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New Work and Holiday visa arrangement signed by Australia and Israel

New Work and Holiday visa arrangement signed by Australia and Israel


New Work and Holiday visa arrangement signed by Australia and Israel

From the DIBP news blog on posted on October 24, 2014:

“Australia and Israel signed a reciprocal Work and Holiday visa (subclass 462) arrangement on 22 October 2014.

Soon young adults, aged 18–30 years, from Australia and Israel will be able to experience a once in a lifetime opportunity to play, work and study in each other’s country for up to 12 months. There will be 500 places on offer for each country per programme year.

Once a start date has been determined for this visa programme, eligible young adults from both countries will be able to apply for this visa. This process can take some time, however, we will announce the start date on our website and social media channels.”

Other Developments in Work and Holiday Visas (462):


A similar announcement was made in May 2014 that 500 Work and Holiday Visas (462) were going to be made available to Greeks:

Comments by Chris Johnston, Lawyer and Registered Migration Agent:


This is exciting news, presenting an opportunity for a limited number of young people from Israel.  I predict that the number of 500 will be much lower than the demand for this visa, so when the visa is opened, better apply fast.



This information is accurate on the 29 October 2014. 

DIBP will change visa requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 


Do You Need Help in Relation to Making the transition from a Working Holiday Australian Visas?


We have many people apply make the transition from Working Holiday visas to other Australian Visas.  Common target visas include:

·          457 work visa if the applicant has relevant skills to an occupation on the CSOL and an employer to sponsors them or

·         Partner Visa if the applicant has is in a serious relationship with an Australian Citizens or Permanent Resident.

If you require further information regarding Australian visa options you contact our offices on:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  


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NSW skilled nominated 190 intake for October 2014 is closed and will not reopen this month – for details

NSW skilled nominated 190 intake for October 2014 is closed and will not reopen this month – for details


NSW skilled nominated 190 intake for October 2014 is closed and will not reopen this month – here are some details 

The NSW Government has provided the following update on the October 2014 sponsorship round which is now closed:

“The October intake has reached the cap of 1,000 and it is closed. 

Following analysis of the second intake on 22 October 2014, the applications lodged during this intake are able to proceed to assessment. The October intake was capped at 1,000 applications to ensure the annual cap was not exceeded. 

Applicants who have lodged an application and who still need to supply additional information, attachments or complete full payment will be contacted directly. 

NSW is a highly competitive destination for skilled migrants and as such, demand for NSW nomination under this visa program far exceeds the number of places available. In recognition of ongoing high demand and to ensure that places allocated under the program are well-balanced and aligned to the skills needs of the state's economy, NSW is continuing to implement operational and policy reforms. The application process will open again in February 2015. This will be after an analysis of the intakes to date which will determine the approach to future intakes. Information on future intakes will be posted on the website in January 2015. 

NSW anticipates nominating another 2,000 applicants between February-June 2015. 

This program is one of many visa options and NSW encourages potential applicants to explore alternative pathways as the program will not be able to accommodate all eligible candidates.

When did the October 2014 intake open and close?

The October 2014 intake for NSW nomination program for the 190 visa opened on Wednesday 22 October, 10:00 AEDT (UTC+11 hours).

The intake closed when the number of applications received reached the 1,000 limit.

Why were certain occupations not on theNSW State Skilled Occupation List - Skilled Migrationfor the October 2014 intake?

NSW Trade & Investment removed a number of occupations from the NSW State Skilled Occupation List - Skilled Migration for the October intake(identified in table above).

The adjustments were made in response to over-subscription of nomination applications received in the July 2014 intake from applicants in Accounting and Information, Communication and Technology (ICT) occupational categories. More than 75 per cent of the 1,000 nominations offered for the July 2014 intake were to applicants in these groups.  

Prospective applicants qualified in these occupations may be eligible for NSW nomination in future intakes.  Decisions on eligible occupations are made on an ongoing basis as part of NSW regular review of skills needs in the state.  Information about eligibility will always be published on this website prior to each application intake. “

Have you missed State sponsorship for a 190 in NSW or Victoria? Here are 10 options to consider!

Follow this link for some options for those who have missed NSW Sponsorship.

Comment by Chris Johnston, Principal Solicitor with Work Visa Lawyers:

The simple explanation for the difficulty in obtaining NSW nomination for a 190 is supply and demand.  NSW only has 4000 nominations to sponsor for the whole program year between 1 July 2014 and 30 June 2015 which is very low supply compared to the high number of people trying to apply for sponoship which is the demand.  Given that the positions offered at 1000 per intake are being filled in one day, with 3,500 people or more on the NSW system before it crashed, it can safely be assumed that those trying to apply must be in the tens or thousands.

