Australia signs work and holiday visa agreement with Greece – great for Greeks aged 18 to 30


Australia signs work and holiday visa agreement with Greece


A joint media release from Scott Morrison MP, Minister for Immigration and Border Protection and Senator the Michaelia Cash, Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection provides the following:

“Young people from Australia and Greece are a step closer to having the opportunity to visit and work in each other's countries, with the signing of a reciprocal work and holiday visa arrangement today.

Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, the Hon Scott Morrison, said the signing of the agreement was testament to the close and positive relationship between the two countries.

'This arrangement, when brought into effect, will enable up to 500 young adults from Greece and 500 young adults from Australia to enjoy a holiday in each other's country, during which they may engage in short-term work and study,' Minister Morrison said.

The one-year work and holiday visa differs from a working holiday visa as it requires applicants to have the support of their government, hold or be studying towards tertiary qualifications and to speak functional English.

Assistant Minister for Immigration and Border Protection, Senator Michaelia Cash, said over the coming months, both countries would be working closely together to implement the necessary legal and administrative processes to bring this visa into effect.

'As well as creating an exciting opportunity for young people in both countries to experience life abroad, this arrangement will further enhance the cultural and economic links between the two countries,' Minister Cash said.

Comments by Chris Johnston, Lawyer and Registered Migration Agent:


This is exciting news, presenting an opportunity for a limited number of young Greeks.  I predict that the number of 500 will be much lower than the demand for this visa, so when the visa is opened, better apply fast.

Warning:This information is accurate on the 25 May 2014. 

DIBP will change visa requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 




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Working Holiday Visa arrangement for Greece

Working Holiday Visa arrangement for Greece

A Working holiday agreement is to be signed with Greece, with the necessary processes for the signing of a reciprocal agreement between Greece and Australia underway. There is no current date for the working holiday visa to come into operation.

Once in place, this should allow for a working holiday visa for Greek passport holders aged 18 to 30 years of age.


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