The simplest Australian Work Visa to get from offshore – The Temporary Work 400 Visa!

Embarking on a short-term professional venture in Australia? The Temporary Work Short Stay Specialist Visa Subclass 400 might be your golden ticket for those looking to work in Australia on a short-term basis. In today's blog, we'll explore the key aspects of this visa, its features, eligibility criteria, and why employers find it particularly appealing.

The Subclass 400 visa is designed for individuals who wish to work on specific, short-term projects in Australia. This could include activities such as specialized work, or projects related to critical industries.

It's a great option for those who need to be in the country for a short duration and have a specific skill set.

Find more information about the Temporary Work Short Stay Specialist Visa Subclass 400 here.

Key Features of the Subclass 400 visa:

Short-Term Duration: This visa is typically granted for a short period, usually up to three months but can be up to 6 months depending on the circumstances. Your stay in Australia commences once you arrive and does not restart each time you travel.

Eligibility criteria:

Specific Work or Activity:

You must be invited to participate in a specific project, event, or activity, and your stay is limited to the duration needed for that particular task.

The work must be:

  • Highly specialised.
  • Non-ongoing work.
  • Will not disadvantage Australian workers.
  • Not for the entertainment industry – not acting, directing, performing, etc.

Specific work: While you're on this visa, you can work on the specific project or activity outlined in your visa application or applying linked to that.

Genuine Temporary Entrant:

You should intend to stay in Australia temporarily and have the means to support yourself during your stay.

Health and Character Requirements:

Like any visa application, you must meet health and character requirements.

Health assessments and police clearance are not commonly required for a 400 visa.

Some will require biometrics.SA Skilled Visa 491190 highly skilled and talented stream South Australia

Why do employers like the 400 visa?

  • There are no sponsorship obligations for this visa.
  • There is no Skilling Australia Fee – SAF – for this visa.
  • The application only has one stage, as compared to longer-duration visas which often have three stages.

The application process for the Subclass 400 visa is relatively straightforward. The processing time varies, but in general, is between 8 to 20 days.

Read more about the 400 visa.

Need Help Applying for a Temporary Work Short Stay Specialist Visa Subclass 400?

Work Visa Lawyers can assist you in applying for a 400 visa. As one of Australia's largest immigration law firms, our professional team can guide you through the process.

Based in Adelaide South Australia, we provide Australian Immigration advice to people and businesses from all over the world.

You can book an appointment online or call us at (+61) 8 8351 9956.


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All You Need to Know About Working in Australia: Salary, How to Find a Job, Tax Return, and More

Today, we are going to provide you with some basic introductions into working in Australia, such as visas, salary, tax, working hours, holidays, how to get a job in Australia, and more.  

The information is general and it's not legal advice. 

Get a Visa with Work Rights

Ensure you have a valid visa that allows you to work. Note that visitor visas generally do not grant work rights. Many Australian visas do permit you to work with some having restrictions on the number of hours to work. For example, a student visa currently only allows you to work for 48 hours per fortnight in most cases.

Use Visa Entitlement Verification Online (VEVO) to check when your visa expires and what conditions your visa has in terms of work rights.

Tax File Number (TFN)

To work in Australia, obtaining a Tax File Number (TFN) is crucial. Your TFN is your number for dealings with the Australian Tax Office. Without it, the tax office may withhold your tax at a higher rate, which is approximately 50%. 

Full-Time, Part-Time, and Casual jobs

Understand the nuances of full-time, part-time, and casual employment. Each comes with its own set of benefits and conditions.

  • Full-time employees work 38 hours per week with benefits like paid annual leave and sick leave.
  • Part-time employees work regular hours but less than full-time, with benefits on a pro-rata basis.
  • Casual employees have irregular hours, no paid sick days or annual leave, and can be terminated at any time.

Awards and Minimum Salary

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International higher education graduates working rights will be extended



Recently an announcement from The Hon Jason Clare MP, Minister for Education and the Hon Clare O’Neil MP, Minister for Home Affairs have communicated that international higher education graduates with eligible qualifications will be granted an extra two years of post-study visa.

