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Global Talent Visa Australia - What You Need To Know About GTV Australia in 2022

Global Talent Visa Australia - What You Need To Know About GTV Australia in 2022

Since its introduction, the Global Talent Visa proved to be one of the most popular visas for highly skilled individuals wanting to come to Australia.  When it was first introduced, the Australian Government allocated 5,000 places for the program, for this financial year (2021-2022), there are now 15,000 places under this program and will be reducing to approx 8,500 in 2022-23 program year. 

Information page for Global Talent Visa >

It even became more popular when Australia imposed the border and travel restrictions because the Global Talent visa holders were not subject to the inbound travel restrictions because it is a permanent resident visa.

Because of its popularity, the Expression of Interest (EOI) process to get an invitation to apply for the Global Talent Visa is very competitive (read full blog about the current application numbers here) and the processing time could be longer than expected. The current processing time for Global Talent Visa post EOI lodgment could be 6-12 months depending on how exceptionally talented the applicants are.

However, the Department of Home Affairs in its September 2021 ​​Skilled visa newsletters ​​noted that they received many EOIs that are not within the scope of the program.  The number of EOIs received would necessarily increase the Department’s workload and therefore delay the processing.

Considering the competitiveness of the global talent visa program, what do you need to do to make your EOI stand out and/or to increase your chances of getting an invitation?

In General, visa applicants are required to meet the following 4 core requirements to be able to apply for a Global Talent visa: Target sectors, Salary above the income threshold, internationally recognized for outstanding achievement and qualified Australian nominator

If you are still unsure about your eligibility, please take our free GTV assessment here!

Take Free GTV Assessment

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What are the Australian Visa Options for the Ukrainians?

What are the Australian Visa Options for the Ukrainians?

[Recent news updated on 20/04/2022]

Ukrain Visa Support

In the short term, many visitor visas are being granted for Ukranian's

Moreover, Australia is prioritizing Ukrainians visa applications.

Work Visa Lawyers have successfully helped some Ukrainians.

Explore your visa options here >

Scott Morrison announces visas for Ukrainians, $50 million in military and humanitarian aid

Australia has announced their support package to Ukrainians who are affected by the war of Russia's invasion. Along with the support, they will provided a prioritized pathway for Ukrainians in remporary humanitarian visas with 3 year validity and extra $50 million in military and humanitarian support.

With this visa, Ukrainians will be able to work, study and access Medicare. There are approximately 5,000 Ukrainians who have been granted visas to travel to Australia including skilled visa 491/190, family reunion visas, as well as student and Tourist visa

The invasion of Ukraine by Russia from 24 February 2022 has raised immediate questions about how Australia can assist in terms of visas and immigration.

What has the Australian Government has announced about visas for Ukrainians?

Australian leaders have promised to open their doors to Ukrainian refugees and more visa options.

We strongly believe that the Australian government should put Ukrainians on top priority for visa applications.

Australian Government announcement so far and what more can be done?

This is a devastating time for the Ukrainian-Australian community, many of which have family and friends still in Ukraine.

The best support from the immigration Department now is to accelerate the conclusion of Ukrainian visa applications to Australia as instructed by Minister of Immigration Alex Hawke.

Department of Home Affairs (DHA) and leaders are considering various options for support through Australia’s humanitarian, skilled visas from offshore with the high prioritized process (SC 190 or 491), Student Visa 500, and other visa programs.

“The Australian Government remains committing to working in partnership with the Ukrainian-Australian community during this evolving situation.” Said The Hon Alex Hawke MP

Community leaders are urging for a fast track for all Ukrainians in the system residing in the hot zone.

Australia’s Prime Minister, Scott Morrison, has reaffirmed Australia’s unwavering support and will stand firm with Ukraine.

Morrison said all outstanding visa applications from Ukrainian nationals in Australia had been processed, and the government was processing as a top priority about 100 applications from Ukrainians daily.

“They’re visa applications across the entire migration program – for temporary visas on skills, education visas, and family reunion visas. They’re getting the stamp, and they’ll be able to come to Australia.” Morrison said

What about Evacuee or Refugee or Humanitarian Visas?

In the short term, Australia could offer a short-term Evacuation visa Subclass 449 - Humanitarian Stay (Temporary), for evacuation and stay in Australia. 

This is the same as what was done for the Afghanistan evacuation in 2021.

There are some significant differences to Afghanistan and the Australian Governments last-minute evacuation efforts. There the Taliban were in power. 

In Ukraine, Ukrainians are fighting for their country’s democratic independence.

So hopefully, some of those Ukrainians that do come to Australia may be in a position to choose to return.  With the Taliban in Afghanistan, the option of returning is not there!

What is the likely number of those to be displaced?

