Coronavirus (COVID-19) Skillselect round results Devastation - April 2020 – Accountants to 100 points only 50 visa subclass189 offers

Skillselect April 2020

Summary and Comments by Chris Johnston, Lawyer and RMA:

The 11 April 2020 Skillselect round is the first round after the closure of the borders on 20 March 2020.

So it shows us the policy direction of the Government. The direction is to cut skilled migration dramatically.

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Immigration South Australia announces changes to High Points Nomination and Chain Migration!

Immigration South Australia announces changes to High Points Nomination and Chain Migration!

Key terms: South Australia State Sponsorship – Chain Migration – High Points Nomination - Supplementary Skill List – Subclass 190 Skilled Nominated Visa – Subclass 489 Skilled Regional Sponsored Visa

Immigration South Australia (SA) has announced changes to its state sponsorship programme effective yesterday, 5th April 2017. Two major changes were announced and the details are below.

Change to High Points Requirement

Immigration SA allows access to the Supplementary Skill List of occupations if a SkillSelect applicant is able to meet the high points requirement on the points test. Starting from yesterday the high points requirements has been increase from 80 to 85 points. Applicants will now need to seek additional 5 points to nominate occupations on the Supplementary Skill List or special condition occupations.


Occupations no longer eligible for High Points or Chain Migration Nomination


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SkillSelect Invitation Round Results – 1 February 2017

SkillSelect Invitation Round Results – 1 February 2017

Key terms: SkillSelect – Invitation to Apply – Skilled Independent subclass 189 - Skilled Regional Provisional subclass 489 – Expression of Interest – Points Test

Results for the SkillSelect invitation round on 1 February 2017 have been published. Here is a summary of the results:

  • 1144 Skilled Independent visa invitations were issued
    • applications with 60 points or more were invited
    • applications submitted 1 February 2017 have been invited
  • 28 Skilled Regional Sponsored visa invitations were issued
    • applications with 60 points or more were invited
    • applications submitted 31 January 2017 were invited
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Crisis for Accountants looking to migrate to Australia under Skilled Migration!

Crisis for Accountants looking to migrate to Australia under Skilled Migration!

Accountants have traditionally formed a large part of the Australia skilled migration numbers. The ANZSCO Unit Group 2211 includes:

  • 221111 Accountant (General)
  • 221112 Management Accountant
  • 221113 Taxation Accountant



2018 UPDATE:  Accountants -  How to Increase Your Points for Employer Sponsored (RSMS 187, ENS 186), Independent (189, 489), and State Nomination (190) Skilled Visas

In previous years planning numbers allocated to accountants were approximately 5000 per programme year. However this was reduced by approximately 54% in the 2015-16 migration programme to 2525 places.

As a result places for accountants were quickly filled and the Department of Immigration and Border Protection (DIBP) announced that invitations to accountants will be issued in a pro rata arrangement.

The Points Required for Accountants are Going UP!

According to the latest invitation round (7 September 2015) results, accountants are only receiving Invitations to Apply (ITA) if:

  • The application scored 70 points or more (65 points required in the previous round), and
  • The application was lodged in August 2015 or earlier

Occupations in ANZSCO group 2212 – Auditors, Company Secretaries and Corporate Treasurers will no longer receive ITAs in this programme year as the occupational ceiling has been met. This means that applicants within this group of nominated occupations will have to wait until at least next year to receive an ITA. A reminder to all that the Expression of Interest (EOI) will only be stored on the DIBP Skill Select system for 2 years. Will accountants get the same treatment?

What Can You Do if You are Migrating as an Accountant?

The main strategy will be to obtain as many points as possible to receive an ITA. There are a few ways to increase your points, such as:

  • Taking English exams to achieve Superior English
  • Completing a Professional Year in Australia
  • Obtaining Australian Work Experience
  • Completing a tertiary course from an institute that qualifies for Regional Study Points
  • Obtaining State Sponsorship

Superior English

Achieving English exam results at a Superior level will allow you to claim 20 points, versus 10 points for Proficient English. With the availability of other English exams (visit our blog here for all the options), you might be able to improve your English scores and meet Superior English requirements. To achieve Superior English you need to achieve the following:

English Language
proficiency level

Test component



PTE Academic

Cambridge English:
Advanced (CAE)*


(for points tested Skilled visas)

























Professional Year

An additional 5 points are available if you completed a Professional Year in Australia. These Professional Year courses are offered by the following organisations:

  • Australian Computer Society
  • CPA Australia
  • Institute of Chartered Accountants of Australia
  • Institute of Public Accountants (formerly the National Institute of Accountants)
  • Engineers Australia

You can find out more about the Professional Year at the organisations’ website

Australian Work Experience

If you have work experience in Australia you stand to gain 5 more points as compared to any overseas work experience that you are claiming, i.e. 3 years of work experience from overseas will give you 5 points, whereas 3 years of work experience in Australia will give you 10 points. This will be helpful if you are thinking about working in Australia under a temporary work visa and then consider General Skilled Migration at a later stage.