The Government has extended post-study work rights to give eligible international higher education graduates with select qualifications an additional two years on their Temporary Graduate visa (subclass 485). Post-study work rights for select degrees in areas of verified skill shortages will be increased from: 
• Two years to four years for select Bachelor degrees 
• Three years to five years for select Masters degrees 
• Four years to six years for all doctoral qualifications.
All doctoral studies are considered eligible for the measure, regardless of field of study and so are not listed individually. The qualifications listed in this document are a summary of the eligible qualifications. A comprehensive list mapped to CRICOS course codes will be released by the Department of Education before implementation on 1 July 2023. Students will need to refer to the comprehensive list, when published, to confirm the eligibility of their particular course at their provider.

The eligible occupations that have been targeting includes, health, teaching, engineering and agricultural fields. Find more information about the eligible occupation and qualification list.

This new extension will be practised from 1st of July 2023.


Additionally, work hours cap for international students will be increased from 40 to 48 hours per fortnight. The International student working hour cap factsheet provides information about the new procedures.

In case you have questions regarding visa updates, please contact our team.


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Agriculture Visa on the Table for 2021

Agriculture Visa on the Table for 2021

Australia’s Minister for Agriculture, Drought and Emergency Management David Littleproud, has announced an agriculture visa will become available in 2021.  The new visa is a result of Australia’s trade discussions with the UK in which it was agreed that British backpackers would no longer be required to work on Australian farms to retain their visas.  The arrangement will release British tourists from often undesired requirement, and provide an opportunity for other travellers to visit Australia.

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Thank You Connor Deegan – All the Best in Starting Your Legal Career

Thank You Connor Deegan – All the Best in Starting Your Legal Career

I would like to take this opportunity to thank one of your colleagues, Connor Deegan, for his dedication in completing his work study program with Work Visa Lawyers. Connor executed a diverse array of tasks that made him a valuable contribution to my business, and to the work of the Migration Institute of Australia (MIA). Throughout his placement, Connor was dependable, motivated, and demonstrated thorough attention to detail.

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Work Visa Lawyers at the 12th Korean Culture and Food Festival!

KoreanFair2016 ChrisandChristine

Work Visa Lawyers Principal Migration Lawyer and Registered Migration Agent, Chris Johnston with Senior Registered Migration Agent, Christine Lee


Work Visa Lawyers had the pleasure of attending and exhibiting at the 12th Korean Culture and Food Festival held on the 12th of November 2016.

The turnout and activity level were great for a day which was cloudy with a bit of rain. A big thank you to the organisers, volunteers and the South Australian Korean community for making the event a success!

It was nice to speak with members of the Korean community, local politicians and the general public about Australian Visas. People we spoke to wanted to know about a range of visas including Partner Visas and Skilled visas for health related occupations such as Dentist and Pharmacist.

In addition to the hospitality and warmth of the people in the event, the food and performances were also noteworthy and we look forward to attending the event again next year!

Here are some photos of the day of the festival:

Christine and politicians KoreanFair2016

Senior Registered Migration Agent, Christine Lee(2-L) with Hon. Jing Lee MLC(2-R), Eddie Liew(R) and Rachel Sanderson MP(L)


KoreanFair2016 Singing

Singing performance


KoreanFair2016 Traditional Dance

Traditional dance


KoreanFair2016 LuckyDraw

Lucky draw to end on a high


Comments by Chris Johnston – Principal Lawyer and Registered Migration Agent at Work Visa Lawyers

It is always good to be able to connect with the local community and exchange cultural views and knowledge. The organising committee deserves a big applause for once again organising a successful event this year. We look forward to participating in the festival and meeting everyone again next year.

This information is accurate on 2 December 2016

Do you need help with an Australian visa application?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting applicants in all matters relating to Australian visa applications. Our areas of expertise include Skilled Migration visas, Business Skills Migration visas, Employer Sponsored Work Visas, Partner and other Family Migration visas as well as the Administrative Appeals Tribunal (AAT) Review, Judicial Review and Ministerial Intervention.

If you require further information regarding your Australia visa options you can contact us through:

(08) 8351 9956 or +61 8 8351 9956

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Work Visa Lawyers at the South Australia-Shandong Economic and Cooperation Development Forum and Visit to Guangzhou

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Work Visa Lawyers was selected and invited to participate in the recent South Australia trade delegation to the Shandong province in China. It was a privilege to be part of the 250-strong delegation and the only Australia migration services provider on the trip. The Department of State Development did a fantastic job arranging the programme and logistics for such a large group of people. The trade delegation visited the cities of Jinan and Qingdao in Shandong from 24 to 28 May. We also did an additional visit to the city of Guangzhou in Guangdong independently from the 28 to 31 May.