Given the poor match between supply of positions from the NSW government and the demand, the result for applicants is that trying to obtain NSW state sponsorship is not a reliable pathway. It seems to be partly luck as to whether you can get sponsorship in the half day that each round is open.  So as an applicant it is wise to consider back up plans, in terms of sponsorship from other States or Territories, or looking at other visa pathways.  


NSW Trade and Investment website:


 This information is accurate on the 25 October 2014.  State/Territory Bodies and DIBP will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 

Do You Need Help with  Australia Migration?


At Work Visa Lawyers we are experience in assisting applicants with the Expression of Interest, State Sponsorship and Visa application process for state sponsored subclasses 190 and 489.  We can also assist with the Independent 189.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa options

you can contact us through:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

or    This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Have you missed State sponsorship for a 190 in NSW or Victoria? Here are 10 options to consider!

Have you missed State sponsorship for a 190 in NSW or Victoria? Here are 10 options to consider!


Have you missed State sponsorship for a 190 in NSW or Victoria? Here are 10 options to consider!



This is not an exhaustive list of options, but it may be a helpful starting point to turn your focus the possible options

1. Check the lists of other States and Territories for your occupation to see if you can obtain sponsorship somewhere else in Australia

Here are links to the relevant authorities:

Australian Capital Territory

New South Wales

Northern Territory


South Australia



Western Australia

Skilled visas

 Business visas

2. Try to secure a position with an employer to sponsor you for a 457, RSMS or ENS

The acceptable positions for a 457 and ENS are on the CSOL.

The RSMS is available for all skill level 1, 2 and 3 positions.

Here is a link to an explanation of to skills levels:[email protected]/Lookup/1220.0Chapter32013,%20Version%201.2

3. Are you eligible for a Graduate Visa (485) or Skilled—Recognised Graduate visa (subclass 476) for Engineering Graduates?

These are great visas to allow you the time to get a relevant job to boost your chances of applying for a skilled visa.

You can try to get one year of skilled experience towards an occupation on the SOL or CSOL.

You could also try to get a job with an employer, who may be able to sponsor you for a skilled visa.


4. Are you able to apply for a Working Holiday Visa (417) or a Work and Holiday Visa (462)?

These visas are only eligible for a select number of countries.

You will have to apply from outside Australia.


5. Consider further studies – with a view to obtaining a qualification in line with the current SOL and CSOL

Here are links to the SOL and CSOL:

6. If you study a suitable course in a Regional Area full time for two years then you may get up to five points for Regional study towards the subclass 190 or 489.

From the Immigration site:

“Study in regional Australia

You can receive five points if each of the following applied:

- you met the Australian Study requirement

- if you have lived and studied in regional Australia or a low population-growth metropolitan area

none of the study undertaken constituted distance education.


7. If you study in a Regional area then you have a greater chance of securing state sponsorship, because the lists are more generous.

As mentioned above, you can check the lists of the various states and territories.


8. Consider studying a further course in Tasmania that will give you an occupation on the SOL or CSOL

The state or territory lists tend to be more generous in Regional areas.  Tasmania is very proactive in sponsoring its graduates and so offers a great opportunity for those who want to maximise there chance of sponsorship with then finish their studies. 

9.. Do you have a family member in SA who could sponsor you for Chain Migration?

The details for chain migration are provided on the Immigration SA website.

They include that:

          “Chain Migration is a state nomination pathway for applicants who have an immediate family member permanently residing in South Australia.

12.6.1 The family member residing in South Australia must be the applicant’s grandfather, grandmother, father, mother, brother or sister. Applicants can still apply if it’s a step or adoptive parent / sibling.

12.6.2 The family member must be over 18 years of age.

12.6.3 The family member in South Australia must be either an Australian Permanent Resident or an Australian Citizen.

12.6.4 The family member must be currently residing in South Australia and have resided in South Australia for the last twelve months.”

Further details can be found at:

10. Contact a Registered Migration Agent and Migration Institute of Australia member, for a professional opinion on your visa options

Here is a link the the Migration Institute of Australia, which lists relevant Agents.

I am a qualified Lawyer, Registered Migration Agent and a Member of the MIA and can provide you with professional advice on your options.

Here are my contact details:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.



DIBP website and State and Territory Websites.


 This information is accurate on the 22 October 2014.  State/Territory Bodies and DIBP will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 

Do You Need Help?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experience in assisting applicants with the Expression of Interest, State Sponsorship and Visa application process for state sponsored subclasses 190 and 489.  We can also assist with the Independent 189.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa options

you can contact us through:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Final-year students in Australia in Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, OT, Physiotherapy, and more urged to apply for registration now!

