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Australian Immigration News June 23 - Skillselect Results, Accountant, SA Health $15k, TSMIT, Review


I've recently started a separate business called Australia Study Team which assist students with choosing their courses and enrolments and student visas.

Australian Study Team has a YouTube channel which you can subscribe too to get information about Australian education providers, student visas and settlement support.

Please watch the video below about the latest Australian immigration news for June 2023.



Skill Select Round Results.

The skill selects results for the round of the 25th of May 2023 are now available. Skilled independent Visas 189 7353 invitations. Skilled Regional Provisional Family sponsored 491 74 invitations.

This last invitation round for the migration year is very narrowly focused on occupations given priority and direction 100, which is health and teaching. Most occupations got invited at 65 points while this was a rather modest invitation round.

There's no need to be too disappointed because there'll be plenty of allocations available when the new migration program opens up from the 1st of July 2023.


TSMIT increase from the 1st of July 2023.

Many questions about the increase in the TSMIT were raised after the Immigration Department announced the rise from the 1st of July 2023. The TSMIT will increase from 53,900 to 70000.

New nomination applications from this date will need to meet the new requirement of 70,000 or the annual market salary, whichever is higher. This change will not affect existing visa holders and approved nominations lodged before the 1st of July 2023.

The new Aged care Industry Labor agreement will also not be affected.

The migration program levels were recently announced. The total is at 190,000 for the year.

This is a high level with most categories of visa being as high as they were or similar to last year, including the 189, the 190, the 491 and the employer sponsored visas.

See our separate video on the planning levels for 2024 and for specific comments on the global talent visa and the SIV visa.


SA Skilled and Business Migration Closure.

On Thursday the 8th of June 2023, at 4 p.m., the following programs will be closed. General skilled migration Direct applications for nine one, two and 190. And Business Innovation and Investment program. The one A Those South Australian programs will open up again sometime after the 1st of July 2023.


Parent Visas

The current system has led to an exceptionally high level of demand for places resulting in a backlog of visa applications.

Parent visa applications are facing waiting times of up to 30 to 50 years. Contributory parent visas are more like 15 years. The Migration Review Final Report proposed a lottery system.

A lottery approach has been considered as a potentially effective option for avoiding further backlogs and managing the huge demand for the permanent parent visa program.

The review recognizes that Canada and New Zealand have put forward lottery systems to help them manage their parent visa approach.

We are making a separate video on the parent visa situation. And please look at that video for further details.


Freedom of Information Result for the Occupation of accountants.

The number of skilled independent subclass 189 and state territory nominated 190 visas granted to general accountant and external auditor from the 1st of July 2022 to the 13th of February 2023.

So here are the grant numbers. The 189 skilled independent Visa Accountant General, 69 Grants External Auditor 23 grants, the 190 skilled nominated Accountant General 566 grants. External Auditor 56 grants.

So for all of those aspiring applicants in terms of accounting related occupations, the take home news that I get from this is that overwhelmingly your best chance of getting a skilled visa is through the state nominated 190 where there's over 600 visas being granted during that time compared to less than 92 for the 189 in the same period.


Changes to prevent migrant worker exploitation with new protections announced.

The Minister of Immigration, Citizenship and Multicultural Affairs, Andrew Giles, committed today to introducing three important protections for migrant workers.

Firstly, protection against visa cancellation, especially for those that may be suffering exploitation.

Secondly, flexible visa requirements for future sponsorship visas. This would involve extending the allowable time between employer sponsorships from the current 60 or 90 days to 180 days or half a year.

Thirdly, a short-term visa to bring claims for wages that are owed and hold exploitative employers to account that would recommend action is actually something which we put forward and I'm sure many other people put forward to the Migration Review.

Well, I think we called a vulnerable persons visa, but the idea is some people who have been exploited need the opportunity to apply for another visa to help them get out of that situation.

An additional 50 million will be provided to the Australian Border Force to help enforce the new laws. Government to attract health workers. In essay with financial incentives of up to $15,000. Hundreds of more professionals, including nurses, midwives, doctors and mental health professionals, have been encouraged to move to South Australia under the Government's new support system, which promotes competitive pay and career opportunities in South Australia.

As well as promising a great lifestyle.

Initially targeting workers from interstate and New Zealand as well as from the UK, the government campaign offers a better place to live and work in South Australia.

Successful applicants who sign contracts with SA health this year will be eligible for financial reimbursements of up to $15,000.


India and Australia announce a migration deal.

The announcement came after the Indian Prime Minister Narendra Modi met his counterpart, Anthony Albanese, in Sydney. The deal aimed to promote the two-way mobility of students, graduates, academic research and businesspeople. They also discussed regional security amid rising tensions in the region.



How can Work Visa Lawyers help?

Work Visa Lawyers is highly experienced in all parts of the visa application process. We are able to assist with all aspects of the application, and can also provide advice in relation to:

Our team of experienced Immigration Lawyers and Migration Agents look forward to assisting you with your Global Talent EOI, visa application or appeal.

Based in Adelaide South Australia, we provide Australian Immigration advice to people and businesses from all over the world.

You can book an appointment online  or call us at (+61) 8 8351 9956.


This article is not intended to be or taken as migration legal advice. The author of this article disclaims any liability for any action or omission on the information provided or not provided in this article. You should always consult an immigration lawyer or a registered migration agent (like Work Visa Lawyers) to form an informed opinion on your immigration matter.




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