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Global Talent Visa Update Late 2023

The Australian Government announced that it will close the Global Talent Visa in late 2024 and replace it with the new National Innovation Visa. Follow this link for more details about the National Innovation Visa.

Opportunity for you in the Global Talent Visa:

We’ve been working actively with the Global Talent Visa since it was introduced in November 2019. There have been quite a few changes in relation to the Department of Home Affairs' approach to the Expression of Interest and the Global Talent overall priority. It is no longer the top priority, which has gone to Nurses and Teachers through Direction 100.

The Global Talent Visa is taking longer, but there are still plenty of success stories. It is still a good option for those looking to go straight to Australian PR without needing to do a Skills Assessment, especially for those who are over 45 years old. 

I want to give you an update on what’s been happening lately.

Read more about the Global Talent Visa

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Expressions of Interest:

Expression of Interest is the toughest of the two stages. The need to demonstrate prominence and achievements in your field and earning capacity of at least the FWHIT currently AUD 167,500 are centrally important.

Some Expressions of Interest still receive priority; for example, we recently got priority for our client whose professional experience is in the area of education.

However, fewer priorities are being given, and overall, you would expect the Expression of Interest stage to take 6 to 12 months.

Global Talent Visa application stage trends and tips:

 At the Visa application stage, we lodge a comprehensive application with a submission about the main applicant’s Global Talents, and all the required identification, character, and supporting documents. We still often get requests from the DHA in relation to evidence of international recognition and talent, which we respond to.

We are also assisting a number of Global Talents that have received an invitation and realise they have no idea how to lodge a comprehensive application and prove everything required.
We are finding that many of the visa applications are processed somewhere between 5 and 8 months.  However, some applications may take 12 months or more.

If you have lived in many different locations, particularly high-risk countries, and/or have many family members, then that’s going to be potentially longer processing times.

Trends in Visa Applicants Switching to GTV:

If one part of the Australian migration program changes, that affects others.

The Business and Investment Visa program is currently effectively shut to new applications. We are finding that there are more applicants who would also fit the profile of Business owners and Significant investors with high net worth and millions of dollars of assets.  This switching tactic can be highly effective, especially if the business owner has an interest in areas such as research, pharmaceuticals, and technology.

General Skilled Migration applicants have had very little opportunity for point-based visas, such as the 189, 190, and 491. This is due to the limited 189 rounds and 70% cuts in state nominations for 491.

We are finding that we are getting many people interested in the Global Talent that would previously have done points-based visas because they are under 45 years old.

Read more about the Global Talent Visa

Best predictors of success for an expression of interest:

Having verifiable achievements in a sector is very important. But the achievements can just be working on projects and don’t have to be awards or external achievements because many people work for large companies.

As competition has increased for the Global Talent Visa, the importance of having a salary above the Fair Work High Income Threshold has increased.

To go ahead with a Global Talent Visa, you must have a nominator, an area where many potential applicants find it difficult. See our article here about finding a nominator.

Our experienced team is here to help Global Talents:

We have assisted with hundreds of Global Talent applications and have an experienced team to help you.

Our successful Global Talent applicant Derek has recently provided us with a video testimonial, which you can watch on YouTube. 

You can take our free assessment online to see if this is the right visa category for you.

We understand that for Global Talents, there are some particular considerations, such as being time-poor due to having very responsible jobs and the need for planning in terms of once the permanent residency is granted and when the visa holder activates the visa and then at some later stage moves to Australia.

We look forward to hearing from you!

Read more about the Global Talent Visa



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Wednesday, 14 August 2024

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