an earlier article posed on 28 March 2018, we discussed the Government’s plans to introduce the Skilling Australians Fund (SAF) which employers would have to contribute to before a work visa can be approved.

We can now confirm that the legislation which introduces the fund was passed by the Australian Senate on 8 May 2018.


What is the Skilling Australians Fund?

The Australian Government introduced the SAF to fund projects that support apprenticeships and traineeships, and will focus on training Australian workers in new skills.

"This fund will ensure an ongoing source of revenue to support Australian skills development and the take-up of apprenticeships and traineeships. The new fund will replace the existing training benchmarks, which have not been successful in generating training opportunities to allow Australians to fill skill gaps,” the government said in the Budget.


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New global talent visa as part of TSS 482 to attract entrepreneurs to Australia

New global talent visa as part of TSS 482 to attract entrepreneurs to Australia

A new visa to attract highly skilled workers from around the globe is set to increase Australian visa options.

The Australian Government has announced that the new Global Talent Visa will come into effect from 1st July 2018 and will be trialled for one year.

It is believed that the new visa will attract people with exceptional technical skills and talent, which can be transferred to the Australian work-force and in turn encourage business growth.

“Industry figures say globally mobile, highly skilled and experienced staff can act as ‘job multipliers’ in Australian businesses, helping them to hire more local staff and fill critical areas of need.”

 - Minister for Jobs and Innovation, Michaelia Cash


This is an older article. Click here to learn the current criteria for the Global Talent Visa

If you think you are eligible to apply for a Global Talent Visa, take 5 minutes to complete our free online Global Talent assessment form.
Our lawyers and registered migration agents will assess your eligibility and get back to you.



Highlights of the new Global Talent Visa Scheme

A key feature of the Global Talent Scheme is that it will be split into two streams:

  • Established business stream
  • Start-up stream

Successful applicants under both streams will have access to a 4-year visa within the Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) Visa Programme which came into effect on 18 March 2018, providing visa holders a pathway to permanent residency after three years and certain age cap concessions.

Applications will be simpler and have faster processing times.

The new visa scheme in its current form is not limited to a specific list of occupations.


The features of the two streams:

Established business stream

  • Business must be publicly listed or have an annual turnover of at least A$4 million for each of the past 2 years
  • Access up to 20 positions per year
  • Available to accredited sponsors and other businesses
  • If the position ends, the visa holder has 60 days to find a new sponsor and a new visa or depart Australia
  • Business must show a good history i.e. no breaches of workplace or immigration law
  • Business must demonstrate a track record of giving first preference to Australian workers
  • Labour market testing for the specific position
  • Applicants must meet health, character and security requirements
  • They must have no family relationship with directors/shareholders
  • Qualifications must be compatible with the highly skilled role
  • Applicant must have at least 3 years work experience directly relevant to position
  • Capacity to pass on skills and help develop Australians workers
  • Position must have minimum annual earnings of A$180,000

 Start-up stream

  • Business operates in STEM-related (Science, Technology, Engineering, Mathematics) field
  • A ‘start-up authority’ must endorse the business
  • Access up to 5 positions per year
  • Business must show a good history i.e. no breaches of workplace or immigration law
  • Business must demonstrate a track record of giving first preference to Australian workers
  • If the position ends (eg the start-up ceases trading) the visa holder has 60 days to find a new sponsor and a new visa or depart Australia
  • Labour market testing for the specific position
  • Applicants must meet health, character and security requirements
  • They must have no family relationship with directors/shareholders
  • Qualifications must be compatible with the highly skilled role
  • At least 3 years work experience directly relevant to position
  • Capacity to pass on skills and develop Australian workers
  • Minimum annual earnings at the market salary rate (this can include equity, but must have a cash component that is no less than the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold (currently A$53,900)).


More developments in the Entrepreneur/Start-up space

There is increasing interest in the area of innovation and entrepreneurship. The South Australian State Government has also recently announced that, with the cooperation of the Federal Government, South Australia will be trialling a new visa to attract budding entrepreneurs.

The newly announced South Australian Entrepreneurs visa is consistent with the South Australian Government’s aim to make Adelaide the start-up capital of Australia. We will provide more details as they become available.


In Conclusion

The Government recognises that there is increasing competition internationally for people with high-tech skills and experience, and believes that the new Global Talent Visa will allow Australian businesses to access the best talent across the world, leading to business growth, innovation, skills transfer and job creation.

From now until the visa is introduced on 1st July 2018, the initial settings will be refined, with an industry advisory group to provide ongoing guidance.

Follow Work Visa Lawyers on social media or subscribe to our newsletter to receive the latest updates on Australian migration news.


Do you need help with an Australian visa application?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting applicants in all matters relating to Australian visa applications. Our areas of expertise include Skilled Migration visas, Business Skills Migration visas, Employer Sponsored Work Visas, Partner and other Family Migration visas as well as the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) Review, Judicial Review and Ministerial Intervention.

If you require further information regarding your Australia visa options you can contact us through:

(08) 8351 9956 or +61 8 8351 9956 

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Australia Migration Skilled Occupation List Changes 17 January 2018

Australia Migration Skilled Occupation List Changes 17 January 2018

Key terms: Migration Policy Changes – 17 January 2018 Changes – Subclass 189 Skilled Independent – Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated visa – Subclass 489 Skilled Regional Sponsored visa – MLTSSL – STSOL – Occupation Lists – Subclass 187 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme -

The Department of Home Affairs (DHA) has released updates to the following skilled occupation lists:

- Medium and Long Term Skills Shortage List (MLTSSL) and Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) for Skilled Independent and Skilled Nominated visas (subclass 189, 190, 489)

- Medium and Long Term Skills Shortage List (MLTSSL) and Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) for Temporary Work (Skilled) visas (subclass 457)

- Medium and Long Term Skills Shortage List (MLTSSL) and Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) for Employer Nomination Scheme (subclass 186) – Direct Entry Stream

- Medium and Long Term Skills Shortage List (MLTSSL) for Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485) – Graduate Work

- Medium and Long Term Skills Shortage List (MLTSSL) and Short Term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) for Training visa (subclass 407)

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85 points required for subclass 489 Skilled Regional Sponsored visas!