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The programme started with the South Australia Premier, the Honourable Jay Weatherill MP providing a briefing to the delegates who have arrived in the city of Jinan. There was a strong emphasis on the collaboration and win-win cooperation between the two sister states. Briefings were also given by:

  • Minister of Trade and Investment, the Hon. Martin Hamilton-Smith
  • National Vice President, Australia China Business Council, Sean Keenihan
  • Executive Director, Investment, Trade and Immigration, Department of State Development, Matt Johnson

After the briefings delegates were separated by industry and had introductions to all members in the respective groups. Work Visa Lawyers were placed under the Services Stream throughout the Forum. A run-through of the schedule for the next couple of days was also carried out.

25 May 2015

The morning ceremony started with opening remarks by the Governor of Shandong, Shuqing Guo and the Premier of South Australia, the Honourable Jay Weatherill MP. Following the opening speeches, signing ceremonies were carried between 4 different groups of China and South Australian businesses.

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Delegates from South Australia and attendees from the Chinese side then broke into the respective industry streams and held presentations that were specific to the industry. Interestingly there were a lot of presentations on environmental services with focus on water and sewage treatment, which is not surprising for a rapidly industrialised nation with concerns of pollution and waste management.

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Work Visa Lawyers Principal Migration Agent and Lawyer Chris Johnston and Cultural Liaison Officer Sean Choong at the morning ceremony

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After a lunch session delegates resumed the meetings by stream and conducted 1-1 business matching arranged by the Department of State Development. This was followed by the Gala Dinner which included cultural performance by South Australian and Shandong artists.

26 May 2015

After breakfast and checking out of the Shandong Hotel we made our way to board the high-speed train that connects Jinan to Qingdao, the home of Haier, Hisense and Tsingtao. The distance of approximately 360 kilometres was covered by the train in approximately 2 hours 30 minutes (averages out to be around 144km/h).

Chris and train

Chris Johnston with the high speed train

Upon arrival in Qingdao it was back to work immediately as we met up with the President of Qingdao Syndicate International Economic and Technical Cooperation Co. Ltd., Mr Yu Liang Chen about the supply of skilled workers to Australia. Even though both parties have corresponded for a long time via electronic channels, it was great to meet each other in person to have an in-depth discussion about collaboration for a mutually beneficial partnership.

Chris and Chen 1

Chris Johnston with Mr Chen in Qingdao

Being common practice in China we were then invited to have dinner with Mr Chen and his colleagues as part of extending the local hospitality. It was a bountiful and gracious dinner by the host and we are very thankful for that.

27 May 2015

Similar to the opening ceremony in Jinan, the morning session opened with opening remarks by the Mayor of Qingdao, Xinqi Zhang and the Premier of South Australia. Signing ceremonies were then carried out and a free and open business matching session was held for attendees of the forum to speak with South Australian businesses that were of interest.

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Following the business matching session a lunch session was held for delegates and invited attendees of the forum in Qingdao. The luncheon marked the closing of the forum and delegates either returned to Adelaide the next day, or went on to other cities in China for their own business development activities. Work Visa Lawyers headed to Guangzhou the next day.

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The luncheon at the Shangri-la Hotel in Qingdao

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Members of the Services Stream for the Forum

28 - 31 May 2015

Upon completion of the programme with the Department of State Development, we did an additional visit to the city of Guangzhou in the Guangdong province. During our time in Guangzhou we met with individuals interested in migrating to Australia as well as businesses in Guangzhou who are related to and interested in the services of Australian migration. We also managed to conduct a presentation at one of the largest English training schools in China, Wall Street English.

Untitled 2 Chris Johnston introducing Australia to the students at Wall Street English

We were very fortunate to have the hospitality of the General Manager of the Doubletree by Hilton in Guangzhou, Chris Roberts who is a fellow South Australian. He extended extra care and consideration to Work Visa Lawyers and facilitated us in meeting our business obejctives.

dsc 9759 The hospitality provided by Chris Roberts

Return to Adelaide and Findings from the Visit to China

A 13-hour flight brought us back to Adelaide from Guangzhou and it was a bit of a long journey. However it was extremely beneficial to have been invited by the Department of State Development of South Australia to participate in the largest Australian trade delegation to China since the completion of negotiations for the China-Australia Free Trade Agreement (ChAFTA) in November 2014.