As of 11 March 2022, according to the Operational Data Portal from the UNHCR, some 2,504,893 Ukrainians had crossed borders to leave Ukraine since 24 February 2022.

At a special UN Security Council meeting convened, UN High Commissioner for Refugees Filippo Grandi said Ukrainian refugees have already escaped to neighboring countries in Poland, Hungary, Moldova, Romania, Slovakia, and even Russia. 

“Unless there is an immediate halt to conflict, Ukrainians will continue to flee. “We are currently planning…for up to four million refugees in the coming days and weeks,” Grandi said. 

Calls for Increases to Australia’s Humanitarian visa intake

Australian Immigration Program has been lowering its humanitarian intake over the last two years.  Total for skilled and family is down by 20,000 on three years ago.

It is cautioned that Australia needs to expand its humanitarian intake to manage the asylum offered to Ukrainian citizens fleeing the conflict zone.

This was exacerbated by cuts to the humanitarian program in 2020 that reduced it by 5000 places to 13,750 spots each year.

3,000 places have been allocated for Afghans fleeing the fall of Kabul, which limits the ability of Australia to respond to the crisis in Ukraine.

On Monday, the Law Council of Australia called on the federal government to support international efforts to accommodate refugees leaving Ukraine. It also calls on the Government to implement pathways to permanent protection visas and arrangements for Ukrainian asylum seekers and refugees currently in Australia. Justin Stewart-Rattray, President, Law Society of South Australia, talks about the main focuses of the Australian government to support Ukrainians on the Immigration side:

  • Prioritize family reunification when processing humanitarian visa applications from Ukrainian nationals.
  • Immediately increase the ceiling of 13,750 places allocated under the Humanitarian Program for the 2021-22 financial year.
  • Accommodation for refugees is also critical to think of now; we must arrange people ready to support and a place for them to stay.

Comments from Immigration Lawyer Chris Johnston:

In the Immigration policy area, the Federal Government and the DHA have a track record of making announcements without and failing to follow through on announcements (eg. the Agricultural Visa).

The Federal Government and the DHA need to coordinate with State Governments and community organizations to offer support to Ukrainians.  

Let’s hope that the Federal Government and the DHA can do more for Ukraine!





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All Latest Australian Immigration Updates March 2022

All Latest Australian Immigration Updates March 2022


There is a lot of good news in Australia that has been fully open for tourists and all visa holders.

This leads to many new changes in various visa subclasses covered in today’s video such as:

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Visa 408 Pandemic Event Covid-19 - Latest Changes March 2022

Visa 408 Pandemic Event Covid-19 - Latest Changes March 2022

New Subclass 408 visa – pandemic event visa stream

Subclass 408 pandemic event visa stream is more popular during the pandemic than ever.

Starting only from a temporary activity visa which most skilled migrants did not know

This visa is now playing the role of the last resort, which saves a lot of migrants who are struggling to find their Permanent Residency Pathway or having their visa expiring soon.

Pandemic event visa subclass 408 is still open for new applications even though the border is fully open.

Visa holders of subclass 408 covid-19 stream will also have work right

And critical sector visa holders are permitted to change employment or work for more than one employer if their primary job is in a critical sector.

In addition to these advantages of the visa, on the 2/3/2022, ALL TEMPORARY VISA HOLDERS WITH WORK RIGHT will be able to access the COVID-19 Pandemic Event (Subclass 408) visa

There is NO visa application charge or critical sector requirements for workers!

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Top 5 Most Popular Sectors For The Global Talent Visa Program

Top 5 Most Popular Sectors For The Global Talent Visa Program

Overview of the current Global Talent Visa program

The Global Talent visa is aimed to target high achievers in the following 10 target or priority sectors:

  • Resources
  • Agri-food and AgTech
  • Energy
  • Health Industries
  • Defence, Advanced Manufacturing and Space
  • Circular Economy
  • DigiTech
  • Infrastructure and Tourism
  • Financial Services and FinTech and
  • Education

However, some sectors are more popular than others.

DigiTech Cybersecurity in Global Talent Visa

According to the figures released by the Department of Home Affairs, around this time last year, there were 920 Expressions of Interest (EOIs) submitted to the Department in February 2021. The sectors with the most number of EOIs submitted are:

  1. Digitech with 275 EOIs;
  2. Health industries with 177;
  3. Energy and Mining Technology with 112;
  4. Financial services and Fintech with 108; and
  5. Agri-Food and Agtech with 65.
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Where in Australia should I study in 2022? [Migration Pathway, Top Ranking Universities, Work opportunities and Salaries, Cost of living, Lifestyle]

People worldwide choose Australia as a destination for their education, and with our prestigious universities and glorious climate, it’s easy to see why. 

