澳大利亚父母付费移民 (143签证篇) 以及經濟擔保人的收入要求

澳大利亚父母付费移民 (143签证篇) 以及經濟擔保人的收入要求



  • 是澳大利亚公民、澳大利亚永久居民或符合条件的新西兰公民;
  • 在澳洲居住2年以上;
  • 通过家庭平衡测试;和
  • 至少有 1 个但不超过 3 个符合条件的担保人(經濟担保人)
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Contributory Parent Visa (Subclass 143) and Sponsor Income Requirements

Contributory Parent Visa (Subclass 143) and Sponsor Income Requirements

They raised you, supported you, and loved you… and now in return, you want to bring them to Australia.  They’re your parents.  But what is the best way to get them here, and how much is it going to cost?

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Changes to Assurance of Support withdrawn! Tougher requirements will not be implemented

Changes to Assurance of Support withdrawn! Tougher requirements will not be implemented

The Australian Government had previously announced that it would be making changes to some of the requirements for parent visas. The most significant changes relate to the minimum income requirement for assurers (mostly the children) of visa applicants. The visas that would have been affected by these changes are both the temporary and permanent versions of the contributory parent visa (143 and 173), the contributory aged parent visa (864 and 884) and the non-contributory parent visa (103 and 804), as well as the ‘remaining relative’ (835) visa. 

Under the changes, a single person wanting to sponsor their two parents would have needed an annual income of $86,607, up from $35,793, while a couple sponsoring two parents would need a combined income of $115,476.


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