Final-year students in Australia in Medicine, Nursing, Dentistry, OT, Physiotherapy,  and more urged to apply for registration now!


Final-year students in Australia in Medicine, Nursing, Dentists, OT and more urged to apply for registration now!


The following information is available on the AHPRA website:

“AHPRA is now calling for online applications for registration from students who are in their final year of an approved program of study.

Students due to complete study at the end of 2014 are urged to apply for registration four to six weeks before completing their course. Fourth-year psychology students can also apply. 

Students are encouraged to apply online, however some applicants may be required to complete a paper application form. All applicants must provide some supporting documents to AHPRA to complete their application.

Students are encouraged to read the information under Graduate applications, including FAQ.

Profession-specific information, including whether final-year students must apply for provisional or general registration, is available on the National Board websites:

“Frequently asked questions

On this page:

What are graduate applications? 

Five Steps to Graduate Registration

What are graduate applications?

Graduates seeking to work as health practitioners in Australia must be registered before joining the workforce. Students who are about to complete National Board-approved programs of study can apply for health practitioner registration early. AHPRA has put in place systems to make registration for graduates as streamlined as possible, including accepting online applications from students graduating mid-year or in late 2013.

Five Steps to Graduate Registration:

  1. Students apply for registration 4 to 6 weeks before completing their course, under Graduate Applications.
  2. Applicants fill out an online application (if eligible) or download an application form. All applications require some documents to be sent to AHPRA by mail.
  3. Education providers advise AHPRA when applicants are eligible to graduate.
  4. AHPRA finalises assessment, confirms registration, publishes new graduates’ names on the Register of Practitioners and sends out registration certificates.
  5. New graduates registered with their profession’s National Board are eligible to start working as soon as their name is published on the Register of Practitioners.

Why apply early?

Processing applications for registration takes time and AHPRA is aiming to smooth the path for new graduates from study to work. By applying for registration early, you will help AHPRA to register you as a health practitioner soon as possible after your education provider advises us that you have successfully graduated. As soon as you are registered, your name will be published on the national Register of Practitioners and you will be eligible to start work.

Who can apply?

All students in regulated health professions who will be completing an approved program of study in 2013 and who are expecting to join the Australian health practitioner workforce when they graduate or soon after can apply.

Note: The name on your application for registration must match the student name for approved course completion provided to AHPRA by your education provider. If your name has changed after enrolling in an approved program of study you must contact the education provider to update these details.

When can I apply?

AHPRA is recommending that students apply for registration at least four to six weeks before the end of their course.

How can I apply?

Online applications are open to students completing an approved program of study mid-year or at the end of 2013 …”

Registration is different to applying for a migration skills assessment for some occupations such as Registered Nurses and Enrolled Nurses!

The skills assessing authority for Registered Nurses and Enrolled Nurses is ANMAC:

Warning -This information is accurate on the 21 October 2014.  

Registration authorities can change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging a skills assessment or visa application. 


Do You Need Help in Relation to a Professional Registration, Skills Assessment or visa application as a Health Professional?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting with skills assessment to enable applications for skillselect subclass 189, 190 and 489 visas and Employer Nomination Scheme applications.

We can help you with state sponsorship and visa application.

For further information regarding your Australian visa options you contact our offices on

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091.

Or email:   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.  


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New Premium Investor Visa (PIV) to be created in Australia with selling point including Australian PR in one year and no residency requirements for Premium investors

New Premium Investor Visa (PIV) to be created in Australia with selling point including Australian PR in one year  and no residency requirements for Premium investors


New Premium Investor Visa (PIV) to be created in Australia with selling point including Australian PR in one year  and no residency requirements for Premium investors  

The Australian Federal Government recently completed a The Significant Investor Visa (SIV) Review.  Following the review the Federal Government announced on 14 October 2014 that the following changes will be made in relation to investor visas:

“Outcomes of the review

The government has endorsed the key findings of the review, which include:

• the creation of a Premium Investor visa (PIV) with Austrade required as the nominator

• the involvement of Austrade in determining complying investment policy

• enabling Austrade to nominate SIV and PIV applicants on behalf of the Australian Government

• allowing ‘role swapping’ between primary and secondary applicants during the provisional visa stage within all streams of the Business Innovation and Investment Programme (BIIP)

• a range of changes to improve visa processing times, many of which have already been implemented.