But how do you pick where in Australia to study? It depends on the purpose of your study; within the scope of this writing, we only talk about the migration side and its work-life balance for international students who decide to settle down in Australia.

Let’s look at what the different states and territories have to offer.

The Criteria we are considering includes:

Most international students come to Australia and choose Australia as their destination by attaining a permanent residency and Australian citizen.

There are extra incentives built into the Australian immigration system for those who study and live In regional areas.

These include:

  • Extra 5 points for skilled migration
  • Extra year for post-study work visa 485 for those who study an eligible course in regional areas
  • More generous skilled occupation list for 491 visas in regional states and territories (491 visa is a 5-year temporary visa with a direct pathway to Australian permanent residency)
  • Lower requirements for state nomination and skilled migration pathway

In terms of migration pathways, you should consider an employer sponsorship program. Employer sponsor migration relies on there being an employer that is willing to sponsor you for a visa.

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Agriculture Visa meets stumbling roadblocks - wait or get another visa to work in Australia?

Agriculture Visa meets stumbling roadblocks - wait or get another visa to work in Australia?

Farmers hope to start the new year with agriculture visa workers, but there are stumbling blocks

Agriculture visa was first announced in June 2021

To many, the Agricultural visa seemed to be a perfect visa to attract Southeast Asian farm hands to fix labour shortages within the Australian agriculture industry.

The Australian Agriculture visa is designed for primary industry sectors, including horticulture, meat processing, dairy, wool, grains, fisheries (including aquaculture) and forestry.

According to Agriculture Minister David Littleproud, the agriculture visa "came into effect" on October 1

However, it has been there for four months now, and no overseas workers have arrived under the new scheme because no countries have signed up for it.

So what is causing the delays in the implementation of the Agricultural Visa?

We are waiting on the bilateral agreements with a few Southeast Asian countries that the foreign affairs minister is negotiating.

Read more about Agriculture Visa and its requirement published by Australian Government here >

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South Australia opens more occupations for offshore skilled migration - Tasmania updates their quotas used until 15/2/2022

South Australia opens more occupations for offshore skilled migration - Tasmania updates their quotas used until 15/2/2022

Visa 491 and 190 South Australia and Tasmania has continuously updated their Skilled Migration program. There are further 259 occupations added to South Australia Offshore skilled occupation list with requirements and Subclasses offered will vary depending on the occupation. More details on their requirements will be illustrated below. 

Tasmania has updated their quotas used for this financial year and announced their priority group of applicants who are going to be assessed soon. It is likely that their quotas will be running out significantly before the end of this program which is 30 June 2022.

To know more about South Australia Skilled Migration program, read here >

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All Latest Australian Immigration Updates February 2022

All Latest Australian Immigration Updates February 2022

[Latest Australian Immigration news in APRIL 2022 has been published here]

We do not know how many times we say Happy Lunar New year, but it is never too late to say it. This is for our first-time-visit customers.

Happy Lunar New Year, and welcome to a year of Tiger!

Let’s make a confident and courageous start to the year, following the lead of the Tiger.

There is plenty of good news, with the border opening for visitor visas and positive reforms.

Today’s blog covers all the latest immigration updates in Australia until 11/02/2022

Please watch the video if you find it more interesting; there is a lot of essential news, especially for Skilled workers overseas planning to move to Australia and international students or Working holiday makers.

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Temporary Graduate Visa 485 - Summary of Changes 2022

Temporary Graduate Visa 485 - Summary of Changes 2022

Read our latest Australian Immigration updates June 2022 here >>>

Latest news: No Skill assessment for 485 Visa - Temporary graduate stream and no requirement on nominating an occupation

Australia is trying hard to bring back its valuable international students and graduates to fill the skill shortages caused by the disruption of Covid-19 travel restriction

From 15 December 2021, fully vaccinated Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa holders can enter Australia without a travel exemption.

It has been followed by many more positive policies recently

In this blog, we cover all changes of Temporary Graduate visa subclass 485 Including what has been changed before the mentioned date

Temporary Graduate Visa 485 New Eligibility

Australia DHA have changed the requirements for a Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa for those who have been affected by COVID-19 travel restrictions:

  • Online study undertaken outside Australia will count towards the Australian Study Requirement (ASR) for existing and new student visa holders
  • Only study undertaken outside Australia whilst holding a student visa will count towards the ASR. 
  • Graduates can apply for and be granted a Temporary Graduate visa outside Australia (where they have met all the requirements).

This will be useful for those with their student visa expired and cannot return to Australia. Please remember to apply within 6 months of completing your eligible qualification.

If you are unsure about your eligibility, please submit your enquiry here.