85 points required for subclass 489 Skilled Regional Sponsored visas!
Australia General Skilled Migration SkillSelect Invitation Round Results – 6 December 2017

Key terms: SkillSelect – Invitation to Apply – Skilled Independent subclass 189 - Skilled Regional Provisional subclass 489 – Expression of Interest – Points Test

Results for the latest SkillSelect invitation round on 6 December 2017 have been published. Here is a summary of the results:

  • 300 Skilled Independent visa invitations were issued
    • applications with 75 points or more were invited
    • applications submitted 18 October 2017 have been invited
  • 5 Skilled Regional Sponsored visa invitations were issued
    • applications with 85 points or more were invited
    • applications submitted 4 January 2017 were invited
The invitation for subclass 489 Skilled Regional Sponsored visas went back to applications submitted January 2017 (from 30 October 2017 in the previous round). This might be due to an earlier application achieving more points and having its EOI updated.
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17991 Hits

Delayed benefits for new Australia Permanent Residents and Assurance of Support bonds to increase to THREE years!

Delayed benefits for new Australia Permanent Residents and Assurance of Support bonds to increase to THREE years!

Key terms: Mid-year Economic and Fiscal Outlook report – MYEFO – Social Welfare Benefits – Australia Permanent Resident – Family Tax Benefit – Paid Parental Leave – Carers Allowance – Assurance of Support – Partner Visa – Parent Visa

Australia has released its Mid-Year Economic and Fiscal Outlook (MYEFO) report and there are implications for new and prospective migrants to Australia. There are two changes proposed to be implemented on 1 July 2018, namely:

(1) Waiting period for social benefits will be extended to 3 years (currently 2 years) and will include Family Tax Benefit (FTB), Paid Parental Leave (PPL) and Carers Allowance
(2) Assurance of Support (AoS) financial bonds will increase to 3 years (currently 2 years)


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Possible Changes to the Skilled and 457 occupation lists from 1 January 2018 including removal of Hair or Beauty Salon Manager and Recruitment Consultant but adding University Tutor, Psychotherapist and some Real Estate occupations

Possible Changes to the Skilled and 457 occupation lists from 1 January 2018 including removal of Hair or Beauty Salon Manager and Recruitment Consultant but adding University Tutor, Psychotherapist and some Real Estate occupations
The Australian Government on 17 November released the following proposed changes for comment:

“The Department of Employment is responsible for undertaking a regular review of the Short-term Skilled Occupation List (STSOL) and Medium and Long-term Strategic Skills List (MLTSSL). These occupation lists are used for skilled migration to meet short and medium/long term needs for the Australian economy.

This page provides the list of occupations in the traffic light bulletin that are under consideration for a proposed change in their status on the STSOL and MLTSSL.”
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4575 Hits

The Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) Visa will begin March 2018! What does it mean for 457 Visa holders?

The Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) Visa will begin March 2018! What does it mean for 457 Visa holders?
Key terms: Temporary Skills Shortage – TSS – Abolition of 457 visa – Employer Sponsored Visas – Employer Nomination Scheme – ENS – Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme – RSMS – Temporary Transition – TRT – Direct Entry – 457 visa changes

On 19 April 2017 the Australian Government announced the abolition of the 457 visa programme which will take place in March 2018. A new Temporary Skills Shortage (TSS) visa programme will replace the existing 457 visa programme.

Since the announcement was made, we at Work Visa Lawyers have received many questions from:

- 457 visa applicants about any new requirements

- 457 visa holders asking about visa validity and changing employers

- 457 visa holders intending to apply for a permanent visa through the subclass 186 Employer Nomination Scheme (ENS) or subclass 187 Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) visa

- Employers who are or intend to be Standard Business Sponsors (SBS) for 457 visas, about how the new TSS visa will impact their operations relying on overseas workers

To assist as many as possible about understanding the coming changes, please read the information below. Please note that the information provided is generic and may not be relevant to your specific situation. Please seek a detailed consultation with a Registered Migration Agent to understand your migration options and determine the best way forward for you and your family.
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6767 Hits

PIC 4020 - Why application records and information accuracy are important to avoid future visa complications and application refusals

PIC 4020 - Why application records and information accuracy are important to avoid future visa complications and application refusals

Key terms: Public Interest Criterion – 4020 – False or misleading information – Bogus documents – Visa cancellation – Visa refusal


The Legislative Instrument which introduced the change has been disallowed on 5 December 2017. This means that all future applications will be subject to 12 months' of consideration for PIC4020.

Applications which were lodged between 18 November 2017 to 4 December 2017 will be subject to the 10 years' consideration.


Conditions targeting fraudulent or misleading information in visa applications made much tougher – PIC 4020 soon to cover last 10 years

Section 4020 is currently targeting bogus documents or information that is false and misleading provided to the Australian Government in the last 12 months prior to an application.

The changes will extend the time to documents and information provided in the last 10 years.

Here is a description of the changes:

PIC 4020 (1)(b) which relates to bogus documents, has been amended to broaden the powers to refuse a visa on the basis of bogus or fraudulent documents submitted in relation to visa applications:

- In the previous 10 years, rather than the previous 12 months; and

- In relation to previous visa applications, as well as visas previously granted 

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