In addition to the findings of the review, there will also be an increase in the residency requirement for secondary applicants of the SIV to 180 days.

Key facts about the PIV

The PIV will be created as a stream within the BIIP programme featuring:

• investment of AUD 15 million into complying investments

• permanent residency after 12 months

• no residency requirement

• nomination only by the Australian Government (Austrade).”

Comment by Chris Johnston, Principal Solicitor with Work Visa Lawyers:

The Premium Investor Visa (PIV) will fall under the existing visa subclasses of 188 and 888.

The selling points for the Premium Investor visa are the following:

1. No residency Requirement:

The Premium Investor Visa will be attractive to wealthy businesspeople because it does not have a residence requirement.  This means that is will be possible for the visa applicant to stay in their homeland and to continue to manage their businesses without having to frequently visit or move to Australia.

A very large part of those choosing to apply for the Significant Investor Visa have been wealthy Chinese businesspeople.  The primary applicant being able to stay in China, while some of the family unit, such as spouse and children, set up a life in Australia including buying property and sending the children to Australian Schools and Universities, is often the preferred option.

The Premium Investor Visa, as it has no residence requirement, is the most convenient visa option for wealthy visa applicants looking for Australian permanent residency.

2. PIV offers Australian Permanent Residency in one year, compared with three years under SIV

The investment made by the visa applicant will be ties up for only one year, which is a huge advantage.  Those applying for the investor visa are often looking to secure a permanent visa in a country such as Australia, which is a stable democracy, with the rule of law and good education options. This is a often hedge against potential political or business uncertainty in their homeland.  The PIV one year visa grant means the security of an Australian Permanent Residency Visa can be obtained with the visa applicant having to deal with the less uncertainty as to changes in political or business environments, compared with having to wait for three years for a result of a SIV.

If you would like to know more about the Premium Investor Visa, you can contact me:

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Responses in the Australia Media to the Premium Investor Visa



Joint media release with Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Minister for Industry Ian McFarlane and Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Scott Morrison.:

Warning -This information is accurate on the 19 October 2014.  

DIBP will change visa requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 

Do you help with a Business Visa, Significant Investor Visa (SIV) or Premium Investor Visa (PIV)?

If you require further information regarding eligibility or the application for a Business or Investor Visa, we can help you.

Contact us on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091

or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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457 changes announced including greater flexibility for English language and streamlining process for low risk businesses

457 changes announced including greater flexibility for English language and streamlining process for low risk businesses


457 visas changes Announced by Australia Government:


The Australian Federal Government has announced on 14 October 2014 that the following changes will be made:

“The Government will reform the 457 visa programme for skilled migrants, while maintaining strong safeguards against abuse.

The 457 programme must be a means of filling genuine skills gaps in the local labour market while not placing unnecessary administrative burdens on business.

An effectively managed skilled migration programme ensures foreign workers supplement rather than substitute Australian workers. A business that is forced to close because it is unable to access the labour that it requires employs no-one.  That is a lose–lose situation for both employers and employees.

Following an independent review of the 457 programme, the Government will:

·         streamline the processing of sponsorship, nomination and visa applications to reward low risk applicants and refocus compliance and monitoring activities on high risk applicants;

·         increase the sponsorship approval period from 12 to 18 months for start-up businesses, to give start-ups more time to make their businesses sustainable;

·         provide greater flexibility in relation to English language testing and skill requirements for 457 applicants, to ensure that the standards required are appropriate for the industries and occupations being sought; and

·         retain the Temporary Skilled Migration Income Threshold at $53 900, ahead of a review within the next two years.

Safeguards will remain in place to ensure that the 457 visa programme is not rorted. It will continue to be a requirement that a foreign worker receives at least the same market rates and conditions that are paid to an Australian doing the same job in the same workplace”

Comment by Chris Johnston, Principal Solicitor with Work Visa Lawyers:

The announced planned changes will be welcomed by businesses and by potential visa applicants.

The area of greatest interest for visa applicants will be in relation to the proposed greater flexibility in relation to English language requirements.

The 457 Report recommended the English language requirement be amended to an average score. For example, in relation to International English Language Testing System, the 457 applicant should have an average of 5 across the four competencies (or the equivalent for an alternative English language testing provider).

So this averaging system mentioned in the 457 Report could be the greater flexibility, but we will have to wait until the actual changes are enacted.

The date of the 457 changes has not been provided.  The Federal Government has said that there “will soon make further announcements on the recommendations of reviews”.

Work Visa Lawyers will keep you posted in our news section.


Joint media release with Prime Minister Tony Abbott, Minister for Industry Ian McFarlane and Minister for Immigration and Border Protection Scott Morrison.:

Warning -This information is accurate on the 18 October 2014.  