With particular focus on Shandong and South Australia, there are definitely many areas of collaboration that will bring benefit to both regions. The initiative taken by the Department of State Development and Australia-China business associations such as the Australia China Business Council has done an excellent job of building the bridge for South Australian businesses to reach potential clients, partners or investors in Shandong and beyond. Work Visa Lawyers commends the effort and work done by those involved in the planning and execution of the 2nd South Australian-Shandong Economic and Cooperation Development Forum. We look forward to be part of the delegation again next year. See you again soon China!

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4704 Hits

Work Visa Lawyers will be in China! - Video | Work Visa Lawyers 即将拜访中国!-视频

Work Visa Lawyers will be in China! Watch Cultural Liaison Sean Choong with details in this video.

A Mandarin version of the video is below. 


For our friends in China, view the video on YouKu! 优酷链接:

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Work Visa Lawyers will be in China!

Work Visa Lawyers will be in China!


澳大利亚移民代理处Work Visa Lawyers 将拜访中国!

(English version below)


1Sean Choong small file 2


2015年5月24日至26日 - 山东济南市

2015年5月26日至28日 - 山东青岛市

2015年5月28日至31日 - 广东广州市








电子邮件地址:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

电话:+61 8 7225 5091


Colourful houses on the beach


创立于2011 年,注册移民代理与主顾问克理斯·佐斯敦(移民中介注册号: 0640686)身怀越9年的澳洲移民工作经验。本公司所提供的服务包括:

  • 商业技术移民
  • 技术移民
  • 雇主赞助移民
  • 家庭团聚移民
  • 移民审查法庭审理与司法审查
  • 澳洲公民申请过程

Confident businessman



E: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

T: +61 (0) 8 7225 5091


Work Visa Lawyers is coming to China!

We are pleased to announce that Work Visa Lawyers will be meeting people who are interested to know more about migrating to Australia from China. This will provide the people of Jinan, Qingdao and Guangzhou the opportunity to meet with an experienced Registered Migration Agent from Australia to discover options to migrate to Australia. Meet with Principal Registered Migration Agent and Lawyer, Chris Johnston (MARN: 0640686) and Cultural Liaison, Sean Choong at the following dates and venues:

24 – 26 May 2015 – Jinan

26 – 28 May 2015 – Qingdao

28 – 31 May 2015 – Guangzhou

Personal Meetings

We will be conducting individual meetings at the cities listed above. Meetings are limited and strictly by appointment only. Chris will be explaining the Australia visa requirements, application process and fees.

Seminar in Guangzhou

We will be holding a seminar in Guangzhou in the evening of Friday, 29th May 2015 to provide a general idea of the different pathways to migrate to Australia. Seats are limited so registration is essential!

Contact us NOW to reserve a meeting or attend our seminar – for FREE!

Clients are usually charged a fee when they seek Australia migration advice. Chris will be providing consultations at the meetings and seminar at NO COST to the attendees. Please contact us via email, WeChat ID or phone details below to reserve your exclusive consultation now!

Email: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.

WeChat ID: Sean_CW_Choong

Phone: +61 8 7225 5091

Person carrying Aussie flag on the beach

About Work Visa Lawyers and our Services

Established in 2011, Registered Migration Agent and Lawyer Chris Johnston (MARN: 0640686) has more than 9 years of Australia Migration work experience. The firm provides services including:

  • Business Skills Migration
  • General Skilled Migration
  • Employer Sponsored Migration
  • Family Migration
  • MRT and Judicial Reviews
  • Australian Citizenship Applications

Work Visa Lawyers is committed to provide excellent service to our clients, which include:

  • Honest and accurate advice based on the current migration laws
  • Maintaining the confidentiality of our client’s affairs
  • Quality customer service

We minimise the time you have to spend on applications and risks of mistakes you may experience because of the lack of experience in Australia visa applications.


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Work Visa Lawyers: Introduction to Our Services & Upcoming Video Series


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Work Visa Lawyers works on Kaurna Land
We acknowledge and pay respect to the past, present and future Traditional Custodians and
Elders of this land and this nation, and the continuation of cultural, spiritual and educational
practices of Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander peoples.

This site's contents are for general information purposes only
We recommend you seek advice from a Registered Migration Agent and Lawyer
(such as Work Visa Lawyers) in relation to your factual situation and relevant migration laws

Liability limited by a scheme approved under Professional Standards Legislation

Site by Adelaide Websites