Only study undertaken outside Australia whilst holding a student visa will count towards the ASR

Flexible timeframes for English tests and Health Exams - Temporary Graduate visa 485

The Department of Home affair allow extra time for you to provide English language test results if you were unable to take a test because of COVID-19. Extra time will also be given for health checks where COVID-19 disrupted access to services.

Where you have made an appointment for one or more of these services more than 28 days into the future, you may attach your booking confirmation in ImmiAccount.

Please respond to requests for information to inform the Department, via ImmiAccount, that you need additional time should you require it.


Future Flexibility on Temporary Graduate Visa and Post Study Work visa 485

Future Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) applicants will also enjoy a longer or more flexible criteria.

  • Permanent extension in the length of Temporary Graduate visas for Masters by Coursework students from 2 to 3 years.
  • Temporary increased from 18 to 24 months stay on Temporary Graduate visas for VET graduates, and 5 years for Hong Kong and British National Overseas passport holders may stay for 5 years.
  • Temporary expansion of opportunities for VET graduates to apply for Temporary Graduate visa by not requiring occupations on the Skilled Occupation Lists and not requiring skills assessments (on plan).
  • Extend existing measures for students and recent graduates to have time spent offshore studying online to be recognised towards qualifying for a Temporary Graduate visas

There have been a lot of successful applicants who get 3 years stay on their 485

Please remember that this only applies to those who get their visa assessed and granted after December 2021.

There is no automatic extension for the previous 485 visa holders who completed their master’s in Australia before the announcement date.

VET Graduates are likely the happiest clients with the new temporary change of up to 24-month stay.

It gives them more time to complete their job ready program (JRP), typically taking at least one year and another few months for applying for skilled visa

 Master Student can get 3 years post study work visa 485


From 18 February 2022, Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) visa holders who were affected by COVID-19 travel restrictions will have their visa extended or enlivened to 30 September 2022 automatically.

Check if you are eligible

To be eligible for a Temporary Graduate visa extension:

  • visa holders must have held a Temporary Graduate visa on 15 December 2021
  • the current visa expires before 30 September 2022
  • the primary visa holder was in Australia at time of the visa grant
  • the primary visa holder has been outside Australia for any period between 1 February 2020 and 14 December 2021 (inclusive)
  • the visa has not been cancelled since 15 December 2021
  • the holder has not been granted a further substantive visa since 15 December 2021.

To be eligible for visa enlivening:

  • visa holders must have held a Temporary Graduate visa that visa expired between 1 February 2020 and 14 December 2021 inclusive
  • the primary visa holder was in Australia at time of grant
  • the primary holder of the visa has been outside Australia for any period between 1 February 2020 and 14 December 2021 inclusive
  • the visa was not cancelled
  • the visa holder has not been granted a further substantive visa

The visa extension is FREE and will occur automatically. It will include family members that were included in the original Temporary Graduate visa.


From 1 July 2022, Temporary Graduate (subclass 485) replacement stream will be available.

And only for temporary Graduate visa holders impacted by the Australian travel restrictions.

This means people who could not stay in Australia for the entire period allowed by their previous Temporary Graduate visa.

Check if you are eligible

  • currently hold, or have held a Temporary Graduate visa that expired on or after 1 February 2020; and
  • have been outside Australia at any time between 1 February 2020 and 15​ December 2021

The visa costs AUD1,680 for the primary visa applicant. There is also a charge for each family member who applies for the visa with them.

Successfully applicants will have full validity of their initial 485 visas

Further details will become available over the coming months. We will update this blog when more information is available. Please continue to check back for updates.

In summary, the Government recognizes the valuable contribution of temporary visa holders and acknowledges the disruption caused by the COVID-19 travel restriction.

To go on with these positive changes on 485, we hope that the Australian government will take more effective measures to deal with the backlog of skilled visas 190 and 189.

There is currently a significant backlog of visas waiting to be granted since 2019

These visa holders are playing essential parts in recovering Australia’s economy post-pandemic.

Further news has been announced by Australian Government, all visa holders are now eligible to travel Australia with a condition of being fully vaccinated.

Travel exemption will drop away, there may be no quarantine required which is similar to others.

However, the covid-19 Omicron situation is still very complicated, please be careful when you are travelling.

Work Visa Lawyers – Temporary Graduate Visa 485 

Work Visa Lawyers will assess whether your occupation and your current profile fits into this Visa 485. We will then draft and collate all the necessary paperwork, submit it, and follow up on your behalf.

We are one of the best Immigration Agents and Lawyers in Australia. we are based in South Australia, and you are always welcome to book an appointment with us via phone call, Zoom/Skype or Face to face consultation.


Book an appointment with one of our experienced Immigration Lawyers and Registered Migration Agents here.

Contact us on (08) 8351 9956 or +61 8 8351 9956 or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



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