DIBP will change visa requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 

Do you Need Help with the 457 process, to be approved as a business sponsor or to get an Australian Visa for an employee?

If you require further information regarding an employer sponsored visa applications , either as an employer or an applicant, we can help you.

Contact us on (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091

or This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Australian Immigration News for September 2014


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Work Visa Lawyers: Introduction to Our Services & Upcoming Video Series


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Australian Immigration News Video covering September 2014 – New English Tests, Family Migration, 457 Review, Partner Processing, Tasmania …

Australian Immigration News Video covering September 2014 – New English Tests, Family Migration, 457 Review, Partner Processing, Tasmania …


Australian Immigration News Video covering September 2014 – New English Tests, Family Migration, 457 Review, Partner Processing, Tasmania …

We are always looking for opportunities to connect with people interested in migrating to Australia. 

So Work Visa Lawyers will be doing regular Video updates in relation to Australian Migration News.

The videos will be presented by Chris Johnston, Migration Lawyer and Registered Migration Agent.

The first video covers September 2014 and runs for about 16 minutes. 

A list of the topics covered and the minute and second when the topic starts is below.  You can skip to the section that interest you.

Topics covered:
1. Family Visa categories open again
2. New English Language Tests from November 2014
3. Partner application times soar
4. The many government reviews
5. The 457 Review and Recommendations
6. The Fee Review
7. Victoria putting State sponsorship of ICT Occupations on hold
8. Tasmania - a Great Place to Study and Migrate

Here is the link to the Australian Migration News Video:


This information is accurate on the 29 September 2014.  State/Territory Bodies and DIBP will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 


Do You Need Help?


At Work Visa Lawyers we are experience in assisting applicants with skills assessments, visa applications and appeals.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa options you can contact us through:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

orThis email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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NSW State Sponsorship for 190 to open on 22 October – with some Accounting and ICT occupations excluded

NSW State Sponsorship for 190 to open on 22 October – with some Accounting and ICT occupations excluded


NSW State Sponsorship for 190 to open on 22 October – with some Accounting and ICT occupations excluded

The second round of applications for NSW State sponsorship for Subclass 190 visas will open on 22 October 2014 at 10 am.  NSW Trade and Investment has temporarily suspended some occupations for this round, in an effort to ensure a more equitable spread of occupations.

The suspended occupations are:

·  221111 Accountant (General)

·  221112 Management Accountant

·  221113 Taxation Accountant

·  261111 ICT Business Analyst

·  261112 Systems Analyst

·  261311 Analyst Programmer

·  261312 Developer Programmer

·  261313 Software Engineer

·  262113 Systems Administrator

·  263111 Computer Network & Systems Engineer

·  263311 Telecommunications Engineer

·  263312 Telecommunications Network Engineer

The NSW Government has also provided some FAQs - Frequently Asked Questions - October 2014 intake

Here are some exerts from the FAQs:

“When will the October 2014 intake open and close?

The October 2014 intake for NSW nomination program for the 190 visa will open on Wednesday 22 October 2014 from 10am, Australian Eastern Standard Time (UTC +10).

The intake will close when the number of applications received reaches 1,000.”

Why are Accountancy and ICT occupations excluded from the October intake?

People with Accountancy and ICT occupations took up 75% of the places offered in July 2014. Excluding those occupations for the October intake will allow applications from other occupations needed to support the NSW economy.”

You must meet all requirements and pay the fee:

You will need to meet all the normal requirements for a 190 such as:

- Positive skills assessment in relevant occupation

- IELTS all 6.0 or OET B – or higher requirements for some occupations requiring registration or licensing.

The application fee is:

  • for applicants outside Australia: $300;
  • for applicants in Australia: $330 (GST included)

What happened last NSW round on 14 July 2014?

The last round was only open for approximately 3 hours or less.  There were reports of the system also freezing and having problems during the process.

A very large amount of people who were hoping to lodge a nomination were unable to before the quota of 1000 was reached.


NSW Government:

This information is accurate on the 08 October 2014.  State/Territory Bodies and DIBP will change requirements in an ongoing manner and all current requirements must be established prior to lodging an application. 

Do You Need Help?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experience in assisting applicants with the Expression of Interest, State Sponsorship and Visa application process for state sponsored subclasses 190 and 489.  We can also assist with the Independent 189.

If you require further information regarding an application or your Australian visa options you can contact us through:

 (08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091  

or  %This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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We recommend you seek advice from a Registered Migration Agent and Lawyer
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