Regional Study Points

You can claim an additional 5 points (on top of the 5 points awarded for Australian studies) if your campus was located in a regional postcode. A list of regional Australia postcodes is available on the DIBP website (link). A note is that you must meet the Australian Study requirements to claim these points.

Applying for State Sponsorship

There has been a rush for state sponsorship or nomination to increase the points of an accountant’s application and gain a higher possibility to receive an ITA. The increased demand for state sponsorship has made state authorities increase the requirements for accountants to receive state sponsorship. Examples of such increased requirements include:

  • In-field work experience
  • The applicant was a graduate from the state/territory that is sponsoring, etc.

It is important to note that if you applied for a 489 Regional State Sponsorship you will receive 10 points in comparison to 5 points for a 190 State Sponsorship. It may be worth considering going Regional to obtain an ITA.

In summary accountants are looking at a longer timeframe before receiving an ITA to proceed with a visa application. If you are a student currently enrolled in an accounting course the pathway to a permanent visa after graduation looks to be increasingly difficult.

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Comments by Chris Johnston – Principal Lawyer and Registered Migration Agent at Work Visa Lawyers

The points score required for accountants increased from 65 points in the earlier invitation round to 70 points in the last round. This means that accountants who have submitted an EOI are getting higher point scores either by scoring higher English test scores, or obtaining regional state sponsorship. This may be a good strategy for now but that will eventually increase the points score required to receive an ITA.

Other pathways?

An alternative would be to consider other visa pathways such as employer sponsored visas (457, 186, 187) instead of waiting to receive an ITA under General Skilled Migration. A practical step would be to take up an internship or work experience during your studies for the following reasons:

  • You gain local Australian work experience, which will help you in your job search when you graduate
  • You expose yourself to Australian businesses that may be willing to sponsor you for a position when you complete your studies

What If I am planning to study in Australia now?

For students thinking about permanent residency after the completion of studies it may be better to study in a field other than accounting. Other industries to consider include Engineering  or Nursing.

This information is accurate on 23 October 2015




Do you need help with an Australian visa application?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting applicants in all matters relating to Australian visa applications, including state sponsorship applications. Our areas of expertise include Skilled Migration visas, Business Skills Migration visas, Employer Sponsored Work Visas, Partner and other Family Migration visas as well as Migration Review Tribunal, Judicial Review and Ministerial Intervention.

If you require further information regarding your Australia visa options you can contact us through:

(08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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Occupation Ceilings Announced - Accountant places reduced by more than half!

Occupation Ceilings Announced - Accountant places reduced by more than half!


More news in relation to the Australian migration programme in the new fiscal year! Here is an overview:

  • Occupation Ceilings for the 2015-16 Fiscal Year Released – Bad news for Accountants and Registered Nurses
  • A separate Occupation List for the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) Direct Entry is now in effect

Occupation Ceilings for the 2015-16 Skilled Migration Programme

The occupation ceiling determines the number of invitations allowed for a certain occupation for each programme year, essentially a planning number for occupations suitable for migration. Here are some key points of the new occupation ceilings:

  • Accountants experience the largest reduction among all occupations – down 54% to 2525 places for the programme year
  • Registered Nurses had its ceiling reduced by 1170 places – an 8% decrease
  • Dentists are removed from the list
  • Metal Fitters and Machinists up 1254 places – an 18% increase
  • Plumbers up 666 places – a 15% increase
  • Panelbeaters and Cabinetmakers now included

Additionally the following occupations will receive invitations on a pro rata arrangement to ensure availability of invitations throughout the programme year:

  • Accountants (ANZSCO 2211)
  • ICT Business and Systems Analyst (ANZSCO 2611)
  • Software and Applications Programmer (ANZSCO 2613)

New Occupation List for the Regional Sponsored Migration Scheme (RSMS) Direct Entry Stream

There is now an occupation list specific to the RSMS Direct Entry visa application. Business sponsors, applicants and migration agents must now refer to the occupation list to determine eligibility for the Direct Entry RSMS.

Comments by Chris Johnston – Principal Lawyer and Registered Migration Agent at Work Visa Lawyers

The new occupation ceilings for Accountants and certain ICT professionals indicate that the Australian Federal Government thinks that there is currently an oversupply of Accounting and ICT applications in the queue for processing. It is still possible to obtain an invitation via the Skilled Sponsored (subclass 190) in this programme year as the state nominated visas are not subject to occupation ceilings. This adds further competition for the limited places available for state sponsorship so get in early if possible.

The new RSMS Direct Entry Occupation List must be referred to when lodging new RSMS Direct Entry application on and after 1 July 2015. All parties should check that the occupation for the application is on the list before submitting the application.

This information is accurate on 7 July 2015




Do you need help with an Australian visa application?

At Work Visa Lawyers we are experienced in assisting applicants in all matters relating to Australian visa applications, including state sponsorship applications. Our areas of expertise include Skilled Migration visas, Business Skills Migration visas, Employer Sponsored Work Visas, Partner and other Family Migration visas as well as Migration Review Tribunal, Judicial Review and Ministerial Intervention.

If you require further information regarding your Australia visa options you can contact us through:

(08) 7225 5091 or +61 8 7225 5091

or   This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


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